Everyone: Weird Summoner, start with Weird Rental

Chapter 178 Let the 8th level be damaged here

Chapter 178 Let the eighth level be damaged here

Shen Fei said that he understood, which meant that this responsible mountain was actually extremely important to Caiyun, and it could be said to be a natural hazard.

As long as there is Dandang Mountain, even if there is a large-scale war in the future, the battle line can even be pushed to Dandang Mountain, and if Dandang Mountain is controlled by Annan.

They are inherently at a disadvantage.


Lou Dantong drove into a huge building, which was the Special Warfare Department of Kunying City.

And because Kunying City is the provincial capital of Caiyun, this is actually where the provincial special warfare department is located.

Soon, Shen Fei saw someone walking over. He looked thin, tall, and had deep dark circles under his eyes.

This is the captain of the core team of Caiyun's Provincial Special Warfare Department, and the person who is currently in charge of the Special Warfare Department temporarily, Tang Mubai.

A seventh-level insect controller.

Shen Fei had already seen the information from the Caiyun Province Special Warfare Department on the plane.

Insect controllers are actually a type of summoners, but they only summon insects. They can also use some special methods passed down from the past to increase their summons.

Creating more powerful insects, coupled with regional characteristics and some special ability inheritance, allows the insect controller to talk about it alone.

Especially Caiyun.

They often don't call themselves insect controllers, but Gu masters.

Because in their view, insects are just one kind of animal, and Gu are the insects of all insects. In fact, their insects are derived from countless insects.


Tang Mubai looked at Shen Fei with a smile on his face, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect that Shen Fei would be so young when Fang Yuan was communicating with him.

He actually went to the Special Warfare Department's intranet to look for Shen Fei's information.

But with his current authority, he was banned or even warned.

He knew what was going on.

He was actually a talent capable of destroying a country, and he also had the means to destroy the secret realm, but he didn't expect Shen Fei to be so young.

He was so young that he didn't even know what to call him.

"Hello, just call me Shen Fei."

"The purpose of coming here this time is firstly to solve the situation of the riot in the secret realm, and secondly to solve the situation in Dandan Mountain."

Shen Fei got straight to the point and said directly.


Tang Mubai was stunned. He naturally knew the first one, but he didn't expect the second one, "What's the situation in Danshan?"


Tang Mubai and Lou Dantong were both stunned. How to solve the situation in Dandan Mountain?

You must know that there are eighth-level professionals facing off right now.

Eighth-level professionals are already second only to ninth-level professionals.

As the levels increase, every upgrade after reaching the seventh level requires a huge amount of experience. Some people are even stuck in the sixth level upgrade mission and cannot go up.

Because some upgrade tasks are as difficult as climbing to the sky, which involves a theory of awakening years.

If the time limit between two upgrade tasks, that is, the upgrade time is too long.

The power granted by the God's Stone Tablet will be reduced, and the level-up tasks will become increasingly difficult.

Therefore, those who can grow to the seventh level and the eighth level are almost strong.

Another main reason is that it is too difficult to upgrade, which has led some professionals to start using other methods to enhance their strength.

Swallow props, enhance equipment, match skills, upgrade skills, etc.

It's almost to the eighth level, that is, there are almost no blind spots.

It’s just that the professional characteristics will be more obvious on the longboard.

Now that even the eighth level is in a confrontation, Shen Fei wants to solve the problem of Danshan?
"There... there are eighth-level professionals there." "I know that Annan sent three sixth-level professionals last time to take me back, but this time one of their eighth-level professionals was lost here.

Reciprocity. "

Shen Fei said with a smile.

Tang Mubai couldn't help but look at Lou Dantong, his panda eyes seemed to be asking you, did you really pick up the wrong person?

He said that he would deal with the eighth-level professional and let him suffer here.

You must know that an eighth-level professional is already regarded as a power close to the top of a country.

There are only nine levels above.

Lou Dantong also used his eyes to show that he had not picked up the wrong person. Shen Fei saw Tang Mubai's eyes and knew what he was thinking.

There is no explanation either.

They will know it then.

Solve the eighth level.

As long as Mary is pushed to level 40, killing level [-] is like killing a chicken, although he does not guarantee that there will probably be some invincible means to resist Mary at level [-].

But if you can’t kill him once, then try the next time.

Although it would take another day if Mary didn't succeed with one call, he didn't believe that the invincible means of resisting Mary's killing could be used every other day.

"Is there any relatively concentrated monster concentration point near you?" Shen Fei did not continue to dwell on this topic, but changed the subject.

For now, let's use the monster's life to accumulate resentment.


Tang Mubai also quickly gave up. Although he felt that Shen Fei's statement about killing the eighth level was not very reliable, after all, a country-destroying level talent must be very good at dealing with beast hordes.

"Don't worry about this. I'll have someone prepare lunch for you two. You can solve it after eating.

Just try our specialties. "

"it is good."


"This mushroom is quite delicious. What is it called?" Shen Fei picked up a thin slice that looked like a hand and put it in his mouth.

"The Green Ghost Hand is somewhat similar to a fungus, a plant monster with strong toxicity. But after it dies, it will not be poisonous if eaten with some condiments.

And it will produce an extremely delicious taste. "

Tang Mubai explained with a smile.

"I heard that you Caiyun people are only familiar with two roads, the way home and the way to the hospital. Is that true?"

Jiang Xue also took a bite, and the delicious taste bloomed in her mouth. If this was used to make chicken soup, it would definitely taste good.

Shen Fei said while eating, "Just in time to tell you where we are going to go later."

"I may need Shen Fei to provide you with information on what kind of monsters we can deal with. After all, you also know recently that secret realms are exploding one after another, some big, some small, all kinds of things."

"It's best if it's made of flesh and blood. It's also fine in water."

Flesh and blood is the norm for most monsters, but because Caiyun is special, they also have many secret realms that are ghost-like.

Shen Fei has never seen this kind of secret realm since he became a professional.

He hasn't tried it yet. The only person who has tried to kill spirits seems to be the one who killed all their shikigami in Tsubaki.

At present, the only one who can clearly deal with the spirit body seems to be Tomie.

So it’s better to do other things first and accumulate resentment first.

Tang Mubai nodded and started rummaging around on his watch. With a wave of his hand, the lights in the room dimmed a lot, and four virtual screens were displayed in front of Shen Fei.

"That's the four."

(End of this chapter)

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