Chapter 575 Save the fruits of this era
At that time, His Highness even wanted her to do things for him, but she seemed to have always been low-key and didn't like this kind of errand.

After being stunned for a while, the princess finally said: "It's amazing!"

In her heart, she really envied He Jiuniang. She would beat anyone who was unhappy with her. Anyway, she had that ability.

Unlike her, there are too many things to worry about. She obviously hates those people, but she still has to interact with them. She even has to keep smiling in front of those people, and she can be out of breath every day.

Only when I'm with He Jiuniang, I feel relaxed.

"It's okay, my dear. Anyway, if something happens, His Highness will support you, so what are you afraid of?"

He Jiuniang spoke as a matter of course. She didn't have so many worries. Anyone who made her unhappy must be punished. Otherwise, who would care if she got angry?
The princess sighed and said: "Things are not that simple. Your Highness is in great need of help from some courtiers. I need to communicate with the families of those courtiers and have a good relationship with them. Only then can I help His Highness take care of his worries."

"Husband and wife are one, and I can't always cause trouble for His Highness."

After saying that, she sighed again, looking bitter and resentful.

This is correct. After all, the other party did not do anything wrong. He just said some words to flatter the princess. The princess only needs to listen to these flatteries and the scheming sarcasm in those people's words, and that's fine.

If it were He Jiuniang, she would definitely not take these things to heart, but this princess's endurance seems to be worse, that's why it becomes like this.

"Why do you bother me, my queen? This is not a big deal. When people greet you with a smile, you should treat them with courtesy. If the other party bites your nose, then teach them a lesson. Isn't that what it means to be in a high position? Benefits? If not, why does everyone still want to squeeze into this high position? "

He Jiuniang sat down nonchalantly. She took an orange and peeled it. She ate a piece of the orange flesh and her facial features wrinkled together with sourness.

In the past, this time of year was a good time to eat sugar oranges. Unfortunately, there are no sugar oranges in this era.

The oranges in this palace are just ordinary oranges, only a little sweet occasionally, and the rest are all sour.

When the princess saw her like this, she couldn't help being amused and said, "These oranges are a little sour, but they are already the best batch of oranges that were sent as tribute."

He Jiuniang's eyes widened: "Is this just a tribute?"

"Yes, is it possible that you have tasted oranges sweeter than this?"

"Of course... I haven't eaten yet!"

When He Jiuniang was at home before, she took out very sweet oranges for her family to eat, and said that she had found someone to bring them from other places.

I thought that there were already sweet oranges in this era, but I didn’t expect that it was just these junk things!
He Jiuniang felt that she should save the fruits of this era.

Well, very good. Let Old Man Lu buy a mountain and start researching the fruit when we get back!
The princess was not surprised. After all, oranges are like this now. So far, she has never eaten a very sweet orange.

"But I have begun to study how to grow these fruits to be sweeter. Soon you will be able to eat sweet oranges!"

He Jiuniang is a person who has to do whatever comes to her mind, especially not to make her mouth bitter. She must eat the food she likes openly.

"You can do this?"

The princess was very surprised and felt that this woman was really extraordinary. If she were a man, she would definitely be impressed by her!
"That is required!"

He Jiuniang nodded affirmatively. There was nothing unsuccessful when she took action. Just to avoid arousing suspicion, she definitely couldn't get too good seeds at the beginning, but those ordinary seeds in post-modern times can also compete with the top-grade ones here. Gradually, Just come.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you!"

The princess knows that she is powerful and never makes promises easily, but as long as she promises something, she can definitely do it. "It's been a while since I've been to the capital. Come on, let's go for a walk."

He Jiuniang pulled her and walked out. Since she decided to revitalize the fruit, she had to go out and understand the market.

"Huh? Okay..."

Although the princess felt that there was nothing interesting to see on the streets of the capital, she still went with He Jiuniang seeing how happy she was.

On the other side, Lu Baichuan and King Chen were also discussing important matters.

"You mean, the Tan family was also involved in the smuggling case?"

King Chen frowned, why were the people on his land so restless?
"It's not the same case. The Tan family is smuggling official salt and has nothing to do with Qingyin Garden."

"What a bastard! Jingzhou is rich, but this can't stop their greed!"

King Chen was very angry. It was already annoying enough to deal with Dongting's detailed affairs. Now another Tan family came. Who was he trying to piss off?

"Your Highness, don't worry. The Tan family's matter has been dealt with, and everyone involved with it has been put in prison. We are waiting for His Highness to return this time and make a decision together."

"That's very good. During this time, the direction of the wind in the court is basically towards me. Lao Wu sent Qingyin tea to my father. My father also sent someone to send it, and asked me to go check it out. It seems that this time , Father understands a lot, this is all the fault of Madam Ling, there will be a banquet at the house tonight, you and Madam will come to eat together."

King Chen was in a good mood and smiled heartily. During this period of time in the court, he was doing well.

Some other princes' factions had also secretly shown favor to him and expressed their willingness to work for him. Although he was not optimistic about those outsiders, it was good to have one more person to handle things, so naturally he was brought under his command first.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, your great cause will be accomplished."

Lu Baichuan clasped his fists and was sincerely happy for King Chen. They had been waiting for this day for a long time.

King Chen laughed and said, "I am lucky to have such a good general."

"This is what subordinates should do."

Lu Baichuan was very humble and could deal with this with ease, but he was a fool in front of He Jiuniang.

"Your Highness, come and see what this concubine has bought!"

The princess's voice sounded outside, and just as the two of them finished talking, King Chen went out to watch.

Good guys, the two of them went shopping. Instead of buying silk and gold and silver jewelry, they bought a lot of fruits.

Seeing those, King Chen's teeth were sore.

In this cold winter, there are only a few kinds of fruits that can be eaten. He Jiu Niang bought all the fruits available on the market. There are also several kinds of the same kind, but they are sold by different people. He Jiu Niang is worried that they are sold by different people. Different, so I bought some and came back to try them.

"Why buy so many fruits?"

He Jiuniang opened her mouth and came: "I was very hungry for these fruits after traveling on the road for a few days, so I bought some back. Do you want to eat them, Your Highness?"

(End of this chapter)

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