Chapter 1244
Seeing that the atmosphere was getting better again, Jiang Jiuniang smiled and invited everyone to visit the store. It didn't matter whether they wanted to buy or not. Today, when the new store opens, there will be small gifts when you enter the store.

As soon as everyone heard that there was a gift, they didn't care about anything else and hurried into the store to collect the small gifts.

Jiang Jiuniang took Ms. Sun back. Ms. Sun felt a little uneasy and asked, "Third daughter-in-law, was I too impulsive just now?"

She just got emotional, so she didn't think too much. She had a feud with Mrs. Li, and since they were opening today, Mrs. Li deliberately came to annoy people. She didn't think too much before scolding her. As a result, she ended up being the third daughter-in-law if she didn't control herself for a while. They dealt with people again and again, and finally restored the guests' impression of them.

"It's okay. It's my fault too. She went to the house to cause trouble before. I didn't want to upset you, so I didn't tell you. I didn't expect that she was still evil and would take advantage of a day like today to cause trouble."

Jiang Jiuniang comforted her, not thinking that Mrs. Sun did anything wrong. After all, Mrs. Li was indeed hated by people, and Mrs. Sun's scolding today was quite mild.

Even so, Mrs. Sun still felt a little guilty. She had obviously practiced calmly outside for these years, but why did she break her guard when she saw Mrs. Li?

"Okay, okay, don't think too much about Ms. Sun. Go back and find an opportunity to teach her a lesson, so that she doesn't have to hang around in front of us all day."

Jiang Jiuniang has already thought about what she is going to do. She will make a good plan after these few days of work.

After hearing what she said, Mrs. Sun felt that the resentment in her heart had subsided a lot.

Those unbearable memories from many years ago came to mind, and Mrs. Sun could still feel itching with hatred.

Those past are indelible, so after her family arrived in Jingzhou, life became easier, and she never thought about looking for her mother's family.

Old Man Lu and the others were in several other shops, unaware of the farce happening here. They gathered together for dinner in the evening and talked about business matters.

Overall, it was much better than they expected. Many people had applied for membership cards that day. Old Man Lu was so happy that he had a drink with Lu Baichuan.

Mrs. Sun, who was thinking more and more angrily next to her, said: "Stop drinking, I feel bad. Please think of something for me."

Old man Lu was a little confused. Why wasn't he happy after making money?
Still, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"I saw Mrs. Li today. She came to trouble me and wanted to take advantage of our family."

"Have you known for a long time that she is still alive, and you haven't even mentioned it to me?"

Mrs. Sun transferred her resentment to her old man and felt much better instantly.

Old Man Lu didn't expect that Mrs. Li would come to the shop, but his mood swings were not big. He said calmly: "She is an unimportant person. Even telling you will ruin your mood. From now on, just treat her as a clown and ignore her."

Old Man Lu knew that Mrs. Sun cared about him, so after he finished speaking, he added: "Anyway, we will leave in a while and we won't see each other a few times in this life. Don't ruin your body because of such a popular person. It's not worth it. "

At this time, Jiang Jiuniang also whispered to Lu Baichuan what happened today. Lu Baichuan said: "I checked before. Sun Daniu, the eldest grandson of the Li family, owes a debt in a gambling house. I don't know where he has been hiding recently. Gambling. We are looking for people everywhere, we can help."

"This is a good idea. It would be better if the water in the well does not interfere with the water in the river, but she insists on joining in, so help her."

The couple looked at each other, and only they knew the meaning in their eyes.

"Don't worry, mother. She failed to achieve her goal and will definitely come again. We will give her a big gift when the time comes." A few days later, Li came to visit her again, and it was reported by the patrolling people in the village.

Everyone knew that the Lu family had conflicts with the Li family. They wanted to drive them away directly, but they still sent someone to ask the Lu family what they wanted.

Jiang Jiuniang put on a helpless look and said very politely: "Please let her in. Some things must be made clear. We can't let her keep coming."

The villager who came to report the news nodded, turned and left. After a while, Mrs. Li came, and this time she brought her eldest grandson with her, which was more convenient for the Lu family.

Today only Mrs. Yu went to the shop, everyone else was sitting in the main room, watching Mrs. Li come in with her grandson Daniu.

Sun Daniu has long passed the age of starting a family this year, but his family has no money, and he is not doing his job properly, so no one likes him.

When he walked in, his eyes looked around restlessly, and there was even a lot of greed on his face, as if everything was about to be his.

At this time, a little maid came to serve tea to the masters. She walked past Sun Daniu. A burst of fragrance blew by, and Sun Daniu closed his eyes intoxicated.

When he gets a foothold here, won't all these little maids come to please him?
The last time Mrs. Li came here, only Jiang Jiuniang and Gou'er were at home. She had never seen such a scene with maids and servants everywhere. She was jealous and shocked, but she tried to remain calm on her face. She even found that the little maid didn't give her and her eldest grandson any money at all. Even though he meant to pour tea, his expression didn't change at all.

"I remember I made it clear last time. What do you want to do when you come here again and again?"

Old Man Lu spoke in a deep voice, his face full of disgust.


When Li opened his mouth, Old Man Lu immediately interrupted: "Stop trying to establish relationships."

Li was a little embarrassed, but she still smiled and said: "I know that all my mistakes are my fault, and you should not forgive me, but look at Daniel, he is the eldest grandson of the Sun family, this I hate that I can’t get a wife because my family has no money at my old age! I’m going to put down this old face today and ask you to arrange a job for Daniel in the light of past friendship.”

"This kid Daniu has a lot of potential, so I don't need you to give him a big position. Just give him a small stewardship..."

Everyone in the Lu family:? ? ?
Where is the future?
What does it mean to just be a steward?
This Mr. Li knows how a lion can open his mouth.

Before the Lu family could speak, Sun Daniu introduced himself: "I am also a person who has seen the world. It will not be a problem for me to be a small steward. I will definitely manage the people below me. Just take good care of me."

Sun rolled her eyes. Sun Daniu was spoiled by Li and had no need to save her. She didn't even want to talk to them, so she gave Old Man Lu a look.

Old Man Lu understood, looked at Sun Daniu and asked, "Your name is Sun Daniu, and you are the eldest grandson of the Sun family, right?"

Sun Daniu thought that Old Man Lu would arrange a position for him just by asking casually, so he nodded repeatedly: "It's me, it's me, Grandpa Lu, you hugged me when I was a child, but we haven't seen each other for a few years, and you don't recognize me anymore." , It’s true that noble people tend to forget things.”

The words were sinister, but Old Man Lu didn't care at all. He turned and shouted inside: "Sun Daniu is here. Come out and take the people away."

(End of this chapter)

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