My different world is game mode.

Chapter 143 The Spirit of the Mountains

Chapter 143 The Spirit of the Mountains
"The little guy with the cute garland?"

Hearing this voice, Lindsay reached out and touched her head.

It was only when he touched those delicate alpine rhododendrons that he suddenly understood.

At the same time, I also wanted to understand why the owner of that huge eye was in a neutral state.

The reason lies in the [Tread Corolla] on his head.

The previous battle with the Magog fire monster was so fierce that he had no time to take this piece of equipment off his head.

So when the explosion happened and the ground collapsed, he fell.

This improved natural affinity made this huge creature that lived in the underground world have good intentions toward him, and helped him at the most critical moment, without causing him to fall to death.

"You can't see me, little one."

"Few humans can see in the dark."

The huge roar continued.

At this time, a warm yellow light illuminated the surroundings. Lindsay looked up and saw that it was the light emitted from a huge crystal similar to tourmaline.

And this huge crystal is embedded in a torso made of rock.


Lindsay was speechless for a moment.

The huge eye he saw before was also embedded in the head of this creature made of rock.

The huge rocks are like mountains, forming a giant Behemoth that seems to come out of the heart of the earth.

Its face is carved rough and hard by ravines and rocks.

Countless rocks of different sizes make up its body, and each piece seems to be more than thousands of years old.And these rocks are closely connected, like an indestructible armor.

"What exactly is this……"

Lindsay had the illusion that she had suddenly stepped into some kind of monster movie.

However, he reacted quickly and immediately shouted loudly to the other party:

"Great existence, thank you for rescuing me!"

"As you can see, I also accidentally fell to this place. If you agree, I am preparing to leave!"

Lindsay doesn't speak bestiality fluently, but she can express her meaning clearly.

The giant rock creature changed its position upon hearing Lindsay's response.

The rock creature's arm rested on the earth wall nearby.

Its forelimbs and arms are wide and thick, and each finger is shaped like a hill. When placed here, it seems to be a bridge connecting heaven and earth.

From Lindsay's position, you can't even see its legs.

Instead, I found that there was a hard mountain on its back, covered with gravel like a tattoo of nature.As you move, you hear the friction of the rocks, as if the earth's crust is vibrating.

From this behemoth, Lindsay felt an unconquerable power.

At this time, this huge rock creature spoke:

"Of course you can leave."

"However, according to the ancient covenant, the elemental world should enjoy a long recovery period, and human awakeners should avoid disturbing its recovery."

"The elemental world?"

Upon hearing this word, Lindsay immediately realized that the other party was describing the hidden frontier.

Uncover the true face of the world!
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!

A surge of courage surged into his heart, and Lindsay did not hesitate at all. He explained loudly and told the other party what he knew:
"I apologize if this is offensive!"

"Humanity just came to this world 120 years ago and has no information about the elemental world. Now we are trapped here because there is a powerful dragon beast in the world next door, blocking our way out!"

"..." The huge rock creature obviously did not expect Lindsay to give such an answer.

It thought for a while before continuing to explain:
"Tens of thousands of years ago, the kings of the abyss united with the corroders to threaten the entire universe. The nine most powerful intelligent species united to fight against them and finally defeated them."

"The elemental realm is the decisive battlefield of the Second Abyss War."

"It was also because of that war that the whole world collapsed and shattered. I integrated into the remaining land to repair the world that was about to sink into the Lost Sea."

"According to the covenant signed in the past, this place should remain quiet until the elemental world is restored."

Tens of thousands of years ago?

The second abyssal war?
These are words that Lindsay has neither understood nor heard of at all.

Lindsay didn't want to tell this giant rock creature that humans had forgotten history.

Just as he was organizing his words, the rock creature in front of him continued to ask:
"You are trapped now, so why did you come here before?"

Lindsay immediately explained:
"It's an expedition. Many powerful awakened people have gathered together to re-explore the edge of the world!"


Hearing Lindsay's answer, the rock creature suddenly fell silent.

Lindsay didn't know what was wrong with this answer, but he opened the map and checked again. After finding that the color of the other party's mark symbolizing neutrality had not changed, he patiently waited for the other party's answer.

After a long time.

The giant rock creature spoke again.

And it was completely different from what Lindsay had expected. It stood up directly and extended its hand to Lindsay, gesturing for Lindsay to jump on:
"Very well, a great cause should be carried on."

"I want to continue to repair the world and cannot leave here. But little guy, jump into my hand and I will send you away."

With the strength shown by the other party.

Lindsay had no doubt that she would jump on the palm and be out of trouble in no time.

But there were two consciousnesses fighting in his heart.

One of them shouted:
"Get out of the crisis as soon as possible, inform the town of the news, and then conquer the dragon beast is your top priority!"

The other side shouted:

"The opportunity to pursue the truth is right in front of you. Do you really want to give up the opportunity to learn everything and just put safety first and leave in despair?"



At this time, the physical injuries caused Lindsay to cough uncontrollably.

The constant pain in his body was like a catalyst. I don't know whether it was the effect of adrenaline or the resurgence of heroism. The courage in his heart defeated the escape from the pursuit of security.

So Lindsay didn't jump on the rock creature's outstretched hand.

Instead, he sat in front of the opponent and said to this huge creature that was absolutely irresistible and a hundred times his size:

"The interruption to you is really an unexpected trip!"

"Please let me introduce myself. I am Lindsay, a human awakener."

"If you agree, I want to learn something from you here, something about the past and the world!"


"The spirit of the mountains, Sutupochemon."

A sound like the roar of the mountain sounded in Lindsay's weak hearing.

This huge rock creature put away its palm and responded to the human awakened person who bravely asked:

"In your human terms, Lindsay, you can call me Surama."

(End of this chapter)

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