Chapter 227 The Snake Man·Li Chengqian
Li Chengqian was carried back by little Amao. The Song family's donkeys were a bit ridiculous. They were usually slow, but at critical moments they could run faster than dogs.

He faced the wind and snow step by step and walked up to the scarred man. He raised his head and said in a voice colder than the white snow: "Let's bet a few rounds. If I lose, we will not only pay back the 500 taels immediately, but also There will also be a bonus of 500 taels. If I win, this account will be written off, how about that?"

It sounds like this is a sure-fire deal.

The scarred man didn't even hesitate. He was very confident that they would never lose in their gambling shop.

Because of this bet, the Song family also took out the cart and prepared to enter the county town.

But when he thought about Li Jinling at home, Xuanxuan thought for a while, stood up on tiptoes and locked the wing directly, then ran back to the small study, moved Dahei out, and put it directly Li Jinling's door.

When Xuanxuan left, Dahei spat at him again.


In the gambling house,
At the huge gambling table, Scar Man and his younger brothers sat on one side, while Li Chengqian and Xingxing sat on the opposite side.Li Chengqian sat upright, but he was still awake, twisting and turning like a caterpillar, and kept staring at the scarred man opposite him.

"What are you looking at? Don't look at me!" The scarred man was a little annoyed by Xingxing, so he couldn't help but raise his voice and yell at Xingxing.

Li Chengqian patted Xingxing's back comfortingly, dragged a bench over, asked Xingxing to sit down, and took out a big goose egg from his arms: "Don't be afraid, eat something first."

Song Jichen looked at this scene and snorted coldly: "You still have some conscience."

Xingxing kept clinging to Li Chengqian's side, and the two little knobs on her head kept shaking along with her little head.

When she had just finished peeling the egg shells and took a bite of the fragrant goose eggs, the gambling game had already begun.

Later, Song Jichen was just watching the excitement, thinking that if Li Chengqian was defeated, he would help him for the sake of his fatness.

But for the next half hour, Li Chengqian sat motionless on his chair. Several times he could hear something was wrong in the dice tube, but he was surprised that Li Chengqian calculated everything accurately.If he wants it big, then the dice will not dare to be small.

Even Xingxing stared at it dumbfounded. Her chubby little body finally climbed onto the gaming table and sat on the corner of the gaming table, gnawing goose eggs and watching.

"You lose." Li Chengqian suddenly jumped down from the chair. As soon as he finished speaking, the scarred man's men opened the bag, and sure enough... it was big.

"Sign and pledge it." Li Chengqian wrote a piece of paper and handed it to the scarred man, and at the same time tore up the IOU written by Li Shuisheng.

The scarred man's face showed an annoyed look of anger.

He stared at Li Chengqian.

"If you want to take action here, you are stupid and want to go to jail in the county government." Li Chengqian looked directly at the man with the scar, the emotion and suppression bursting out of his eyes, nothing like that of a child.

"Come down." Li Chengqian turned around and walked towards the corner of the gaming table, stretching out his arm towards Fatty Dundun who was sitting on it.

Xingxing immediately threw herself into Li Chengqian's arms.Li Chengqian carried him safely to the ground. While holding Li Chengqian's hand and walking forward, she asked curiously: "Brother Chengqian, what kind of prison food is it? Is it delicious?"

"Beheaded rice, do you think it tastes good?" Li Chengqian turned around and his eyes fell on the scarred man.

The hair on the scarred man's body suddenly stood up.

At that second, he seemed to be targeted by a poisonous snake...

(End of this chapter)

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