time to go.

Jiang Jiuniang nodded and shouted to the back as she walked forward: "Dog, let's go!"

"I'm coming!"

The dog responded and ran out panting.

He wanted to bring something to his mother, so he kept packing.

Jiang Jiuniang got into the car first, and the dog followed her. Just as she was about to leave, she saw Miao Lanlan running over carrying large and small bags.

"Sister Jiang, wait a minute!"

Miao Lanlan caught up with her, and without even bothering to talk to Jiang Jiuniang, she stuffed all her belongings into the car. After all the things were stuffed, she said, "These are some things that my mother and I have prepared for you. Although it’s not worth much, it’s definitely useful. Sister Jiang, please look through it when you have time. By the way, this bag is for food, so try to finish it as much as possible, otherwise it will go bad!”

"Thank you so much to you and Mrs. Miao."

Jiang Jiuniang did not refuse, but thanked her sincerely.

"This is all as it should be, Sister Jiang, Brother Jiang, I wish you a safe journey!"

Miao Lanlan took a step back to make way for the carriage.

Jiang Jiuniang waved her hand and said: "I have already asked someone to take the recipe you gave me and start preparing it. From now on, someone will give you dividends every year. Even if your family has to move, go and leave one in my shop." New address in case my people can’t find you.”

Before that, they had already agreed on the proportion of dividends, with Miao Lanlan being the third and Jiang Jiu Niang being the seventh.

Originally, Jiang Jiuniang wanted to split the money equally, but Miao Lanlan refused to take it no matter what, so she could only divide it [-]-[-].


Miao Lanlan smiled and nodded, feeling that she was lucky enough to meet Jiang Jiuniang.

After saying this, the carriage slowly set off. This time they did not leave in the middle of the night, but set out during the day, so they did not have to hide from others.

Because considering that you have to inquire about the treasure along the way, if you fly directly to the place, you will lose many opportunities to inquire about the information.

The carriage was bumpy. In order to make Jiang Jiu Niang more comfortable, layers and layers of quilts were placed in the carriage. They were so soft that she didn't feel the bumps at all.

When Jiang Jiuniang was drowsy, Gou'er came up to her and said, "Mom, I feel like I've learned something again."

"tell me the story."

Jiang Jiuniang closed her eyes, and her voice sounded lazily.

Gou'er cleared his throat and began to summarize his time in Qianzhou City. "Before our mine started recruiting workers, I thought it was not difficult at all. After all, there were so many idle people, and our mine simply couldn't hire so many people. But in fact, no one came at all. I was puzzled by this and asked a few people. I asked people about it, and they all said that they could live just lying down at home anyway, so who would want to go out and suffer? It’s windy and sunny outside, so how can you feel comfortable lying down at home?”

"For this reason, I discovered that if people stay idle and do nothing, they will become more and more lazy. They feel that they are just passing by and have no pursuit for the future. They don't want to change the status quo, earn a glory for the family, and change the family."

"First of all, it's because they have lived in such an environment since they were young. They have been influenced by one generation and they don't think there is anything wrong with it. Anyway, if they really can't survive, they sell their children. There is always a solution; secondly, they I have never read a book, and I don’t know what the use of reading is, and I have never thought about changing my destiny through reading. This is the most serious thing. I found that although there are many rich people in Qianzhou City, they don’t seem to attach much importance to reading. , let alone academies, there are not many schools in the city. If things go on like this, the problems in Qianzhou City will only become more and more serious, and they cannot be solved overnight."

Jiang Jiuniang felt very proud when she heard this. She used to ask Gou'er to tell her, but now she knows how to take the initiative to say it.

He began to become careful, able to discover problems, and also thought of solutions to problems. His growth was not just a little bit.

"Although there is a long way to go, mother still wants to hear how you will solve these problems."

She opened her eyes and looked at the dog with a smile.

This time Gou'er had indeed thought of a countermeasure and said: "First of all, the people's awareness is still not strong, so we need to do more publicity on this point, so that the idea that reading can change one's destiny can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, whether they are poor or rich. Everyone pays attention to it. We can first let the rich pay attention, and then let the rich drive the poor, so the effect will be better. Secondly, we can let the government cooperate with the rich, give the rich some benefits, and then let the rich invest to let The children of poor people study, because the biggest problem of poor people is that they have no money, and it is a problem to survive, let alone study; finally, Qianzhou City needs a good official who truly serves the people, otherwise none of this will become a reality. "

At this point, the dog sighed, looking a little heavy.

Jiang Jiuniang couldn't help but find it a little funny to see him acting so old-fashioned even though he was such a small person, and asked, "Why are you so sad? Just say whatever you want."


Gou'er did not answer immediately, but came over and sat at Jiang Jiuniang's feet, with his head on Jiang Jiuniang's lap, and then continued: "My dream has always been to be a military general, to be a great hero like my father, on the battlefield. Kill the enemy and protect the country. But after I came out and saw the life of the people, I wanted to be a civil servant and do a lot of things for the people so that they could live a good life. I was a little confused and didn’t know what to do. How did you choose?"

Although he studied both civil and military arts since he was a child, he only wanted to read more military books and learn more military techniques so that he could compete with the enemy on the battlefield in the future. He never thought about becoming a civil servant.

After all, he had always felt that civil servants had nothing to do. They would spend all day in the court staring at his family, and they would talk about trivial matters for a long time, all of which were sour and pink-eyed.

But now he understands that civilian officials can actually do no less than military attachés, or even more.

Military attachés guard the borders and prevent foreign enemies from invading, while civilian officials are responsible for managing the country so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment and make their lives better.

Civil and military officials actually complement each other.

Looking at his tangled look, Jiang Jiuniang said: "What's so confusing about this? No one said you have to choose one or the other. You can choose both."


The dog looked up at her in surprise. Was it a fake beep?

"Son, remember, as long as you work hard enough and are good enough, nothing is impossible. Everything depends on human effort. When the country is invaded by foreign enemies, you can go to the battlefield with a spear to kill the enemies. When the country is stable, you can pick up the pen and write for the country. Create a good living environment for the people you protect, so that they have something to do, study, and earn money. Of course, you will be very tired this way. You will dedicate everything you have to this country, and rarely can you truly belong to yourself. time." (End of chapter)

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