The little daughter of His Highness the King of Hell

Chapter 81 Drawing a clear line under such restrictions

Chapter 81 Drawing a clear line under such restrictions
demon clan
Fox Palace
As soon as Bai Jie came back, he lost his temper in the main hall, "How dare that damn brat laugh at me? I'm so angry!!"

"Third brother!" Bai Rong, who came back with him, was already resentful towards him. Now she saw that he actually lost his temper and became even more dissatisfied.

"She is the little Highness of the Ghost Clan. She is only 20 years old. How do you argue with her? Don't forget, you are here to apologize, not to show off your power as the Third Prince!"

"Then did they accept it? Huh?" Bai Jie turned around and walked forward angrily, grabbed the gift that Quan Yuan had not sent out and brought back, and threw it to the ground with a "bang". The pearl flower elixir he was waiting for was scattered all over the floor, looking quite crazy.

"Look, look, people don't care about the gifts from our demon clan at all, do you understand?"

"Why are you so crazy?" Bai Qi, the leader of the demon clan, came out and saw the mess all over the ground. He became very angry and roared: "You bastard! What do you want to do?! Ah?! It's the other way around. Damn you?!”

Protector Quanyuan came forward, bowed, and explained: "My lord, the ghost tribe has rejected the gift we sent."

Bai Ji glared at his third son angrily, walked to the side and sat down, then looked at Quan Yuan and asked, "What did he say?"

"His Royal Highness the King of Hell said——"

Just as Quan Yuan was about to answer, Bai Rong behind him beat him to it, "He said he would not care about this matter, but if this happens again in the future, the old and new accounts will have to be settled together."

"Father, we must not let this happen again, and we must not let the people of the Dragon Clan act unbridled within these five clans again. Otherwise, it will not be as simple as us, the Demon Clan, coming to apologize."

"What?" Bai Zhi clenched his dragon-headed scepter, his eyes were deep and dangerous, "Does he still want to be an enemy of my demon clan?"


"Don't forget that Yan Yi is still being suppressed by Yu Heng. When he becomes the leader of the five tribes, he will come back to be rampant with me!"

"Father?! What's the meaning of this?" Bai Rong frowned. He made it clear that he hoped that this matter would never happen again. When did he have the intention to run rampant in front of their demon clan?
Although there are many people in their demon clan who are domineering and arrogant, and there are also many people who have high aspirations, they have never said which clan they have enmity with.

Now, because of the incident involving the third prince of the Dragon Clan, Long Kong, the reputation of their Monster Clan has been implicated. They also asked their Monster Clan to deal with the aftermath of their Dragon Clan, personally visiting and apologizing.

As a result, they still refused to accept the gift and returned it all. Not to mention the third brother, he was also very angry when he thought about it.

In less than half a day, this matter will probably spread throughout the five tribes and all over the world. It will be ridiculed and despised.

You say that you didn't do the bad thing, but you are asked to apologize in a low voice. What do you call it?
Every time his father mentioned this matter, he would blame the brothers. He really had enough.

The Fox King waved his hand, "It's none of your business, go back to your palace."

Bai Rong said angrily: "Go back as soon as you go. I will never go to the Ghost Clan to apologize for the Dragon Clan incident again!"

"W-what do you mean?" The Fox King looked over, his face a little gloomy.

"I think the second brother is right."

The Fox King was already angry, but Bai Jie jumped out to add fuel to the fire, "I will never wipe the Dragon Clan's aftermath again!!"

"Bastard!" The Fox King picked up the tea cup and threw it at him, roaring: "Why, are you all going to rebel against me?!"

Bai Jie turned around and hid. Before he could speak, the movement attracted another person's voice.

"Why is father so angry?"

Someone strode in from outside, their steps were quick but biased, their clothes were simple, elegant and clean, but the gold thread claw dragon on the hem showed unusual luxury and nobility.

"His Royal Highness the Great Prince——" Everyone lowered their bodies to salute.

"Big brother?!"

"The eldest prince?" Quan Yuan and Bai Jie turned around in surprise, but they didn't expect that he would come over because they were busy with official duties.

The future prince of the Fox clan, the eldest prince Bai Xian, came forward with a gentle smile on his face, "What's the matter, but you made my father angry?"

"Brother is joking," Bai Rong lowered her head uncomfortably.

Bai Jie rushed forward anxiously and shouted: "Brother, you are here at the right time. You can judge the situation for me and my second brother! We just came back from the Ghost Clan, and because of the Dragon Clan incident, we rushed to apologize to others. As a result, It's a good thing, they don't accept this gift at all."

"My second brother and I said, next time something like this happens, don't call us, we can't afford to lose face."

"As a result, my father became angry. Tell me, what would you do if it were you?"

"You say it again?!" The Fox King stood up angrily and was about to grab the tea cup on the other side and throw it at him.

"Master, you must not do this." Quan Yuan stepped forward and stopped him.

"Father," Bai Xian also walked up to him, took the tea cup out of his hand, and put it aside.

"You should really consider the impact this incident will have on our Monster Clan. You don't even know how those Immortal Clan people talked about our Monster Clan and Dragon Clan when I just came back from the Clan."

"It is said that the Dragon Clan has done all kinds of bad things and is unforgivable. We Monster Clan help the tyrants to do evil and help others. We are not good people."

The Fox King looked up at him angrily and asked, "How dare they say this about our demon clan?"

Bai Xian nodded, "Yeah, okay? There's something even worse. Father, do you want to hear it?"

"Go away," the Fox King rewarded him unceremoniously, and then he sat down with a bang, his face livid.

Several people looked at each other and pushed Bai Xian to speak.

Bai Xian stepped forward helplessly, squatted down, and said to his father in front of him: "Father, can't you see? It is because of your inaction that you have fueled the arrogance of their dragon clan."

The Fox King did not speak, but began to consider in his heart.

"We, the demon clan, can still step in to deal with what Long Kong has done now, but what if it happens in the future? He causes even greater trouble. Father, do you still have to bear the brunt of it for him?"

"Do you think I do?" The Fox King stood up again angrily, slapped the table and said angrily: "Then I'm not here for you?!"

"If that old man from Longzhou hadn't saved the lives of Rong'er and Ning'er, do you think I would have let them do whatever they wanted?!"

After several people listened, they fell silent.

Yes, it was because of them that my father was so humble.

Bai Rong lowered his head, feeling quite emotional.Thinking of a million years ago, if the old Dragon King hadn't helped, he and his fifth brother might not have survived today.That's why they, the Monster Clan, have been so conniving and forgiving towards the Dragon Clan, leading to such an uncontrollable situation and tragedy.

Bai Xian stood up slowly, exhaled softly, and said: "But after so many years, my father, the kindness you should repay has long been repaid. The rest should be left to your sons and ministers. Don't do it again." …”

"So controlled."

"Yes, father," Bai Rong also walked forward and agreed: "In the future, it will be up to my son and fifth brother to repay this kindness. We really can't involve the entire demon clan."

Quan Yuan nodded, "Yes, my lord, the eldest prince and the others are right. We, the demon clan, should draw a clear line with their dragon clan."

The Demon King glanced at them and turned away, with a sad expression on his face, "It's easier said than done."

(End of this chapter)

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