Unexpectedly, shopkeeper Xu ignored them at all. Not only did he ignore them, but he also didn't let the doctors and clerks in the store ignore them.

Unexpectedly, the little woman went to shopkeeper Xu confidently and accused him of not caring about what happened and that he was not worthy of being her son-in-law.

The angry shopkeeper Xu immediately put down his harsh words: "Go tell her this. As long as she doesn't want to be my Xu family's wife, I am willing to divorce her and I will never stop her."


"Why, you just have two coins in your hand and you can't recognize who you were before?"

"Bah, why don't you come to my house to show your authority just because you have two coins?"

Shopkeeper Xu was too lazy to argue with such a villain, so he just asked the clerk to kick her out. The little woman actually started scolding her in the drug store.

The shopkeeper Xu was so angry that he asked the waiter to bring a basin of hand washing and poured it on her.

"Shrew, if you don't want to stay in Qingshi Town, get out of here."

Shopkeeper Xu rarely gets angry, but when he gets angry, even nine cows can't hold him back.

When the woman saw him rushing out with a stick, she was so frightened that she ran away. She came to the stall and roared angrily at her unfulfilled husband.

"Look who your sister is marrying. We are so angry that we don't even care."

This time the man did not help her, but said something.

"My sister, it's human nature for a married daughter to throw water away and become someone else's. Besides, she is my brother-in-law. My sister is blessed to marry him. The reason why I married you is because of me. Sister Guang, stop making trouble and make money."

"You, you, I was really blind to fall in love with something like you."

The man frowned and said blankly: "If you don't want to marry me, you can go home together!"

The woman was so angry that she pointed at him and could not say a word.

Days passed day by day, and at the beginning of July, a Fenchang stall opened in Shanshui Village. The owner of the stall was a merchant who often set up shop here. Hearing that the Qin family was selling Fenchang recipe, he came boldly to buy it.

Unexpectedly, after Qin Yue inquired about this person, she quickly sold him a prescription and told him not to expose the prescription. If exposed, it would only affect his business.

He also told him that he had a hundred prescriptions in his hand and told him not to worry. These prescriptions would be scattered everywhere and would not affect his business in Shanshui Village.

The vendor naturally knows because he is the only one allowed here.

However, he revealed the matter of the hundred prescriptions, firstly because he wanted to help the eldest princess sell those prescriptions, and secondly because he couldn't stand the woman before.

As a result, there was an endless stream of people coming to buy sons.

Don't think it's just a recipe, it's very particular. People who are too rich won't sell it, people with bad character won't sell it, let alone bad people.

Poor people can buy it, if they don’t have money they can make an IOU, if they have money they can buy it.

Oh my, this is great news.

Many people came here after hearing about it, and Shanshui Village suddenly became a bustling city.

She didn't want to do this herself, and left everything to Dong and Wang.

In terms of selecting people, Dong is good at it, but Wang is far behind.

In three days, one hundred prescriptions were sold, half of which were IOUs. Just like that, rice noodle stalls appeared all over Jeju Prefecture.

Among them, a second rice noodle stall also appeared in Qingshi Town.

Not only was the price lower than Little Women's, but the taste was better than theirs, so her business was immediately taken away.

In addition, she had tricked diners before, but now no one visited the stall. They were all bought from the south of the town. She was so angry that she went to make trouble.

But that family, including several brothers, were not afraid of her at all, even if she came with her husband.

As a result, he was beaten up by Fatty again. He wanted to find shopkeeper Xu to back him up, but he had just finished scolding him, so that was definitely not possible.

She wanted to go to Shanshui Village, but she couldn't even enter the village gate. She wanted to file a complaint, but she went to make trouble for others first, which was completely unreasonable.

No way, in order to make money, she lowered the price, which was half cheaper than in the south.

This is considered to be some business, but even so, there are still many fewer diners than there.

The diners would rather spend more money than look at her face. That little woman doesn't look like a business person, she clearly looks like a debt collector. As long as the money goes into her pocket, no matter how much it is, she doesn't want to get it out. She just wants the diners to buy more.

Externally, she said that she was a relative of Shopkeeper Xu, and her eldest aunt was Shopkeeper Xu's wife, so diners did not dare to provoke her.

With the digging of some gossips, everyone finally understood the true face of the little woman, and no one would pamper her anymore.

Everyone would spat at her when they passed by the stall.

As a result, her rice noodle stall gradually lost its customers.

At this time, she panicked and asked her husband to beg Mrs. Xu. As a result, her husband, like a cow, got very stubborn and refused to go.

Anyway, it’s the rainy season, so just take it as a break.

The angry little woman went directly to her parents-in-law and asked them to go to Shanshui Village to find Mrs. Xu and resolve the matter.

The two old men, who were unaware of the situation, came to Shanshui Village. After finding Ms. Xu, they told her what their daughter-in-law had told her.

Mrs. Xu was so angry that she wanted to come over and slap her loudly.

She would not hide it, and immediately told her story in Shanshui Village. After hearing this, the two elders grinned in embarrassment.

"It's not easy for your brother to marry a wife. She is wrong. But if our family doesn't stay together, what will happen if she runs away?"

Mrs. Xu snorted coldly: "Just run away. If you run away, I will find a better one for my brother. Our family used to have no money, but now we have me. What are you afraid of? A woman like that would be a disaster if she stayed at home."


"Stop talking, you go back and tell her that if you want to live a good life, don't make trouble. If you don't want to live a good life, get together and separate."

The two old men were both honest and could not get anything out of them with three sticks, so they naturally did not say any more. When they returned home, they told their daughter-in-law what Xu said.

She was so angry that she threw everything in the house and called her husband's family a bunch of idiots.

Xu's brother looked at Ba Ji withered, but he had his own old ideas. He could tolerate his wife scolding him, but as soon as he touched his parents, he immediately fell out with her and dumped her. Mouth.

So the woman packed her things and returned to her parents' home.

After Mrs. Xu heard about it, she naturally didn't get used to it. She sent a matchmaker to the woman's natal home in front of her, told her what had happened, handed her a divorce letter and left!

The woman didn't make any fuss and accepted the letter.

Why? Of course she was thinking in her mind that although her rice rolls were not as delicious as others, she could make them. If she couldn't make them here, she would go somewhere else, to a place farther away, such as another city.

The bigger the place, the more rich people there are, the better it sells, and the more money you make.

Once this idea came up, it was out of control. She was so courageous that she left her parents' house before dawn, carrying a bag, and disappeared without a trace.

As for her fate, you don't need to think about it to know that such a person will not survive long in business.

In August, rice noodle soup has become famous in Jeju, and many people have tasted it. It has been included in the ranks of Jeju famous foods.

When talking about Jeju, everyone knows about rice rolls.

Qin Yue laughed happily as she listened to the old lady gossiping to her.

"Have you tried it too?"

"It's vegetarian, so of course I have to try it. Not to mention, it tastes really good, not much worse than vegetarian meat."

"Vegetarian meat can be stored for a long time, but this cannot be done. It can only be sold as it is cooked."

"You have added a survival skill to our people in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty."

"No, I do it to make money."

The old lady curled her lips and said, "You are probably richer than the royal family of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. How much worse? You are just trying to help the common people. I heard that you only gave them IOUs to many people."

"You have to pay it back."

"After making money and paying it back, they will all be lifted out of poverty." (End of Chapter)

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