Chapter 1229 Doubt Her Identity

When Sun Qiangdong heard this, his eyes widened, "Brother... don't! I don't want him to shout either, but this woman keeps shouting like this. I can't refuse even if I want to!"

"I will never dare to let others call me brother again. This kind of thing will definitely never happen again. You believe me! You must not tell Jiang Ying about this matter. Even if you do, it will be between me and her. explain."

If Gu Zheng told Jiang Ying, they would inevitably have misunderstandings.

In fact, Sun Qiangdong knew that Gu Zheng was not such a person, so he was just joking with him.

However, the two of them were used to talking nonsense, so they continued the topic.

Soon, Sun Qiangdong looked at Gu Zheng seriously and said, "Brother, do you suspect that this woman is not simple?"

"There are no such rich families in Oucheng! You can spend 36.6 in one breath. What kind of family wealth do you have to be able to get it? At least based on our understanding of Oucheng, we don't know what Oucheng is. At that time, there was a richest family named Ye."

And still so rich.

People nowadays regard money as more important, especially since their money is too difficult to earn.

People who usually come in and out of their Chuntang jade, more or less, when buying a piece of jade, will be very entangled, whether to buy it or not?

After all, this price is not affordable to ordinary families.

Therefore, they will think twice before making this decision.

On the contrary, this Miss Ye didn't even need their discount. If she wasn't extremely wealthy, she wouldn't dare to make such a big deal.

Moreover, when Sun Qiangdong went to the bank with him to make the cash transfer, everything was completed only when the cash arrived in Gu Zheng's account.

In other words, the money is indeed in their hands.

"Go check it out!" Gu Zheng said.

Sun Qiangdong was a little confused. In fact, he didn't know what Gu Zheng was thinking.Since everyone has bought the jade, they must have enough capital, and they may not encounter him again. I don't understand what they want to do to investigate this person?
However, since Gu Zheng said so, Sun Qiangdong has nothing to worry about.

"Brother, I'll check it out!" Sun Qiangdong said immediately.

Gu Zheng nodded.

Gu Zheng was worried because the room next door to Zhou Zhize's house had obviously been cleaned up, and they had also watched brand new furniture being moved in one by one before.

From the people who were cleaning the house, they learned that the owner of that house would be arriving home in those few days.

As a result, no one has moved in yet, which inevitably makes them a little confused. What do those people think?

Why, no one lives in the house at the end.

And suddenly, another person with such financial resources came to them to buy this jade bracelet, and he was able to pay the money immediately.

If he didn't find out clearly, Gu Zheng would feel uneasy.

The busy day passed quickly. After Gu Zheng tidied up, he turned around and walked out.

When I drove to the area where Zhou Zhize lived, I saw Ye Shiyu, who was dragging a suitcase and walking in the same direction as her.

Behind her were several people who looked like bodyguards.

When he saw this scene, Gu Zheng's face darkened slightly.

His speed also slowed down a little, and he heard a sound coming from outside the car.

"I told you not to follow me, don't follow me, don't you understand? Go back and tell my dad that I will have a good life in Oucheng, and he doesn't have to worry!"

(End of this chapter)

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