life lock repair god

Chapter 15 The Red Carp in the Giant Net

I'm sorry, yesterday's third watch did not arrive, and today's fourth watch will make up for it.Continue to ask for favorites and recommendations.


The sound of explosion spread like layers of water ripples, Her Majesty the Witch's delicate body couldn't help trembling, and her bright eyes narrowed.

In addition to the support of Jinqiu, now on the battlefield under the red clouds, there are two masters of the late Yuanling stage, hundreds of elites of the magic palace, and more than 20 Yuanling stage demon cultivators, who have arrived to send a retreat signal to their companions The strength of the enemy can be seen.

On Qiyang Star, among the four second-rate sects, there must be no such strength. Then, the one who forced Jinqiu and Hongling to such a field must be a first-rate sect or a top-level sect's master from the extraterrestrial support, Yuan Ling There must be a lot of monks in the early stage, and there may even be super immortal masters with astonishing strength in the two-soul stage.

"Does this signal tell us to retreat?" Zheng Lin asked uncertainly.

Her Majesty the Witch was startled, then smiled and said: "No, this signal is a message of a complete victory, let's go, let's go and have a look together."

After speaking, the witch rose into the sky, carrying Zheng Lin, who was half-believing, through the air with all her strength and flew to the place where the signal was sent just now.

The witch flew very high, and Zheng Lin's eyesight couldn't see too far, but in addition to the whistling wind, there were also rumbling vibrations that kept coming into his ears, which became more and more clear.

Those noises must be that the two sides of Dao and Demon are fighting fiercely, and it can be inferred from the momentum alone. At this time, the outcome of the battle is still undecided.

At this time, Her Majesty the Witch is flying with the sword at full strength, and the flying sword is only so big, which makes her very close to Zheng Lin. Zheng Lin himself has never flown with the sword, mainly because his strength has never reached such a level. Level, but was taken to fly a few times before.Although Her Majesty the Witch is very good at controlling flying swords, and she seems to be able to carry Zheng Lin with ease, but it seems that in order to avoid the attention of the people below, Her Majesty the Witch flies very high, and the wind in the sky is extremely powerful and fast. It was so fast that Zheng Lin was trembling all the time, but Tongqiao's second-level strength was enough for him to barely maintain his balance.

The witch only cared about flying by herself, and completely forgot that Zheng Lin's strength was still very low. Not only did she not release her spiritual power to help Zheng Lin, but she also deliberately kept a distance from Zheng Lin, as if Zheng Lin had thorns growing on her body.

"Be careful, I'm going down, don't blame me if you fall to your death." When the sound of fighting was approaching, Her Majesty the Witch confessed to Zheng Lin behind her, and then bent down and fell straight down. .

Although Her Majesty the Witch released her spiritual power to form a protective shield, Zheng Lin, who was affected by gravity, was unable to control the change in her body shape and threw herself directly onto Her Majesty the Witch.

Fortunately, Her Majesty's body-protecting spiritual power prevented Zheng Lin from touching her body. Zheng Lin fell a few steps, but he didn't hit Her Majesty's body. Instead, he was blown away by the body-protecting spiritual power.

Like a kite with a broken string, Zheng Lin first flew far away to one side, and then hit the ground straight again.

Zheng Lin turned his head down, looked at the ground that was getting closer and closer, felt the speed of his fall, and secretly scolded Her Majesty the Witch for being too unjust, and at the same time thought: "If you fall like this, I'm afraid you will be smashed to pieces. The way to die is a bit miserable.”

Seeing that the ground is only more than a hundred meters away, Zheng Lin only has the strength of the second level of Tongqiao, which is only slightly stronger than ordinary secular strong men. He can't control his body well under such circumstances. At this time, he can only hate close your eyes.

The imagined collision with the ground did not happen. Her Majesty the Witch who rushed over quickly grabbed Zheng Lin when he was about to touch the ground, and flew parallel to the ground for tens of meters before stopping. landing.

Zheng Lin's feet touched the ground. Although his life was in danger just now, he had already died once, and he didn't have much frightened expression. Her Highness the Witch looked at him meaningfully and said, "You are calm enough, you Did you know that I would save you?"

The witch saw that Zheng Lin's expression was still calm, but his eyes were looking into the distance, so she also looked over——

Among the distant mountains, a steep peak pierced into the clouds, and at the foot of the mountain, there was a wide and endless river. An unknown number of monks fought decisively at the foot of the mountain and on the river, and the roar of the trembling mountains was endless.

All the demon cultivators in the Demon Palace wearing red battle armor were surrounded by countless immortal cultivators. Magical weapons of various colors flashed and flew continuously, blooming in the sky beautifully. They quickly pierced the sky and tangled together , like a colorful giant net, and everyone in the Demon Palace is like a red carp in a giant net. Although they are struggling hard, they can't break free from the shackles.

On the side of the high mountain, the setting sun gradually fell, and a golden glow spread across the sky. Hundreds of millions of sword-like rays of light dragged the figures of the fighting monks to the elders.The black shadows, like demons appearing in the world one by one, danced with the figures of the crowd, revealing a hideous and terrifying face.

Hong Ling is still there, and Jin Qiu is also there, but the two of them are already in a state of distress, and they are in a state of exhaustion. I am afraid that if they can't break out of the encirclement after another hour and a half, death will be light. It's possible to lose your soul.

There are less than 500 people in the magic palace, and at the foot of the mountain and on the big river, there are so many immortal cultivators wearing all kinds of clothes and armor, that there are no less than [-] people in sight, and there are more people joining in.

Her Majesty the Witch and Zheng Lin had just landed on a hillside far from the battlefield, and many immortal cultivators flew from the direction of the teleportation array. Judging by their speed of light, I am afraid that they are not weak. The situation of everyone in the Demon Palace is very It is only a matter of time before the entire army is wiped out.

The two were still some distance away from the battlefield, and Zheng Lin couldn't see the specific situation on the battlefield clearly. When he looked at Her Majesty the Witch, she saw that she had been staring in the direction of the mountain without moving her gaze.

Zheng Lin also followed her gaze and looked over. After staring for a while, he realized that behind the group of immortal cultivators, there were still a few people who hadn't made a move. They just watched the battle silently. Because it was too far away, Zheng Lin couldn't see Get to know their looks and expressions.

But Zheng Lin wanted to come, those few people must be the masters with the highest cultivation base and the strongest strength among all the immortal cultivators!A few steps in front of them, there was an old man with fluttering clothes and long silver hair, obviously a super expert.

"It doesn't look like a complete victory, does it?" Although Zheng Lin had already guessed that the witch was lying just now, he still felt a little apprehensive after seeing the spectacular scene.

At every moment, the elites of the Demon Palace were killed by the attacks of the cultivators, and then fell into the river, and the attacks of the cultivators were wave after wave, and the people of the Demon Palace hardly had a moment to breathe.

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