Ruan Li originally cooperated with Wei Min to block Meng Shi's knife, and the two of them worked together to be at a disadvantage without the first move. However, the crisis on Jingsi's side quickly attracted her attention. In an instant, she and Wei Min looked at each other, and they had a clear understanding of each other. Wei Min raised the tip of his sword and forcefully took over all Meng Shi's moves, creating an opportunity for Ruan Li to pull away.

Bo Jia's speed was too fast, leaving no chance for Jing Si to counterattack. Ruan Li threw Zhao Shuang out in desperation. The thin sword body was wrapped with surging spiritual power and collided with the long sword in an instant. There were violent sparks at the moment, and after a stalemate in the air for a few seconds, he took a step back. The long knife was knocked off the angle and failed to pierce Jingsi directly as Bo Jia expected.

In the blink of an eye, Jingsi had come back to his senses. He was so frightened by the powerful pressure of the Demon Lord that he didn't even dare to turn his head. He could only quickly set up the teleportation array with fear - the sword wind was coming again!
Bojia didn't expect that his attack would miss. He never returned empty-handed, and the prey he was looking for would never have a chance to escape. Therefore, after the attack missed, he didn't hesitate at all and held the handle of the knife. Then he slashed forward with his backhand, intending to kill the young monk with his sword.

He won’t leave anyone here today!

Ruan Li was always on guard for him to attack Jingsi, pressing forward step by step. The second before the Zhaoshuang Sword was almost knocked away by the long knife, she tightly grasped the hilt of the sword, tilted the sword's edge, and rubbed the tip of the sword against it. , spiritual power and demonic energy collided with a huge sound, and even the ground beneath his feet had obvious cracks.

This sword exerted six points of Bo Jia's strength, which was more than enough to deal with a young monk, but he missed again, and finally cast his surprised eyes on the little girl who stopped him.

"Huh," he said meaningfully, "Is that so? His cultivation level is quite good."

No wonder the Demon Lord picked her.

"It's just a pity," Bo Jia's body was filled with demonic energy. The blade pressed harder and harder, forcing Ruan Li to retreat step by step. His voice was arrogant, "No matter how capable you are, you will die under my Bo Jia's sword today!"

Due to various reasons, his long sword has not tasted the monk's blood for a long time. Today is the time for it to drink happily!
With Ruan Li blocking the way, Jingsi could breathe. His ears were filled with the heavy sound of swords clashing, and he could still smell a little bit of blood in his nose. His companions were still fighting bloody battles a few steps away. What he could do But he can only hold on to the red ambergris and return to the Immortal Alliance quickly.

The spiritual power fluctuations activated by the teleportation array made everyone heave a sigh of relief. The injured people who were forced to fight with Meng Shi quickly retreated and distanced themselves. Yue Man opened his mouth and screamed in pain, "Hiss—the red ambergris is no longer in our hands." Got it!"

She shouted vigilantly, "What you want has been brought back to the Immortal Alliance, don't waste your efforts!"

If the beating continued, she was really worried that her life would be lost.

Bo Jia struck hard and knocked away the sword in Ruan Li's hand. He glanced at the teleportation array that had dissipated on its own, and suddenly gave a sinister smirk, "Who said what we want is red ambergris?"

Everyone was stunned. Ruan Li's first reaction was that the Jade Buddha Heart had deceived her, but after thinking about it carefully, the news that the Jade Buddha Heart detected was just that these two demons were coming to Shenmeng City, and they did not say anything. They were looking for red ambergris, but Ruan Li felt that they had nothing to gain except red ambergris, so she acquiesced that these two demon lords came for red ambergris.What is their purpose?
Without giving everyone a chance to react, Bo Jia and Meng Shi had already changed directions. The two of them joined forces with their long swords. The originally idle and invisible demonic energy took on a concrete and clear shape, transforming into strange beasts and rushing towards them. Their offensive was too fierce. It was so fierce that Yue Man and Nangong were knocked out with just one blow. They fell to the ground and could not stand up again. Their Dantian was stabbed directly by the demonic energy, and the severe pain instantly occupied their entire minds.

Under the absolute suppression of this kind of strength, the only people left with the strength to fight were Ruan Li and Wei Min. The two of them had never really cooperated, but after a few rounds they had figured out the tricks and firmly grasped the Guard the opponent's key points and don't give the demons any opportunity to take advantage.

"It's really unexpected." Bo Jia licked the blood spattered on his hand. The more excited he was, the more intense the beating of the protruding blood vessels. The long knife in his hand flashed with cold light, and his eyes were gloomy, looking straight at Then Ruan Li, who took over 20 of his moves but still stood firm.

"No wonder that Wu Mo fell into your hands. He thought too simply," Bo Jia said in a disdainful and contemptuous tone when mentioning Wu Mo. It was obvious that he looked down upon this kindred man.

Ruan Li's hand holding the sword was already trembling slightly. She had been forced to take out the Yue Fen Sword a few moves ago, but even with both swords in hand, she could still clearly feel the difference in strength between the two sides. A huge difference.

What makes her even more uneasy is that these two demons have no intention of stopping. Their goal is not red ambergris, and they would rather risk antagonizing the world of immortals to fight to the end. What is their purpose?
The demon clan has been keeping a low profile for hundreds of years, but the current situation is not very optimistic. After the war, it has never clearly opposed the world of immortality. Is it because it dares to take such a big risk now because the demon king Qiongming is about to be resurrected and has no scruples?

No, it won't be for this reason. How dare they do this before Qiong Ming is truly resurrected, unless what they want to do now is related to the resurrection of the Demon Lord, which is the key to whether Qiong Ming can be successfully resurrected.

If it wasn’t red ambergris, what else could it be?
The strong wind roared, and Meng Shi spent nearly nine percent of his power on this attack. He saw the vague protective gesture in Wei Min's moves, and knew that if he wanted to touch Ruan Li, he would have to get rid of him first, so he stopped using any force at that moment. The long knife swung down with a strong evil spirit, swallowing up all the light, sweeping forward like a hurricane. This blow almost split the heaven and the earth, leaving a deep ravine on the earth.

The winding and ferocious crack spread to Wei Min's feet, opening an abyss-like mouth towards him. The slender figure turned slightly, and the Shengxie Sword stepped forward to fight without flinching. The raging fighting spirit made the sword tremble slightly and make a clang. With a sound, the majestic sword energy shot straight into the sky, turning into a pillar of white light in the dark sky and earth, illuminating Wei Min's pale and sharp face.

He quickly formed seals with his hands, and each complex and simple magic technique was applied to the Victory Evil Sword, gradually stabilizing its trembling sword body.

Meng Shi snorted coldly, "It's a waste of effort."

The demonic energy around him was overwhelming, and he slashed the long sword down hard. The cold wind of the sword swept past, and instantly hit the barrier held up by the Shengxie Sword. He rushed straight towards Wei Min's face door unstoppably, the blade of the sword rising from above. It completely enveloped him.

At that moment, in Meng Shi's eyes, the man was almost split in half by his long knife. (End of chapter)

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