Farm widows have space, pick up a treasure on the way to escape

Chapter 1164 How does this person live till now?

At first, Lu Baichuan thought it was their conspiracy and he deliberately placed it on the table to attract attention. However, after looking through it for a while, he immediately realized that this person was careless and kept important things carelessly.

What's ridiculous is that in the letter, he also told the prefect of the nearby city to keep some important things and not make mistakes in front of people sent by the court.

The letter also said that the court had given a lot of money for disaster relief this time. After the news passed, the money could be spent, and then the fake goods made in the mountains could be used to fill the gap. God didn't realize how expensive it was.

An account book was also found, which recorded the profits over the years and how much money each of the people involved took.

However, the proportion is not complete. A large proportion is missing, and it seems that they are the mastermind behind it.

Lu Baichuan looked at everything and could already guess what was going on in the mountains.

I didn't expect that these people in the southwest region are so courageous and can do these things so blatantly. It is unprecedented and unprecedented.

He took away the more important letters and account books and left the prefect's house directly.

I found a place to rest in the city and bought food from the city before dawn.

Surprisingly, in such a remote area, a steamed bun costs three pennies.

As for the old woman I asked yesterday, her son only earned two cents for a day of hard labor.

With such a complete imbalance between income and prices, it is no wonder that people can live well.

He paid the money to go out of the city and go up the mountain. By now the dog was up and practicing martial arts outside the tent. He had been doing it all these years, no matter when and where.

Jiang Jiu Niang woke up from the fragrance. She poked her head out and saw Lu Baichuan coming back with food. She immediately asked, "How was it?"

Lu Baichuan didn't answer immediately. He called the dog and then said, "Eat first and talk while you eat."

Jiang Jiuniang didn't care and ate it after taking it. Only then did Lu Baichuan take out the account books and letters he had brought and read them.

"Good guy!"

Jiang Jiuniang's eyes widened and she felt as if she was blind.

"Is this something you can just find?"

Lu Baichuan shrugged: "I'm surprised too."

"Is it possible this is fake?"

"No, there's nothing on the table. I guess I thought the people from the court wouldn't arrive so soon, so I didn't take it to heart."

Jiang Jiuniang couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Awesome, awesome, I'm very curious about how this person lives to this day?"

More importantly, it is not easy for his partners to trust him so much and dare to cooperate with him for so many years.

After reading it carefully, Jiang Jiuniang said, "I'll take it to the space and make a copy. You return the copy, so as not to alert others."

Lu Baichuan nodded. He thought so too, so he brought it back to show his wife.

I have seen these high technologies from my wife before, and it would be a pity not to take advantage of them.

While making copies, Jiang Jiuniang took the time to ask: "The identities of these minions below are clear. Who do you think the person behind them is?"

"These people below are all prefects of several cities in the southwest region. We can make them all cooperate and please one person at the same time. The other person is undoubtedly their chief."

"At the same time, he is their chief and has quite a lot of power. He is probably the only one who has the title of Commander-in-Chief of Southwest China."

Lu Baichuan guessed this person when he read those letters. Although he was never mentioned in the account books and letters, he got the most benefits.Several magistrates joined forces to work together. As a military governor, it was impossible for him not to know.

Even if he was not involved, failing to report the incident is still a crime.

In short, a visit to the residence of the Southwest Jiedushi is a must.

Lu Baichuan said: "After I send these things back to the magistrate's house, I will go to the southwest Jiedushi's house, and the matter will basically be clear."

Jiang Jiuniang did not support it: "Don't worry, you can send these back first. I will accompany you to the Jiedushi's residence, so that things can be done faster."

"But you..."

Lu Baichuan subconsciously looked at her belly, his face full of worry.

Jiang Jiuniang waved her hand nonchalantly: "It's okay. I've been lying down for several days. I'm really bored. I know it will be fine if I go there."

No matter what she said, she would never joke about her child's safety. She knew her own body well.

At the same time, she turned to look at the dog and said, "Son, there is some danger in Jiedushi's house. My parents won't take you with me. You should pay more attention to your own safety."

The dog nodded. His mother was worried about where his father would go alone. It was really dangerous, so he had better not cause any trouble.

Seeing how insistent she was, Lu Baichuan just said, "Okay, but you have to follow me and don't be impulsive."

If his son followed him, he would just pull up the back collar on impulse and it would be over. But this was his wife, so he couldn't lift her, so he could only coax her.

"Aren't you worried about me doing things? Go and rest for a while. I'll keep an eye on you outside. You can do things well in the evening."

Jiang Jiuniang is full of energy and has already picked up the dead branches and leaves around her in her free time. The dog can only go farther away.

As a result, this boy with sharp eyes saw two pheasants, and he couldn't control himself and chased after the chickens.

Jiang Jiuniang glanced at it, ignored it, and continued reading her book.

You just can't control a child too strictly. You just want to take him out for fun, and he has the ability. As long as he is happy, that's fine.

After a while, the dog came back carrying the chicken with an excited look on his face.

"Mom, we can eat chicken again tonight!"

Jiang Jiuniang glanced at the bloody thing and said perfunctorily: "Yeah, then go to the creek and clean it up. You can send one to your uncle Prince Jing later."

"Ah? Didn't you say you can't let Uncle Jing know?"

Gou'er was a little confused. Don't you have to hide your identity now?

"Just cover your face, don't make any noise, and don't let him see you. Your father and I will go on errands later. Your task is to deliver food to your Uncle Prince Jing. Be careful and don't let anyone find you. This is also Is it okay for my mother to test you?"

She had heard Lu Baichuan say before that there was no one guarding Prince Jing's place, so it was quite safe. She felt safe letting the dog pass.

The most important thing is that going from the mountain here to the mountain there is almost a straight line, not so many twists and turns. The dog has Qinggong, so at most it will be a little slower and not too strenuous.

"Okay! Mom, I will definitely be able to get things done!"

When the dog heard this, he immediately became motivated and took a knife to go to the stream to deal with the chicken feathers and internal organs.

He had often watched adults handle chickens and ducks at home before. Even if he was not very skilled, he could still know how to deal with them, so Jiang Jiuniang had no intention of helping. She sat by the fire and laughed while reading Mary Sue novels. (End of chapter)

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