Chapter 242 Sun’s Telepathy

He Jiuniang also guessed that he must be busy with something, so she nodded to him and took Cheng Xuewei away.

She has been living in an inn during this period and has a lot of things. Logically speaking, she can move out alone, but it would be a bit difficult to bring Cheng Xuewei with her.

After all, Cheng Xuewei was panting from exhaustion after just walking a few steps, let alone helping her pack her things. Thank God for not causing any trouble.

Sure enough, I finally asked the inn waiter for help, so I packed up everything and moved it to the car, all the way to Liu's Mansion, oh no, it's called Cheng Mansion now.

"This house was originally given as a dowry by my family. In order to take Liu Yancai's face into account, I changed it to Liu Mansion. Now that I have nothing to do with him, I naturally have to change the name."

Cheng Xuewei saw He Jiuniang looking up at the plaque and took the initiative to explain.

He Jiuniang asked: "You are a local, and your parents' family is also here. Why don't you go back to your parents' house to live after the divorce? It will be more lively with your family."

"Hey, what are you going to do back here? I have my own village and house here. It's great to live by myself! If I miss my mother's side, I'll go back and stay for a few days. If my mother's side misses me, I'll stay here. It’s nice to have some sense of distance for a few days.”

Cheng Xuewei answered very straightforwardly, but there were still some things that were hard to say.

Not only is she the only daughter in her family, she also has other sisters and brothers, especially the brothers and sisters in the family who are all married. If she and her divorced daughter go back to live together, there won't be any conflicts at the beginning, but what happens after a long time?

Now we can still maintain a relatively good relationship. Her brother and sister-in-law like her, her parents are relieved, and she is very satisfied.

He Jiuniang nodded, feeling again that Cheng Xuewei's thoughts were a bit like those of modern women, who must be independent and live their own glory.

On the contrary, she is a modern person who lacks the company of her family now. After coming to this world, she actually likes to live together with a big family and lively.

"We will live together in the future. It will be convenient for me to come to you if I need anything. I can also go and bring you some food at noon. I am happy just thinking about it."

Cheng Xuewei took He Jiuniang's hand and introduced her, and sincerely welcomed He Jiuniang, a good sister.

He Jiuniang was naturally happy to be able to make some friends in a place like this, and she didn't find it annoying to listen to Cheng Xuewei's chattering along the way.

This is considered to be completely settled in the Cheng family.

Qin Jian finally picked up Lu Baichuan ten miles outside the city. Seeing his inhuman appearance, Qin Jian was so angry that he had nothing to say.

"What's going on here? If you have anything to tell me, can't I help you find it? You have to find it alone. What's going on!"

If he hadn't seen him like this, Qin Jian would have really wanted to beat him.

We were promised to be a good brother, but in the end, we didn't say anything to him, and suffered it all by ourselves. After going out for a trip, we ended up like this. We completely lost the desire to live.

Lu Baichuan ignored him at all and staggered forward on his horse. Qin Jian looked at Lou Chong, who sighed and shook his head.

Qin Jian understood at this moment that the reason why Lu Baichuan became like this was because he was sure that his family was gone.

Thinking that he had worked so hard to come back in Nantai, even risking his own life, and when he came back, he got the news that his whole family was gone, he instantly felt sorry for his brother.

Bitter, really painful.

He chased after him, saw Lu Baichuan's dead look, and said angrily: "Let's go, I'll take you to see a doctor!"

During this period of time, he had been in close contact with He Jiuniang. He knew that her medical skills were really famous in Fucheng, and He Jiuniang also said that she could cure his brother's injuries. He couldn't wait to send his brother there.

"Don't go."

Lu Baichuan was like a soulless puppet, staring ahead with dull eyes, as if he had really left with his family.

"Why are you so stubborn? If you take good care of yourself, you can talk about anything!"

Afraid that he wouldn't be able to listen to what he was saying, Qin Jian relied entirely on yelling to speak.

Lu Baichuan heard it, but he simply didn't want to speak.Now, he doesn't want to get involved in anything, nor does he want to heal his injuries. He just wants to be alone for a while.

Qin Jian wanted to persuade him again, but Lou Chong was afraid that his master would be too uncomfortable, so he hurriedly said: "Second Master, let Third Master take it easy for a while."

They are all used to the titles in Nantai. Qin Jian used to be called Erye when he was the second eldest son in the family, and Lu Baichuan was called Third Master when he was the third eldest child. Lou Chong would always call them master when he went out to do tasks or something.

Left or right is just a title. As long as you know who you are calling, no one cares about it.

Qin Jian thought it made sense, thinking that since everyone was in Jingzhou now, it would be convenient to seek medical treatment. When Lu Baichuan figured it out, he would take him to see him.

Lu Baichuan didn't take care of himself during this rough and rough journey. When he finally returned to Jingzhou, he temporarily stayed at Qin Jian's place.

The servant prepared hot water, and Lu Baichuan was alone in the quiet bathtub. He looked down at the scars all over his body and showed a mocking smile.

In the past, he thought it was an honor and a symbol of protecting his family and country. Now, he only felt it was ironic, as if it was telling him that everything he did before was a joke.

Suddenly, he felt a sweet taste in his throat, and he spit out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably, dyeing the water in the bucket red.

The servant outside heard the noise and hurried in. Seeing this, he hurried to help him.

"My lord, my lord! I will go find the doctor now!"

"No need."

Lu Baichuan smiled sadly, stood up from the bucket, wiped off the water, put on some clothes casually, and then ordered: "Go out, don't tell anyone else."

The servant hesitated, but finally responded and went out.

Lu Baichuan lay down to sleep. He was either exhausted or mentally exhausted. Now that he could lie down like this, he fell asleep quickly.

The dream was blood-red and filled with sounds of crying and shouting.

He slept restlessly and had a splitting headache. In his sleep, he could hear his mother's wails, his wife's complaints, his father and brother's sighs, and his clansmen's whines.

"Father, mother..."

"My son is unfilial..."


He couldn't wake up and was trapped in a nightmare, watching his family suffer again and again. He was like an outsider, watching it over and over again, but he could only stand by helplessly, unable to change the outcome of the whole thing.

At the same time, Mrs. Sun, who was in Anping Village, also had heart palpitations, and her heart ached a little uncomfortably. She squatted on the ground for a while and did not recover.


Seeing this, Mrs. Yu hurriedly came over to help.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Yu's face was full of worry and she wanted to send Sun to see the doctor.

"It's fine, I'm fine."

Sun waved her hands and exhaled slowly, but she still felt depressed and her mood dropped.

"It would be nice if the third brother and sister were at home. If she can give you a safe pulse, we can feel at ease."

Mrs. Yu helped Mrs. Sun sit down in the house and said, "Mother, the three younger siblings have been in Fucheng and have not been able to come back. Gou'er is young and must miss his mother. No, Gou'er Academy will be closed for the next two days. Why don't you and dad take him to Fucheng to stay with his third younger brother and sister for two days, and by the way, let the third younger brother and sister show you what's wrong with him?"

(End of this chapter)

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