Reborn 1980: I was so pampered by the rough guy

Chapter 831 Lin Zhenzhu Becomes My Lover

Chapter 831 Lin Zhenzhu Becomes My Lover
Although Oucheng is not a first-tier big city, it is really not small.

Therefore, it is indeed surprising to meet Lin Zhenzhu every time in Oucheng.

But this time, Lin Zhenzhu was different from last time. Last time, Lin Zhenzhu was sweeping the streets, but today, Lin Zhenzhu has changed into a decent outfit, and her original short hair has grown longer.

Compared to the last time we saw her, Lin Zhenzhu was a little fatter today, and even put on a light make-up.

When Lin Qingtang saw her, Lin Zhenzhu also saw Lin Qingtang.

When she saw Lin Qingtang and Gu Zheng, Lin Zhenzhu's face instantly darkened, and she looked at the couple with an unhappy expression.

It's really unlucky that you can meet these two people everywhere.

Oucheng is so big, why are they so lingering?

Lin Qingtang and Gu Zheng looked at each other. They simply sat in the car without driving away, just to see what Lin Zhenzhu was doing.

Lin Zhenzhu was waiting for someone, but she saw that they didn't leave.

This made Lin Zhenzhu very unhappy. She wanted to wait somewhere else, but the other party asked her to wait here, and Lin Zhenzhu did not dare to leave.

"A Zheng, who do you think Lin Zhenzhu is waiting for?" Lin Qingtang asked curiously.

"I don't know!" Gu Zheng shook his head.

Lin Qingtang simply leaned there and waited a little impatiently when he finally saw a person coming out of the building materials market.

He had a big beer belly, was fat, and was not tall. After he came out of the building materials market, he saw Lin Zhenzhu.

When Lin Zhenzhu saw him, she rushed forward to meet him, not caring that Lin Qingtang and Gu Zheng were still watching there, twisting her waist and looking very coquettish.

"Brother Sheng!" Lin Zhenzhu pinched her throat and called out.

When Lin Qingtang heard this, he quickly rolled up the car window and said, "A Zheng, let's go!"

"Don't read it?" Lin Qingtang hurriedly shook his head, "It's so disgusting. The sound makes me sick to my stomach."

Gu Zheng said hurriedly.

Seeing Lin Qingtang like this, Gu Zheng drove the car. When they were about to drive away, he saw through the rearview mirror that Lin Zhenzhu was almost in the arms of the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man even used his A big fat hand pinched Lin Zhenzhu's butt.

Lin Qingtang couldn't believe that Lin Zhenzhu was actually someone's lover.

At first glance, this man looks like he has a family. He seems to be in really good condition, and his clothes and appearance make him look like a nouveau riche.

However, Lin Zhenzhen still liked Xu Ruicheng before, but now she became a lover of a middle-aged man about 40 years old.

As long as this person is abandoned something, he will become unlimited.

"Daughter-in-law, are you okay?" Gu Zheng asked worriedly when he saw Lin Qingtang's expression was not good.

Hearing this, Lin Qingtang shook his head and said, "Azheng, is Lin Zhenzhu already like this?"

"This is her own decision, and none of us can change it. If she wants to, it won't be this man, it will be someone else. You don't have to feel uncomfortable because of her." Gu Zheng thought Lin Qingtang was uncomfortable because of this.

Lin Zhenzhu is indeed not a thing, but they are still related by blood.

Upon hearing this, Lin Qingtang also shook his head and said, "I feel uncomfortable because she is disgusting."

How about Pearl Lin?Lin Qingtang actually didn't care at all.

But she sincerely despised this kind of woman who was regarded as a lover.

Gu Zheng understood, "This is her own choice. None of us can change it. Let's just take a detour when we meet her in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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