Chapter 602

Xiao Taozi turned her head and met Xiao Chengzi's shining eyes. Xiao Taozi automatically turned her eyes into adoration!

Her heart was filled with joy. Xiao Chengzi must have thought she was super powerful, so she admired her!

Little Taozi suddenly became happy, "Sister, be good! When you grow up, you will be as powerful as your sister!"

Xiao Chengzi nodded firmly, "Let's become more powerful together and defeat the invincible opponents in the kindergarten!"

Although I don't understand what kindergarten means, looking at Xiao Chengzi's appearance, it should be a place where experts gather.

Her sister trusted her so much and wanted her to be an invincible opponent against all the masters in the kindergarten. Xiao Taozi felt like a warm current flowed through her heart. This feeling of protecting her sister was so good, and her sister's adoring eyes, compared to her friends The look in her eyes made Xiao Taozi feel even more accomplished. She had the urge to put everything in front of her sister, to protect her and give her the best!
Little Taozi has a rival named Da Lizi. Da Lizi is her neighbor. They are the same age. Her parents have let her play with Da Lizi since they were little. They always exaggerate in front of her that Lizi is smart and sensible. , that is, the children of certain families.

However, Little Taozi knew that this was not the case. Big Taozi was just pretending to be well-behaved in front of adults. From a young age, Little Taozi felt that Big Lizi was too good at pretending. When she did bad things, Little Taozi always took the blame.

Big Lizi has been a quiet and well-behaved child since he was a child, while Little Taozi is a lively and active child. Every time Big Lizi gets into trouble, he acts as if nothing has happened. If the blame is placed on her, the parents will also suspect that it is Little Taozi. Dry.

Therefore, Little Taozi has hated Big Lizi since she was a child. Every time she hears her parents exaggerating that Lizi is a good child and asking her to learn more from Big Lizi, Little Taozi becomes very, very angry. Are they blind?Why can’t I see Da Li Zi’s true face?
Of course, Da Lizi can only compete with her in terms of pretending.

In terms of climbing trees, catching toads, chasing rabbits, and being taller, she was ahead of Big Lizzie in everything, but no one praised her even a word.

Every time her parents exaggerate about Lizi, Little Taozi will count her advantages and strengths in her heart. Anyway, she feels that she is better than Big Lizi.

When Little Taozi was four and a half years old, a great event happened in Da Lizi's family. Her mother gave birth to a baby, and Da Lizi suddenly became a sister. Little Tao Zi found it depressing to find that Da Lizi had more children than her. Advantage.

If you think this is the end of it, you are simply too naive!
After upgrading, Da Lizi, who became a sister, began to show her sister's music in front of Xiao Taozi, never leaving her sister behind.

Every day, Li Zi comes to Xiao Tao Zi and praises her sister for how sweet, soft and well-behaved Li Zi is, and how cute she even looks when she sleeps.

It's just because Xiao Taozi doesn't have a sister, and she has no other advantages, so she deliberately comes to show off in front of Xiao Taozi every day.

Little Taozi is numb when she hears Big Lizi showing off every day. Doesn't she just have a little sister?What's there to be proud of?
It wasn't until two months later that Little Taozi saw Big Lizi's younger sister Little Lizi. She was soft, fragrant, and chubby. She was so cute. It would be great if she also had a little sister at home.Seeing Big Lizi making Little Lizi laugh and giving him a kiss and a hug, Little Taozi started to get hot-eyed. She also wanted to hug Little Lizi, but as soon as she proposed, Big Lizi cruelly refused.

In the next half month, Little Taozi went to Big Lizi's house to visit Little Lizi every day. If she couldn't hug her, she would just take a look.

Big Lizi seemed to deliberately want to make her angry. Every time he saw her, he would deliberately kiss and hug Little Lizi.Little Taozi was envious but also thought that if she had a sister, she would be cuter than Da Lizi's sister!
Finally one day, she couldn't bear it anymore and started to make trouble. She also wanted a sweet-smelling, soft sister who she could kiss and hug!
But her mother said she had to wait until she grew up to be as tall as her father before she could have a little sister for her to play with.

Therefore, Da Lizi chose to be a Dharma cultivator, but Little Taozi chose to practice body training without hesitation!
Now that she also has a younger sister, Little Taozi wanted to take Little Chengzi to show off in front of Big Lizi, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was too low-level. Little Lizi was still a little kid playing in the mud with her butt naked. , her Xiao Chengzi has already reached the first level of Qi refining.

One is a little monk and the other is a little kid playing in the mud. There is no comparison!
Just to satisfy her vanity, you can't put your sister on the same level as a little kid playing in the mud.

After waiting for so many years to have a sister, Xiao Taozi still understands clearly that Da Lizi is always an outsider and cannot let her sister suffer just to make Da Lizi angry. Xiao Taozi shook Xiao Chengzi's hand and said, "Sister , I’ll take you to play, let’s compete again tomorrow!”

Xiao Chengzi smiled and nodded, "Okay! Just listen to Xiao Taozi!"

The previous incident successfully transferred the hatred, and many people were still confused. Xiao Taozi took the opportunity to announce: "From now on, I will protect Xiao Chengzi! Those who want to bully her, please weigh your own weight and see if you are enough." It’s not enough for me to give you a beating! If you think it doesn’t matter if you get a beating, then I will tell you, whoever dares to touch Xiao Chengzi, as long as I am in Xinze Palace for one day, you will not be able to get peace!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Taozi winked at her friends, pulled Xiao Chengzi and left.

Ignoring Mo Yingzi, the two walked out of Xinze Hall in a swagger, and their friends chased them out.

If Xiao Chengzi wants to find a few young men, he must first understand the extreme south.

If you want to know about a place, other than through information, you have to rely on people. It is almost impossible to look up information. The library is the important place of the family. She, an outsider, has no chance to contact such an important place. It is difficult to leave the Mo family and go out. After all, she is now Appearance of only five years old.

I can only think of a solution from Xiao Taozi. Xiao Taozi is still young and may not know much about it, so she can't be of much help.

However, Xiao Taozi definitely has the freedom to go out. As long as Xiao Taozi is willing to take her out, she can always find some information.

Although the purpose is not pure, Xiao Chengzi still thinks that Xiao Taozi is a very cute and heart-warming little girl.

After only a quarter of an hour of knowing each other, the little girl took her under his wing without hesitation and protected her in her own way.

Looking at Xiao Taozi's excited eyes, it would be a lie to say that she wasn't moved. Children's feelings are the purest and cannot tolerate impurities. If you want to be kind to anyone, you should do it without reservation.It's not as complicated as the adult world. No matter who you like, you will still have reservations and concerns.

Xiao Chengzi also likes this cute little girl!
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(End of this chapter)

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