Take my luck yesterday?Today, I am cultivating immortals and leading my sect to fly.

Chapter 228 Senior brother, you have been sleeping for a long time.

The moment she entered the formation, Ruan Li discovered that things were not as smooth as she expected. The place she entered was not Bo Jia's hiding place.

This is a sealed stone room with a small space. There are several ancient shelves neatly placed at the same intervals. It seems to be a secret room for storage. Unlike the previous warehouse dedicated to Bo Jia's trophies, this stone room has The collection contains some real treasures, including high-level demon elixirs and rare spiritual mines. Ruan Li is very familiar with these things, so he is not polite at the moment. Adhering to the principle that once you come, you can't get it in vain, he picks and chooses. If you like it, stuff it into the Qiankun bag.

Bojia is worthy of being a demon king. He has his own small treasure house outside the warehouse. Ruan Li thought that he really "sees money as dirt".

The number of treasures collected in this stone room was not very large. After Ruan Li searched for it, she found several locked wooden boxes. She split a few of them with her sword, leaving only a palm-sized box. No, the restrictions set above are very complicated and can only be opened with a special key.

The lock of this box has a unique shape that Ruan Li has never seen before. She fumbled for a while and looked at the shape of the keyhole at the bottom of the lock, and suddenly caught a clue from the depths of her memory - there seemed to be a key in her Qiankun bag!
  Ruan Li got this key accidentally from a flower house in Shifang City before participating in the sect competition. It was because of this that she and Luo Wei formed a quarrel. Although Luo Wei was determined to get the key at that time, he behaved so It seemed that it was some rare treasure, but Ruan Li could tell from his attitude that he actually had no idea that the box contained a key.

Only the key was of no use at all. Ruan Li kept stuffing it in a corner of the Qiankun bag after taking it. If she hadn't suddenly seen a box with a missing key today, she would never have thought of it.

Ruan Li found the key deep in the Qiankun bag. The moment she got it, she realized that the key could indeed open the box. It was exactly the same as the pattern on the surface of the lock.

There was a gentle "click" and the lock opened. Ruan Li slowly opened the box and saw the contents clearly, her breath suffocating slightly.


Ruan Li's mind was in a mess. She stood there in a daze for a while, locked the box intact, put it away with the key, and left here quietly before the wind demon woke up.


The Blazing Demon General wanted to find Feng but saw no one. Along the way, he found the Feng Demon General standing at the door of the grotto in a daze. He was a little confused, "Why are you standing here?"

The Wind Demon General raised his head, his reaction was a little slow. He didn't know why he was standing here. He only remembered that he came to the stone room to get a few high-level elixirs, and walked out after taking the things - and then what?

Why is he standing here motionless?
  "I don't know," Feng felt as if he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it - this was thanks to a magic formula that Ruan Li threw behind his back when he attacked him. There was a gap in their cultivation, and Feng wanted to remember it. It will take at least two or three days to recall the memory that was deliberately erased.

"Stop standing here, Demon Lord Mengshi wants us to gather all the troops in the city."


Feng's face was filled with astonishment, "Our Demon Lord...why did he gather his troops?"

Chi was silent for a while, "Feng, there is no possibility for Demon Lord Bojia to regain consciousness. Puyang City will either be divided up by several Demon Lords, or a new owner will be elected. What Lord Mengshi means is that if this The next time we cooperate well, he will choose a new Demon Lord from among our three Demon Generals."

Feng blurted out, "He is not qualified!"

Yes, Meng Shi is a Demon Lord, but the Demon Clan has always respected the strong. To become a Demon Lord, you have to rely on your own strength bit by bit. How can Meng Shi, a mere Demon Lord, be qualified to designate a new Demon Lord?
  Chi's voice became even lower, "The Demon Lord is not qualified... What if he is the Demon Lord?" Feng suddenly raised his head, his eyes showing shock, "You mean -"

Over the past hundreds of years, power in the Demon Realm has changed. Demon kings and generals have fallen as soon as they say they will. No one is qualified to retake the position of Demon Lord. They only have one Demon Lord, and that is Qiong Ming, the Demon Lord who fell three hundred years ago. Qiongming.


Ruan Li returned to the dungeon after leaving the stone room. Because Meng Shi had been here before and made it clear that he wanted them to watch over Wei Min carefully. The other two demon guards in the dungeon were rare and did not slack off. They took the initiative to take over the patrol task and stood there. Wei Min looked carefully outside his cell for a while.

"You were the one who did all the patrol work before. Is this person really awake?"

Ruan Li followed this demon clan. She left a good impression on these demon clan. She was generous and reliable, so her statement was very credible.

"No, I never woke up even once." What Ruan Li said was indeed the truth, but her mood when she said this was completely different from the mood of the demon when she heard this.

"It's good if he doesn't," the demon muttered. "It's good to just be unconscious like this. It saves us trouble. If he wakes up, I don't know what the Mist Lord will do to him."

In fact, it can be seen from Meng Shi's attitude that he does not want this human monk to wake up.

Ruan Li stood aside and did not answer. After the two demons completed their patrol mission perfunctorily, she found an opportunity to come to Wei Min again.

She originally came to deliver the elixir and wanted to check on Wei Min's current recovery. But when she lowered her head and looked for the elixir, she accidentally caught a glimpse of Wei Min's fingers hanging by her side. The fingertips seemed to be tiny. The ground moved twice.

All Ruan Li's movements stopped instantly. She leaned forward subconsciously and called out anxiously and in disbelief, "Senior brother?"

She almost thought that the scene just now was just an illusion caused by her missing Wei Min too much.

But after her voice fell, Wei Min's fingertips curled up slightly as if responding to her.

Ruan Li didn't know when she held her breath. She was so afraid that all this was just an illusion that she didn't even dare to touch Wei Min. She only whispered in his ear, "Senior brother—Senior brother, you have been asleep for a long time."

After wasting so many days in the Demon Realm, what Ruan Li was most worried about was not even finding the red ambergris, but fear that Wei Min would never wake up. If he remained asleep, Ruan Li would not be confident enough to save him. Take the whole tail out of the demonic realm.

As if she was afraid that Wei Min would turn into that unresponsive puppet again, Ruan Li continued to whisper his name. Wei Min's originally wandering soul seemed to be pulled by these voices, and slowly reset.

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