"This year, I'm afraid we have to go to the capital. Let's go together as a family. I will ask Wan'er to make arrangements early and come directly to the capital to find us."

"Oh, then, slave, get ready."

"Well, you and Mrs. Wang should also talk about this matter so that she can be mentally prepared for the possibility of meeting his ex-husband."

"Her wound is too deep. It's not that easy to say she wants to forget."

"Remember, those who are soft-hearted are not blessed. If you meet your relatives in the capital, maybe you will be like her."

"No, it's different. The slave's family is just Wan'er, and the rest are just roundabout. They can't decide our grandparents. Unlike the Wang family, his ex-husband is Dong'er's biological father. He came to ask for the child. Be confident."

"There are some shameless people who don't have the status of relatives, but still walk sideways like crabs."

"That's true, but in these years following Madam, I have seen a lot of things, and my heart is not as soft as before."

"Well, you and Wan'er are from the south. When the time comes, I'll let you eat enough southern food."

"Madam, our food is better than that of all the people in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. I am very satisfied. Of course, I am also very happy to taste the food from my hometown."

While talking, Wang came in washing a large bowl of strawberries.

"Madam, please try some of the strawberries in our garden. They are so fresh. They are all red. I want to eat them just by looking at them."

"Come on, then sit down and let's eat together. After we finish, we will pick some and send them to the children in the academy. We will also send some to Dong'er's shop so that they can try them too and then set a price."


The three masters and servants were sitting cross-legged at the Kang table, eating fruits, talking and laughing.

"I remember Dong'er is five years younger than Wan'er. Is he twelve this year?"

"It's the 12th day of the New Year."

"He's not short, he doesn't talk, he's like a big boy of fifteen or sixteen."

"It's not just that our food is good, but he's also greedy. He doesn't eat less of your fruits."

"Well, this year, we will close the shop early and take a holiday early. I will take you to the capital. Do you want to go?"

Wang was stunned for a moment, and then she mustered up her courage: "I want to go. At this age, I have only been around Jeju City. I haven't seen what's going on outside. Go take a look and learn a lot."

"Okay, maybe we can meet Liang Junsheng?"

"Don't be afraid. I have a wife and Dong'er. He is already my slave's past, and my slave's future is without him."

"Well, just think about it. By the way, I'll give you a few sets of skin care products. Apply them in winter. It's good for your skin."

Qin Yue took out two beautifully packaged boxes from under the Kang table.

"Here, one set for each person. This is made from pearl powder and precious medicinal materials. It is very good for the skin. If used frequently, it will make you more than ten years younger."

"Yeah, thank you, madam."

The two opened the box and couldn't put it down with the bottle inside. Not to mention the contents, just the bottle, no one in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty could imitate it.

As they talked, Mrs. Huang, Mrs. Qian, and Qian Baorong also came to join in the fun. They were lucky enough to catch up but not lucky enough to catch up, and each of them got a set.

"It's such a cold weather, why don't you come here?"

"Yes, yes. You will stay at home all day, so why don't you follow us out to relax and have a meal?"


"Your sister Qian's eldest granddaughter is getting married, will you come?"

Qin Yue looked at the three of them: "It's such a cold day, are you all going?"

"The banquet is set in the restaurant. It won't be cold, and there's nothing else. I just want to support Xinru."

"In Qingshi Town?"

"Yes, yes, but don't worry, the restaurant is not Xu Wangcai's, it's the restaurant at the man's house."

"How far?"

"It's more than a hundred miles away. I need to take a night off there."

Qin Yue frowned: "I'm not used to living in a strange place." "We are with you. Besides, with you in charge, your sister Qian feels at ease, and so does Donghai."

"How far has his vegetarian meat business gone?"

"The book has been sold to other countries, but the vegetarian meat is not yet available. In fact, the vegetarian meat sells better than the book. No one snapped up the book as soon as it came out."

"Well, if you eat pork often, you will get high. Vegetarian meat is protein. Eating it regularly is good for your health. Don't eat too much, because things will go to the extreme."

Mrs. Huang blinked: "Donghai plans to open a vegetarian restaurant in the capital. It will be full of vegetarian food and use vegetarian meat as its signature dish."

"Do you have a recipe?"

"Don't I just want to see if you have any here?"

"Okay, I'll give him some when we go to dinner."

"That's a good relationship. Today is the sixth day of the lunar month. Let's go to town until dawn on the tenth day of the lunar month to get married together."

"My mother's family is going to her husband's house?"


"It sets a precedent."

"Usually, the mother's family sends someone to deliver the wedding. Going there in person shows that the mother's family values ​​their daughter. They just don't enter the groom's house. They send it to the door and arrange it directly at the restaurant."

"So that's how it is, okay, come and call me on the tenth day of the lunar month. You were planning to go into seclusion, so just relax."

The group of women was really lively. After eating the strawberries, they went to the garden behind and looked at the transparent glass house. Mrs. Huang was so envious.

"I really should have waited for you to build it together. Mine is far different from yours."

"There is no regret medicine, just use it for now. When it gets old and can no longer be used, I will change it for you."

Several women picked several baskets of strawberries and gave some to the academy and some to the shop.

This thing is famous in Shanshui Village. If you eat one in winter, you can show off in front of others for a long time.

One tael of silver a piece, just sell it, and as soon as it goes on the shelves, it will be snatched up by the rich.

They came here specifically and put in their eyeliner just to have a bite to eat.

It’s really not new. When you have money, you will also burn buns like this.

Sure enough, Dong'er and the others ate some, and the others were placed on the shelves. After a while, they were bought one after another.

Mrs. Huang was envious: "You can make a lot of money without moving. There are more than a hundred in this basket, right?"

"One thousand taels a day, only 30,000 taels a month. How can you not have as many books and vegetarian meat as your family? This is also a seasonal fruit, and it is not available all year round."


"You can grow it in your greenhouse, too."

"If you don't plant it, just eat what you have ready-made at home. It's too troublesome to grow it. It's not easy to grow flowers."

At lunch at Xingyue Academy, in addition to vegetables and rice, there was a small bowl of strawberries in front of everyone. The children were so happy that they were reluctant to eat it.

Kaikai has been coming here for several months, and gradually became accustomed to it: "Eat it, don't be reluctant, let it go home to the adults, it will be broken by then."

He told others, but he only ate one, hid the rest, and gave them to his wife when he had free time in the afternoon.

As long as there is something delicious in the academy, he will stick to his wife first.

The Qin family's food is the best. Little Pang eats it often and looks more and more lively. Sometimes she gets bored and takes the girl out to visit the stalls. Although she wears a veil, she often hangs around among the flowers. , you can tell at a glance that she is a beauty.

Just as Qin Yue and the others were on their way back from sending strawberries, they encountered this infuriating scene.

I saw little Pangzi being pulled by a middle-aged man. Two girls pushed the man hard, but they were still young and had no strength, so they planned to call someone to help.

The person on patrol happened to be eating and didn't pay attention.

When a passerby wanted to come forward, the man immediately made a serious face: "You should stay out of the affairs between us as husband and wife."

Little Pangzi wanted to explain anxiously, but the man kept pestering her and said some unreasonable things.

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