Take my luck yesterday?Today, I am cultivating immortals and leading my sect to fly.

Chapter 59 You can't judge people by their appearances.

Chapter 59 You can't judge people by their appearances.

"Go to hell, Ruan Li, you are a wolf-hearted person..."

There was a pain in her body, especially in her abdomen, as if she had been stabbed directly through that moment. Yue Man felt that she was about to be broken into eight pieces. This refers specifically to her heart. She never expected that she would be stabbed by a teammate she had always trusted. betrayed.

At this moment, her five senses gradually recovered. No matter how much pain her body felt, she felt angry in her heart. In the blink of an eye, she had thought of more than 100 ways to torture people. When she saw Ruan Li, she...

Yue Man opened his eyes and saw Ruan Li lying unconscious and covered in blood across from him.


She was stunned, wondering if it was possible that she fought back after being stabbed?No way, she doesn't react that quickly.


At this time, they were still in the illusion of Shen's mansion, but the surrounding furnishings had changed. It was no longer the scene on the wedding day. Everything was quiet. Yue Man couldn't figure out what the situation was now.

She called Ruan Li, and after sitting up, she found that her body no longer hurt. She was still in her wedding clothes. There was a big tear in the clothes on her waist and abdomen, but the wound had disappeared.

Ruan Li woke up slowly, feeling indescribably tired all over her body. When she opened her eyes, she saw Yue Man's charming face and her hand approaching her.

"Hey, don't fight yet, I can explain!"

Yue Man poked the hole in her abdomen that was the same as his own, and said in frustration, "Who wants to fight you? What's wrong with you? After you poked me, you stabbed yourself again?"

Imagine the scene where Ruan Li stabbed herself with the scale, Yue Man frowned.

This is really a ruthless person.

Ruan Li said helplessly, "That was Miss Shen's wish. She wanted to kill that man to avenge the whole city, and felt that she was unworthy of her father who died in vain, so she chose to commit suicide.

"Now the illusion should be broken."

Ruan Li stood up and looked around, "Why haven't we left the illusion yet?"

She and Yue Man looked at each other, thinking of their friends who had turned into stone statues, and rushed out of the room.

The courtyard was empty, and there were no shadows of those stone statues. They must have been sent out of the illusion.

Ruan Li breathed a sigh of relief, and before she could even relax, her right shoulder was tapped twice.

She froze on the spot.

She and Yue Man were the only two people here. Yue Man was standing on her left. Who was this person tapping her right shoulder? ?
Ruan Li turned her head stiffly and faced a big round face with snow-white complexion and bright red lips, which looked like the kind that would eat children.


Miss Shen patted her chest and said, "Your expression is really scary!"

Ruan Li: "..."

What does it mean for the evildoer to complain first?This is!
She stared at the plump beauty in front of her for a while, "Miss Shen?"

She must have admitted it right, she was still wearing her own gemstone hairpin on her head. Everyone in this secret realm must have been a bandit.

Yue Man endured it, but couldn't hold it anymore, so she reached out and pulled Ruan Li to her side.Why is this girl so bold? She knows that the other person is Miss Shen and yet she is so close. No matter how miserable her life experience is, she is now the master of the illusion and can crush these little monks to death with one finger.

Miss Shen is still dressed as a girl, wearing a light yellow skirt. Although she has a plump figure, she is not ugly. She has a childish and naive look on her face, which is an appearance that is easy to like.

She nodded: "It's me,"

Miss Shen stared at Ruan Li for a while and said, "You look really good in this wedding dress. Those people before were all ugly, and I don't want them to play me."

Ruan Li scratched her head, a little embarrassed, "I look pretty good."

Yue Man: "..."

Please be humble.

She seized the moment and spoke cautiously, "Now that the illusion has been broken, can you let us leave?"

Miss Shen lowered her head and played with her hair with her fingers. She spoke in a tone like an inexperienced child, "I haven't seen a living person for a long time. Can't you chat with me?"

She sighed, "I see you are so anxious when looking for clues. If you don't break the illusion in time, all I will see is a bunch of stone statues."

The corner of Yue Man's mouth twitched. Wasn't it your fault to turn into a stone statue?Why do you feel so helpless?

Ruan Li didn't expect that she would be able to see the owner of the illusion. When she really saw Miss Shen, those stories were no longer illusory, but things that actually happened.

She asked, “Can you tell us your story?”

This is something that few people are curious about, and Miss Shen is a little happy. Although she has now become a non-human being, those memories are still fresh.

"...The man's name was Qin Jun. The day my grandma found out that he had corresponded with the Yi people, she sent me a letter, but I didn't see the letter. Instead, I happily followed him into the bridal chamber. Later, my grandma died. It took me a long time to find out what Qin Jun was doing secretly, but it was already too late. On the day when the Yi tribe entered the city, Qin Jun came to me and said that the Yi tribe promised him three cities. When everyone was dead, he went to buy slaves, merged the three cities and became king..."

Yue Man's brows furrowed more and more as she listened. She was disgusted with the scumbag. After all, her own father was not a serious guy. At this moment, she couldn't help but empathize with him and cursed a few words in a low voice.

"It's not really a thing."

She also felt that this Miss Shen was really pitiful. She made a mistake with her sincerity and died. She must have regretted it so much that her intestines turned green at the moment of her death.

Miss Shen suddenly laughed twice, the kind of proud smile like a child winning a game, "But his wish was not realized in the end."

Ruan Li was already squatting on the ground drawing circles. Hearing this, he raised his head and asked, "Is he dead?"

She drew a pig's head on the ground, which was lifelike. Miss Shen took a second look and was very interested. She blinked her big eyes and said, "Yes, he smiled very beautifully when he said goodbye to me. When I saw his smile I felt that I couldn’t let him go like this, he promised to stay with me for the rest of his life, so I took my father’s sword and chopped off his head.”

As she said that, she took out something from somewhere and shook it in her hand, "I haven't lost it yet, I still have it."

It was a head. It had been exposed to the wind and sun for a long time, and the dry skin and flesh had tightened on the skull, turning into a dried skull. The hair was like straw and was held in Miss Shen's hand, and it could still be seen faintly. See a little crappy stitch mark.

She was holding the head as if it were a toy, her movements natural and casual. Coupled with Miss Shen's innocent face, the pure beauty and terror were intertwined, making it even more creepy and lethal.

Yue Man opened her mouth wide, deeply feeling that a person really cannot be judged by his appearance.

She was careless.

(End of this chapter)

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