Female Ultraman in chat group.

Chapter 45 Potato Roast Potato Rice Bowl

Chapter 45 Potato Roast Potato Rice Bowl

"Well..." Yang Tao drowsily opened his eyes from the bed, his eyes were dull, and he thought about the three philosophical questions of who am I, where am I and what am I doing.

After a long time, Star Tao's eyes finally recovered from his wandering mind. He glanced out the window and saw that it was already dawn. So he picked up the mobile phone on the bedside and looked at the time and found that it was already noon.

However, remembering that she went to bed at two o'clock yesterday and fell asleep in a very tired state, the quality of her sleep was quite reasonable.

"Thank you, General Te, for protecting me from being woken up by a monster as soon as I fell asleep." After thanking General Te for carrying a heavy load in an unknown world, Yang Tao climbed up from the bed.

"Huh? It doesn't hurt anymore." Star Tao moved his arm a bit. The arm that still had burning pain before going to bed has basically no feeling at all now.

He raised his arm to his eyes and looked at it. It was only slightly redder than the fair skin in other places. You couldn't tell the difference without looking carefully.

The injury healed just after a short sleep. This powerful recovery power is truly worthy of the original body.

After sighing, Yang Tao opened the chat group and looked through the chat history.

The group member named Nian Fang Qi still didn't make any movement, which made people worried that something unexpected had happened.

Then there is Naruto. He said hello to Star Tao in the morning and went to school. He also specifically told him to have a good breakfast in the morning and prepared lunch for himself. If he followed Star Tao's instructions, it should be an ordinary day. .

Star Tao nodded happily, eating nutritiously and healthily, studying every day, having a few good friends like Konoha Xiaoqiang, and also being liked by girls. Kushina's last words were basically completed, and she could be smiling. .

However, she asked Naruto to eat three meals on time. She didn't eat breakfast today, which was a bit embarrassing. But fighting monsters was a force majeure. How could she say she didn't set a good example?It doesn’t count.

Looking at Uncle Hui again, he only mentioned that the mutton at home was gone. He asked Yang Tao to buy some mutton if he had time, and he could exchange some inventions with her.

Buying mutton is just a piece of cake and doesn't cost much money. You can also make a lot of money from Uncle Gray's weird inventions.It's almost dinner time, so I'll go down to eat and buy a few pounds.

But before going to eat, Yang Tao opened Rui Station and searched about the forest fire in Kangaroo Country.

However, after searching, I found that the video with the highest views was actually a new video from a few hours ago, with hundreds of thousands of views. What video is so exaggerated?

Look at the title again, "Ultraman defeated a Zambora in Kangaroo Country last night and extinguished a forest fire that had been burning for four months!"

Well, it turns out to be me, no wonder it’s so popular.If we want to talk about the current traffic secret on the Internet, it must be Yang Tao herself. Anything that can be related to her will never be less popular.

So it’s normal for this video to be so popular. It was only posted for a few hours, and after a day or two, the number of views is so scary!After Yang Tao clicked in, the up owner first explained a video shot abroad, which captured the remains of Zanbra's body and the situation in which all forest fires were extinguished overnight.

And the only Ultraman who can accomplish such a feat silently and in one night is Star Tao, so the title of the video definitely states that it was Ultraman who did it.

After finishing the key points, the video began to use the popularity of star fruit to introduce the reasons why forest fires always occur in Kangaroo Country and will not go out for several months. It can be seen that this is a serious science popularizer, which is rare.

This was exactly what Yang Tao was looking for, which saved her from scrolling through a few more videos, so she gave him a free like and helped him pick up the rice.

Because of the special geographical location of Kangaroo Country, rain here is completely random. As a result, there may not be a drop of rain for several months, and the temperature will be hot when it is sunny. The trees there are composed of eucalyptus trees with extremely high oil content. Lord, it is easy to reach the ignition point and naturally cause a wildfire.

Not only are wildfires extremely difficult to extinguish, but the weather is not strong enough and there is no rain at all, which makes it even more difficult to extinguish the fires.

Another thing is that firefighters in Kangaroo Country are just an ordinary salary-earning profession, which is completely different from the special situation of firefighters in Dragon Country who have the spirit of dedication to the people.A firefighter from Kangaroo Country said, if you get that salary every month, why are you working so hard?
This means that they have to recruit volunteer firefighters to put out a fire, and there is no execution and cohesion at all. Well, it makes putting out a fire even more difficult.

In the end, it was the inaction of the top management of Kangaroo Country. Forest fire?Let him burn it. Anyway, it will burn for a few months and a half, and it will burn out naturally. Is this matter more important than me going on vacation?Yes, these old boys still have time to go on vacation!And this is also the reason why no official person saw Yang Guo there at night. It really made Yang Guo so angry that his teeth itched.

Anyway, various reasons mixed together are the reasons why forest fires occur in Kangaroo Country for half a year from time to time.Anyway, after reading Yang Tao, I just felt that it was outrageous.

The barrage comments are all condemning and denouncing Kangaroo Kingdom’s disgusting behavior. They all say why Dragon Kingdom saves energy and reduces emissions, but in the end they burn it all back. Is this even justified?

At the same time, they all felt sorry for Yang Guo. It must be very difficult to fight monsters and extinguish such a large-scale wildfire. It was really not worth it for her to help these white-eyed wolves after working so hard.

Yang Tao curled the ends of her hair with her fingers. After watching the video, she did feel that what these senior executives did was very unfair, but she didn't feel that it was unworthy.

Whether she saves them or not, these guys are still free, and those who suffer are all ordinary people and innocent animals. Why should Yang Tao let a large number of innocent people suffer for the sake of that small group of people, so when it is time to take action, we still have to Taking action, Yang Tao had no regrets about it.

After watching the video and comments, a lot of time had passed without realizing it. Star Tao looked at the time and realized it was time to have lunch.After rubbing her flat belly, Yang Tao washed up, put on an ordinary jk skirt and flat sandals and went out in the bright sun.

I ordered two portions of roasted chicken with potatoes but no chicken rice bowl at Shaxian Hotel. After a delicious meal, I remembered what Uncle Gray said, so I went to the supermarket and bought a few kilograms of mutton to deliver to Uncle Gray.

After returning home with the mutton, Yang Tao opened the chat group.

Star Tao applies to enter the world of Big Big Wolf
Big Big Wolf has agreed to apply
The scene in front of him changed, and Star Tao appeared in the familiar but brand-new Wolf Castle.

(End of this chapter)

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