My different world is game mode.

Chapter 170 The Lost One of Source Essence

Chapter 170 The Lost One of Source Essence

Theoretically speaking, it should be daybreak by now.

But the actual situation is that volcanic ash blocks the sky and the sun, and black-gray smoke from underground spreads unchecked in the air.

under these circumstances.

The difference in brightness between day and night is quite subtle.

Without a timing device, it would be nearly impossible to determine the current time in the wild.


"9:15 in the morning, the sun should have come out long ago."

Lindsay took out her pocket watch and frowned.

Of course he doesn't care about time.

As long as the source of resource-based items is not exhausted, the travel time effect can always remain accurate.

Last night's escape was a near miss.

The eruption of the volcano is truly amazing and powerful.

But Lindsay’s speed is no joke.

Various equipment buffs and perfect food are put into battle together, the agility attribute is piled up to 28 points, coupled with the powerful explosive ability brought by the life essence...

To put it bluntly, this is a speed beyond the reach of ordinary humans.

Even the four-legged snow wolf is much slower than Lindsay.

So the final result was that Lindsay threw aside the summoned snow wolf and carried the unconscious girl on his own.

He ran out just like that!

Once you leave the direct impact area of ​​the volcanic eruption, the safety index behind you will skyrocket.

The volcano is in a violent state when it erupts.

But the speed at which its magma flows on the ground becomes slower the farther away it is from the volcano.

to where Lindsay currently is.

The lava behind has begun to flow at a rapid pace.

Ordinary people who are brave enough can even grill a watermelon here.

As long as you avoid the occasional rocks falling from the sky, you'll be fine.


Lindsay was still frowning.

What he was thinking about was - what impact would this underground volcano eruption have?
The dragon beast's rage had just raged through that swamp!

Even if he couldn't come immediately, he would definitely be aware of this exaggerated change. Once the other party starts to act...

"Then it's really going to be a close encounter."

Thinking of this, Lindsay looked at her hands.

[Brilliant Bullet] can be loaded and fired at any time, but he only has one chance to attack.

"Plans never keep up with changes."

With a sigh, Lindsay summoned the snow wolf again and put the girl he was carrying on the wolf's back.

Only then did he really have time to look at each other.

The girl lay quietly on the wolf's back.

Her black hair was like a waterfall, scattered around her body naturally, trembling slightly with the ups and downs of the snow wolf's movements.A solid red dress surrounded her body, like a blazing flame jumping in the dark night.


Lindsay leaned over and lifted the other man's head.

A face as pure as fine porcelain appeared before his eyes, in stark contrast to the dimness of his black hair.

The girl's lips were slightly closed, and her breathing was gentle.

The sleeping face is like a flower that has not yet bloomed, waiting to be awakened by the spring breeze.A breath of tranquility fell quietly along the long eyelashes, as if guarding a pair of clear water-like eyes.

"Hey, wake up."

Lindsay reached out and patted the girl's face. There was no gentleness in her movements, she just wanted to wake her up immediately.

If he had come to find someone to fall in love with, he might have started to struggle with himself by now.

It's a pity that Lindsay is not in such a leisurely mood.

His target is the dragon beast on the other side of the world, blocking the natural chasm on the edge of the Black Mountain.

Beautiful girls and other things have to be put away later.

"..." The girl sleeping on the wolf's back didn't react at all.

Lindsay shook his head, it seemed that he still had to use old skills to identify it.

[Humanity: The Lost One of Essence]

[Awakened people who have lost their skills and essence will remain in a state of slumber for a long time. 】

[A slave with a beautiful face and figure is always the best quality product, and she will definitely sell for a good price! 】

"It sounds like I'm a slave trader..."

Lindsay curled her lips dissatisfied.

But no matter what, he still knew the information about this girl.

First of all, this is a human being. This natural identity has eliminated many dangerous possibilities, but it also brings more doubts.

For example: Why should a girl who has lost her essence and skills be imprisoned underground without seeing the light of day?

Does she hold some kind of secret?

Or have some special identity?
Lindsay thought about various possibilities, and finally his eyes fell on the title of 'Essence Lost'.

He knows the word.

Lindsay had learned about this concept while studying at Hidden Frontier.

That is a title held by people who have lost their own essence and skills. Except for the product of individual accidents, almost no one in this world would make such a choice.

The advancement of the Awakened.

It is a process of integration of skills, essence, and oneself.

The more powerful the awakened person is, the more deeply he integrates these three into one, so when he gives up all these, he will naturally be more affected.

Lindsay didn't expect that she would encounter a living example here.

"Uh um..."

Just as Lindsay was thinking about the product information, a slight murmur sounded from beside her.

He turned around and saw the voice coming from the girl's mouth.

He endured an unknown length of imprisonment and sleep, and experienced a series of bumps in his escape from the crater.

At this moment, she finally opened her eyes.

The body that had been sleeping for a long time was obviously still quite weak. She held up her hands hard and tried to press the snow wolf's back to get up.


The girl failed.

Her weak body prevented her from making more movements.

Her jade-white arms slipped to both sides, and she flopped down on the snow wolf's back again.The long hair that seemed to be gathering slightly fell apart again, making the whole person look like a fragile treasure.


Lindsay was speechless for a moment.

But seeing the girl in such a weak state, Lindsay should not remain indifferent at this time.

So he took some water from his bag, mixed some maple syrup into it, and then stepped forward to support the girl's body:
"You just woke up, it's better not to do too much."

"Let's drink sugar water first to replenish your strength."

The next second, Lindsay saw a pair of eyes.

Under the gloomy sky shrouded in volcanic ash, there was a pair of quiet and determined red eyes.The zircon-like color of the flame seems to flicker in the pupils. Like an unchanging fire, it can ignite a ball of flame in people's hearts!
In an instant.

Lindsay thought of the righteous person she once met.

Although the emotions conveyed to people are different, there is no doubt that the girl in front of her is also a person with her own beliefs.

One person lies on the back of the wolf, and the other person walks on the ground.

They stared at each other, neither of them making a move, and then...

A rock fell from the air and hit the ground not far away, making a deafening sound.

The ground burst into flames and trembled violently.

The girl suddenly became smart, and the pure will in her flaming eyes faded away.

She spoke to Lindsay in the bestiality language used by Warcraft:

"Where am I?"

"who am I?"

"Should I call you father?"

(End of this chapter)

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