Chapter 183 Guanyin’s tears extinguish the endless fire!
"There once was a senior who achieved the status of god through the power of emotions."

"And I will use the same power of emotion today."

There was a touch of sadness in Chen Feng's voice, which actually made everyone present feel like crying.

The endless gray in the sky gathered towards him, that was the power of sadness.

The golden fist arrived in an instant, landing in front of Chen Feng with countless vortexes rendered in the same color.

Wherever the fist passed, the space was completely shattered, and countless vortexes escaped from the void and merged into it, becoming sharp blades attacking Chen Feng.

Perhaps, this is the power of God.

Even if the Beast God Emperor Tian is here, he has to avoid his sharp edges. These countless whirlpools are just like the whirlpools constructed by the complementary soul cores of yin and yang. They may seem small, but actually contain huge space and endless power.

Everyone was sweating for Chen Feng.

What kind of moves will Chen Feng use?No one has ever tried to use the power of emotions, and who is the predecessor he is talking about?
That senior’s name is the God of Emotions—Rong Nian Bing!

"Sentient beings are suffering so much, just a drop of compassion."

Chen Feng suddenly sat down cross-legged, and a drop of crystal clear tears flowed from the corner of his eyes. If he looked closely, he would find that there were stars and the sea inside.

All the black clouds covering the sky dispersed, and the light spots shone down, quickly covering the entire earth.

The rain in the sky stopped moving at this moment, refracting light like bright diamonds.

Everyone here is not an idle person, but at this moment they feel the supreme power as if coming from the distant sky. It is an irresistible force. If there are words to describe it, there is only one - God.

"Is there really a god in this world?"

Among the three powerful men, everyone's eyes were dull, as if they were thinking about something.

They looked closely and found that the golden fist intention had become extremely slow and even stopped!The surrounding space vortex also collapsed, leaving only a trace of gold stagnant in the air.


Du Bidi screamed silently in his heart. As a demigod, he couldn't make a sound at this moment.

However, there was a hint of relief in Du Su's eyes, as if he had seen through everything and knew the future.

"Come on! I don't regret this battle."

Everyone's eyes fell on Chen Feng. The black figure seemed to reveal the supreme holiness. It seemed that he would judge all evils in the world and redeem all living beings.

"Avalokitesvara has tears."

The four-character voice came from all directions and echoed continuously in the world.

That crystal teardrop had already arrived in front of Chen Feng. As he stretched out his hands, he extended forward. The colorful light divided the world into two, as if it would shoot through the sky.

The gray sky left a colorful crack, which came from Chen Feng's tears of Guanyin.

Dusu lowered his head and looked. The colorful light penetrated his heart, but did not cause him to shed any blood.

He felt extremely warm, just like the moment he was born into the world, everything in front of him became beautiful.

"Is this heaven?"

There was a hint of relief in Du Su's eyes: "You can go to heaven after killing so many people in this life, it's worth it."

Poison, who was thousands of meters away, was already crying loudly. Such a strong man's eyes were red at this time, and his face was full of snot and tears, but he didn't look funny.

Sadness fills everyone's heart.

Even the soul masters from the Sun Moon Empire and the evil soul masters from the Zombie God Sect actually shed tears at this moment.

They didn't know it, and only through the people around them did they know that they were crying.

The boundless sea-like spiritual power fills the entire sky, and wherever the gray passes, there is endless sadness.With a radius of [-] meters, all the residents of Mingdu and all the neighboring cities shed tears involuntarily.

Everyone's eyes fell on the huge golden figure. The golden light like a raging flame was quickly fading away, shrinking from the face to a point, and finally integrated into the brain and heart. This is where the spiritual sea and martial soul are. .Where strength comes from, that is where it ultimately returns.

The poisonous body continued to shrink and returned to its original shape in the blink of an eye.

Now that his power is exhausted, he no longer has any soul power and mental power, and is just like an ordinary person.His body fell, and the cold and biting wind from the high altitude ravaged him. Frostbite and blood marks soon appeared on his flesh and blood.

Poison Death has been shot out like a cannonball, rushing towards the direction of Poison Death.


There was an invisible spiritual force blocking his arrival.

Poison Death actually stopped falling, and the wounds that originally appeared on his body were healing.

Du Bishui felt a gentle spiritual force enter his body, and Du Bishui in the distance was also wrapped in this spiritual force.

The eyes of the three audiences fell on Chen Feng.


Chen Feng closed his eyes tightly, and tears kept flowing out of the corners of his eyes. The tears turned into starlight and dissipated in the sky and the earth, making the [-]-meter-high altitude no longer cold.

He didn't say anything, but everyone seemed to realize something.

Countless eyes fell on Du Bisei's body, and his body slowly floated down, landing in front of Du Bisei.

Du Bishui caught him with both hands, but felt the breath of life.

"Third brother!"

Du BiSei called out.

After a moment, Dushu, who was in his arms, actually opened his eyes!
"Is this heaven? Why are you here, brother?"

Du BiDe's tears continued to flow down and wet Du BiDe's clothes.

"This is not heaven!" Du Bisidi said tremblingly, "This is the world!"

Dushu smiled and said: "Are you kidding? I burned my martial soul and the sea of ​​spirit. How can I return it?"

The words stopped suddenly, and there was endless surprise in the depths of his eyes. His mouth was open but no sound came out.

"You are not dead!"

Poison's tears flowed more and more, like the sea water that will never dry up: "Third brother! Third brother! You are still alive!"

He didn't know what to say, as if his brain was unable to think because of the extreme excitement, and every word in his words was a call for death by poison.

After a moment, a clear light appeared in the poisonous eyes, and the words finally came out from the open mouth: "I am really still alive."

His eyes fell on Chen Feng, and Du Bisui's eyes were also cast that way.

And all the eyes around him were now focused on Chen Feng.

Everyone knows what happened.

Chen Feng's combat skills, the colorful light that divided the world, and the tears that seemed to contain the sea of ​​stars, stopped the burning of the poisoned martial soul and sea of ​​spirit!

The silent words seemed to still echo in everyone's minds, and tears also flowed out of their eyes silently.

"Sentient beings are suffering so much, just a drop of compassion."

(End of this chapter)

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