life lock repair god

Chapter 37 Big Flying Dragon

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Her Majesty the Witch did not elaborate on the matter of dragon blood with Zheng Lin. Although Zheng Lin wanted to know, he did not dare to entangle him. Hearing the sound of the waterfall and looking down at the deep valley below, he asked, "You said there will be a Where is it?"

Gently moving her feet, Her Majesty the Witch walked to the place where the water flowed down. There was a large rock, very smooth, and she was standing on the rock. Looking carefully, her feet were actually an inch away from the rock, and they were not there. touch.

"I can't see what's below, but after you and I go down, everything will be revealed."

After a while, Her Majesty the Witch answered Zheng Lin's question aloud, then she turned around, grabbed Zheng Lin's lapel, and said with a smile, "You are a priest, so you can go down and have a look first."

As she said that, Her Majesty the Witch threw Zheng Lin into the canyon with all her strength, smiling coquettishly.

Zheng Lin was not prepared at all, and he had no room to resist. The strength of Her Majesty the Witch is indeed much higher than him.

However, Zheng Lin has always been bold. When he was thrown out just now, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation. His hands were still scratching the void, like a drowning person struggling.

The waterfall was right in front of him. When Zheng Lin fell, he cried out a few times, and then he was shocked by the surrounding scene.

Behind the water curtain of the waterfall, there are also vine-like plants, and many radiant fruits are adorned on their vines, which are bigger and more colorful, but beside the fruits, there are climbing plants on the stone wall. Full of bat-like creatures.

They are all motionless, quietly sleeping, and the light of the fruit reflects their figures very vividly.

It has two wings on its back, two bony horns on its head, several light and elegant beards on both sides of its nostrils, four claws on its abdomen, and its whole body is covered with relatively small scales, just like small flying dragons with wings. .

If one ignores their wings, their body size becomes a thousand times bigger, and they are probably no different from giant dragons.

The descending speed was getting faster and faster, Zheng Lin felt dizzy for a while, and the whistling wind made his cheeks sore and unbearable.

Not long after, Her Majesty the Witch also jumped down the canyon, shot straight down like a sharp red arrow, and rushed to Zheng Lin's side in an instant, and at the same time released the magic power to support Zheng Lin.

Her Majesty the Witch did not speak, but silently looked at the surrounding scene, her expression was very flat, without joy or worry, she was already at the Yuanling stage, she must have the ability to fly in the void and control her body, even if Even with Zheng Lin, she didn't show any embarrassment.

In order to be able to see the strangeness in front of her clearly, Her Majesty the Witch did not descend too fast, and Zheng Lin could also continue to watch the majestic scene around her through the magic power.

Zheng Lin found that the more you descend, the larger the size of those fruits and the size of the little flying dragon, but the density is much smaller. Moreover, you can faintly see a deep and wide cave in the stone wall behind the water curtain below. Several huge flying dragons flew out from it.

The largest of these flying dragons was only two or three feet long and wide, and they didn't have a terrifying aura, and they didn't have any hostility towards Zheng Lin who was wrapped in the magic power.

The "polite" attitude of the flying dragons towards the two made them very puzzled. According to the usual theory, the two of them should be regarded as enemies who invaded their territory, but they directly ignored their existence.

Her Majesty the Witch was very curious about this, but she could feel that these flying dragons did not reveal a violent aura, but instead seemed very docile, like harmless sheep, which subverted her understanding of the huge beasts. Generally brutal and terrifying.

In order to satisfy her curiosity, Her Majesty the Witch relied on her own strength, so she flew over the water curtain to observe the little flying dragons crawling on the fruit at close range.

Perhaps feeling the cold breath of Her Majesty's magic power, those little flying dragons who were sleeping with their eyes closed suddenly flapped their wings and flew up when the two approached, with chirping sounds from their mouths.

A large group of small flying dragons flew away, and the fruits they covered suddenly shot out light, instantly illuminating the space within ten feet.

Those fruits the size of watermelons surprised Zheng Lin and His Highness the Witch.In the river, a fruit the size of a walnut already contains rich spiritual power, wouldn't the fruit in front of you be even better.

"These fruits contain astonishing spiritual power. Those little flying dragons just sleep on them, why don't they eat them?" Zheng Lin asked His Highness the Witch with great doubts.

Her Majesty the Witch put away her astonishment, and said in a very puzzled way: "It is said that if you have been lying on these fruits to sleep, even if you don't practice, you can absorb a lot of spiritual power and have more spirituality, and you are more likely to develop a certain level of cultivation. Come on, but these flying dragons are like ordinary birds, which is really weird."

The frightened group of little flying dragons flew around and screamed, waking up other little flying dragons that were sleeping soundly on the rock wall. They all flapped their wings and danced in the canyon, accumulating more and more densely to cover the canyon sky.


A sound of dragon chant reverberated in the canyon, pulling Zheng Lin and His Royal Highness the Witch back from their doubts.

The dragon chant came from the bottom of the valley. Obviously, the bottom of the valley is not an ordinary place, and there must be powerful monsters hidden in it.

"Go! Let's go up!"

Her Majesty the Witch let out a coquettish cry, suddenly raised her figure, and flew towards the sky against the flow of the waterfall.

The two of them had just accelerated upwards, and the roaring dragon chant was heard again from the bottom of the valley. Zheng Lin involuntarily lowered his head to glance after the sound of a heavy object coming out of the water.

It doesn't matter, but Zheng Lin was taken aback——

A giant dragon with a length and width of more than a hundred feet is flapping its broad wings and flying upwards. Every time it flaps its wings, it can leap a hundred feet straight, and the distance between the two of them will be shortened by half in an instant. On the dragon's head, two eyes like emeralds shone with divine light.

Obviously, this flying dragon is not a docile person, let alone a ferocious beast without any cultivation, but a special dragon family, and its strength must not be inferior to that of ordinary adult dragons.

This flying dragon is not only huge in size, but also has thicker scales on its body. It has five sharp claws on its abdomen, and its whole body is black. If it is hidden in the darkness, it may be difficult to be found.

"Oops, it's going to catch up!" Zheng Lin looked at the big flying dragon that was getting closer, and shouted anxiously to Her Majesty the Witch.

Her Majesty the Witch didn't answer, the whole body's aura suddenly rose, and the magic power around her also surged wildly. With these movements, the speed of the two's ascent increased again.

But in mid-air, those little flying dragons gathered above the heads of the two, smashing down like a black mountain, apparently trying to prevent the two from escaping.

Her Majesty the Witch chided lightly, and a branch full of green leaves appeared in her hand. She raised her slender hand lightly, and all the green leaves flew out, and then surrounded the two of them at an extremely fast speed.

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