Chapter 869 Sun’s deep self-esteem
On the day of the banquet, the Lu family also got up early in the morning and got busy making preparations. They felt that being able to participate in the royal banquet was a major event that would bring glory to the family and must be treated carefully.

In this family, Lu Baichuan's family of three is the calmest. Lu Baichuan has been through it many times and is used to it. He Jiu Niang is thick-skinned and doesn't care about anything. Gou'er simply feels that he has been to the palace many times and still lives there. For a while, everyone in the palace was fine, not afraid, and naturally not nervous.

More importantly, at his current age, he really can't understand everyone's reverence for the emperor. He doesn't have so many class concepts, so he can be so calm.

After bathing, he put on the clothes He Jiuniang had prepared for him, and then played with his little monkey in the yard.

This time, Mrs. Sun and others came over and brought Gou'er's little monkey with them. During this time, they stayed with Gou'er every day.

After Ms. Sun had finished dressing up, she came over and saw a dog and a little monkey sitting together. They were muttering to each other, and they immediately became anxious.

"Oh, don't get these clothes you just put on dirty!"

Mrs. Sun stepped forward and pulled the dog up. She was worried that he would be tainted with the smell of monkeys and would be disliked by the nobles when he went to the banquet.

She knew that the nobles had always looked down upon her family, saying that they were poor people from the countryside, so she didn't want to be looked down upon and make it difficult for her son to serve in the court.

The dog listened to grandma very much, but grandma disliked the little monkey. He immediately explained: "Grandma, the little monkey is not dirty. He just took a bath the day before yesterday!"

"But it will shed. Don't worry. I'll play with it when I come back at night. Be good."

Mrs. Sun rubbed his head to comfort him, and the dog also held her hand and said, "Don't worry, grandma, the emperor's grandpa and the noble concubine's grandma are also very good."

Gou'er is young, but it doesn't mean that he really doesn't understand anything. After all, he is a person who has studied for two years, so he can still observe people's emotions.

During this time, everyone in the family became nervous because of attending the banquet. He himself didn't feel anything, but seeing his grandparents so worried made him feel a little distressed.

"Don't worry grandma, I will protect grandma!"

Listening to this, Mrs. Sun's nose instantly became sore, but she thought that she also wore some makeup, so she couldn't let it go to waste.

Her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren are all promising, and as elders they cannot embarrass the children. This is also her original intention in preparing carefully this time.

He Jiuniang saw this scene when she came out. She had said such comforting words many times, but Mr. Sun couldn't listen. She knew that Ms. Sun just felt that she had a bad background and was out of tune with the nobles in the upper class, and she was worried about embarrassing them. If this happens, she can't persuade her much, so she can only cooperate with her to make these preparations.

Seeing her like this now, I couldn't help but feel a little distressed. He took her arm and said, "Ms. Sun, think about it before, when you went into the palace to see the Crown Princess, you were so nervous. But when you went there, you found that the Crown Princess was The concubine is also easy to get along with, it’s no big deal, just calm down and it’ll be fine.”

As she said this, she took Sun's arm and walked out. The time was almost up and it was time to enter the palace.

In a scene like today, the Crown Princess was pregnant and was inconvenienced, and she was worried about something happening at the banquet, so the Crown Prince asked her to follow her and help take care of her, so she had to enter the palace in advance.

The people in the family were very nervous, so He Jiuniang and Lu Baichuan thought of taking them to the palace in advance to get familiar with them, so as to relieve their nervousness.

"Oh, I know, you have said this so many times that your ears are going to be scratched!" Ms. Sun refused to admit her nervousness and dragged He Jiuniang away. She was able to get out of the righteous and awe-inspiring sense of sight, which made He Jiuniang I can't laugh or cry.

But not only Sun and Old Man Lu were nervous, Lianhua and the others were also nervous. Fortunately, because they were doing business outside, they had seen all kinds of monsters and monsters, and they were stronger than Sun on the inside. On the surface, they looked normal at that time.

He Jiuniang took them directly to the East Palace. Lu Baichuan led the men to find the prince to get to know him, and He Jiuniang took the female family members to find the prince.

This is the first time for the Crown Princess to meet several young girls from the Lu family. Liu Yuexiang and Zhang Lanxiang also came with them. Their gestures are no different from the ladies of the capital. They have the rules they have learned over the past two days, and they also have their own temperament. All of them have good looks and can be remembered at a glance.

The Crown Princess gave Lianhua a few greeting gifts and praised her a lot. Everyone saw that she was so kind and easy to accept, and the atmosphere quickly became lively.

"Empress, Lianhua and the others are quite capable and will be able to help host the ceremony in a while. You don't have to worry too much. Taking good care of yourself is the most important thing."

He Jiuniang held the Crown Princess's arm and walked while talking. The Crown Princess nodded and said: "I know that this matter does not need to be bothered by me. It's just that Your Highness will be enthroned soon. Everyone is looking at me. I can't throw everything away." Once you get out, you have to take care of it yourself.”

"Fortunately, you can still help me, so I can feel more at ease.

The Crown Princess was not of high birth, and her natal family was not very reliable. She could not rely on them for important matters, so she could only rely on the few around her. However, there were too many things to do and she was too busy, so she had to ask the Lu family to help.

Good guy, if the Crown Princess has something to do, she will go to He Jiuniang, and if the Crown Prince has something to do, he will go to Lu Baichuan, and it's quite embarrassing to think about it.

Fortunately, the couple didn't have bad intentions, otherwise they could have emptied all their power, and it would be unclear who owns the kingdom.

I only hope that after the prince ascends the throne, he will handle the affairs of Dongting, completely secure this position, and then cultivate a large number of talents, which is the long-term way to govern the country.

The two of them talked about what needed to be done without saying much, and He Jiuniang asked Lianhua and the other girls to take care of it. She gave the princess a safe pulse and took anti-fetal pills, and then she went there with confidence. Go to the banquet.

Kaya had just received the news that the Lu family had entered the palace early. She felt that the prince did not want to see her, so it must be He Jiuniang's handiwork. Thinking of tonight's banquet and He Jiuniang's humble background, she thought that He Jiuniang must be there tonight. It's okay to lose face in front of everyone.

Denton knew what she was thinking, and thought it was just a little fight between women, harmless, so he didn't stop it, which was regarded as acquiescence.

At the same time, he also wanted to see how the lady would handle such trouble in public.

Thinking of the shocking moment I saw He Jiuniang before, I couldn't help but feel ripples in my heart.

However, such thoughts were quickly suppressed by him. He knew his identity and what he was here to do.

After simple preparations, they also set out to enter the palace. When they left, they found that there was no movement in Dongting. Kaya couldn't help but be curious and asked: "I don't know if the situation of the Prince of Dongting has improved. They plan to miss tonight." Banquet?"

(End of this chapter)

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