50 Lucky Wife Has Space

Chapter 1144 Weapons (2)

Chapter 1144 Weapons (2)

However, at the beginning of the birth of his companion space, apart from the spring water, it was just the soil on the ground.

Lingxi didn't have the nerve to dig dirt for others, so she asked him for a jade bottle and filled him with a pot of companion space water.

If there is a cause, there will be an effect. Of course, Mo Wuya will not owe her this share of karma. This pen is the kind that Lingxi left in Mo Wuya's storage ring gathering dust.

It is said that it was obtained in some secret place back then.

But that thing was useless to the demons, so Lingxi took advantage.

Pei Yanning smiled, "It's really suitable for your second uncle."

Second Uncle Pei looks elegant and gentle outside, so using a pen as a weapon is perfect.


Pei Yanning still wanted to say that the martial arts they were practicing now were accompanied by sword techniques.

Use pen as sword?
Pei Yanning doesn't know, but someone must know.

"Does this thing also need to recognize its owner first?"

Lingxi nodded, "The techniques you and your second uncle practice are different from those of your eldest brother and your second uncle. The younger brother means that you can use this as your natural weapon, saying that it is important to cultivate it early.

I don’t quite understand, you’d better ask him yourself. "

Anyway, they now have an optical brain.

Communicate however you want.

After Lingxi said this, she thought of something else, "Dad, Uncle Heizi said that he found some kind of 'immortal tomb'. Do you want to see it?"

If you want to go home, you have to think of a complete excuse to leave, and you have to show up in front of outsiders.

Pei Yanning shook his head, "I won't get involved. If you go, you must be careful."

Pei Yanning knew his depth. When he fought with Hua Jiye, he knew where his gap was. Pei Yanning lowered his eyes to cover up the emotions under his long eyelashes, and when he raised his head again, he had returned to normal.

He looked at Ling Xi and Gu Si with a smile, "I'll leave Ling Xi to you, I'm at ease." Gu Si also smiled, picked up the water glass put aside and gestured to Pei Yanning that everything was not serious.

Lingxi: "..."

You just arranged for me, can you consider the feelings of the person involved?
Lingxi rolled her eyes quietly, but was caught by Pei Yanning. She felt a little guilty for a moment. Pei Yanning shook his head in amusement and took out a stack of books from the space bracelet.

It’s really a stack.

The kind that are piled high.

Lingxi blinked and saw that the one on top was a mathematics textbook for the second year of high school. Lingxi was dumbfounded when she saw it, "Dad, you don't want me to study hard now and come back to take the college entrance examination and go to university in a while." Bar?"

Pei Yanning: "..."

Pei Yanning didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "This is for the third son of Han Han and Azhao.

They are precocious and smart. You don't need to teach them if you bring the textbooks back. Give them to your father so that he won't start to panic after cleaning up the Gu family. "

I have been busy studying formation books.

Lingxi smiled and nodded.

"This is good."

Maybe when they grow up, they can come back and take a college entrance exam or something.

Lingxi just walked around casually for a while, and didn't say anything else. She just thought that they might have to leave tomorrow, or at most the day after tomorrow. Lingxi thought about it and took the fruits and wild duck eggs collected in the space. A lot of them were given to Pei Yanningyun.

It was enough for him to hold the teeth-beating ceremony for half a year before giving up.

I wonder if they made an appointment, but Pei Yanning took out something again...

Gu Si looked at the father and daughter who seemed to be going back and forth endlessly, and the corners of his mouth twitched. This sticky feeling seemed to be parting and never seeing each other again in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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