My different world is game mode.

Chapter 205 [Heart of the Beast]

Chapter 205 [Heart of the Beast]

"This... is dead?"

"Lindsay, are you more eager to take action than me?"

"I didn't move my hands!"

In front of the Black Hawk King's body, Lindsay and Red Face looked at each other.

Then Lindsay read out the text on the product information:
"The corpse of a fifth-stage monster died due to the influence of the source of matter."


"Dragon beast."

This is not a mysterious death case, but something whose source can be seen at a glance.

Most of the magical beasts in the Black Mountain world are affected by the essence of dragon beasts.

Especially those monsters that swore allegiance to the dragon beast must have accepted this change either actively or passively.

Those who try to escape from this world and go to the hidden frontier will even be frozen into ice cubes by the cold wind.

Although the changes in the Black Eagle King in front of me are a little different.

But with Lindsay's knowledge, he could also see what was going on with the other party.

After hearing this conclusion, his expression was still a little frivolous and red, and the look on his face became serious:

"So, the dragon beast noticed us?"

Lindsay looked up at the sky and then denied:
"I don't think so."

"It should be that the act of answering the question triggered some underlying mechanism, which led to its death."

"If the dragon knows where we are and what we are doing now, it has no reason to remain indifferent."

Hong frowned her handsome eyebrows and scanned the ordinary black hawks around her:

"These guys probably won't know the follow-up information."

"Death itself is a signal." Lindsay continued his analysis calmly, "The dragon beast does not want certain information to be exposed, and even sets corresponding rules to kill those subordinates who are loyal to it."

Lindsay thought about what the Black Hawk King said before he died.

It can be said that the key points of the information disclosed by the other party only focused on one thing.

"Dragon beasts care about their origins."

"So where certain specific details are involved, it has to prevent leaks."

Hong also followed Lindsay's thinking and said:

"What the big bird just said is a big pit starting from here and heading east?"

Lindsay nodded in affirmation:

"Then there must be something in this big pit, or among the surrounding things, that the dragon beast is concerned about!"

This is a simple but valid conclusion.

Lindsay and Hong's eyes met.

The turning point of the journey was decided without any doubt.

What the dragon beast wants to hide must be what challengers like them need to dig out.Even if there must be danger in the place where the dragon beast wants to hide, he still has to go there now.

Reality and purpose echoed Lindsay's decision.

After a long absence, there were some new words on Lindsay's taskbar.

【Mystery of life experience】

[The evil dragon was born in the stone forest of thousands of mountains and grew stronger.There is also a secret it wants to hide here, dig it out! 】

[Task reward: Unlock decrypted game modules, attribute/skill experience points. 】

"Has even the mission system responded to this goal?"

Lindsay raised her eyebrows slightly.

The reward given by this mission will open the [Puzzle Game] module, which shows that the dragon beast must have worked hard to hide the secret, and I am afraid it is not a problem that can be solved simply by force.

Lindsay ponders the possibilities.

While his attention was drawn to the text on the taskbar.

Hong's eyes wandered around, and then he patted Lindsay on the shoulder:

"Lindsey, did you kill all these guys?"


Lindsay looked up.

The targets Hong pointed to were the ordinary black hawks who were still on top of the stone pillars, daring not to move.Now the leader is dead.

These ordinary monsters huddled on top of the stone pillars, not even having the guts to take revenge.


Looking at the scene in front of her, Lindsay sighed.

He just promised the King of Black Eagles not to kill all these black eagles.

The other party also died under the rules customized by the dragon beast because it answered the questions honestly. Even if this was an agreement without supervision, it still planned to fulfill its promise and not slaughter all the Black Eagle clan.

"Red, kill a few of them."

"Scare away the other Black Hawks, and things here will be over."


A few minutes later, the top of the stone pillar where the black eagle was originally perched was gone.

There were some scattered corpses lying on the ground, and in the distance there were panicked black spots escaping in the air, flying towards the Star Forest.

This is the result of Lindsay's deliberate drive.

At this moment, the sun has begun to set.

After all this fighting and killing, time came to dusk.

The height of the stone pillars was specially selected by Black Eagle, so that the temperature and environment are suitable.

Lindsay and Hong simply stayed on top, preparing to spend the night here.

While collecting prey materials, the black hawk carcass is processed and dinner is prepared.

Lindsay took out the heart donated by the Black Hawk King and put all four materials on the workbench.

[1 bear heart + 1 wolf heart + 1 eagle heart + 1 leopard heart = heart of the beast]

[Accessories/Materials: Heart of the Beast]

[After equipped, the strength, agility, vision and hearing are improved; it can also be used as materials to make other props. 】

[A strange accessory with the power of a beast, of moderate value. 】

Lindsay tried to equip [Beast Heart].

This accessory increases strength and agility by two points each, and also makes vision and hearing sharper.However, compared to the improvement effect of potions, the gap is still quite obvious.

"After all, it can always take effect on the equipment, which is not bad."

"Subsequent synthesis..."

Lindsay looked through the subsequent synthesis of [Beast Heart]. The upgrade route for this equipment is single and clear.



"If this thing is synthesized, it can also transform into the corresponding beast, right?"

Lindsay pouted.

Materials like hearts are inherently difficult to drop.

The synthesis of [Behemoth Heart] is probably more difficult than other high-level equipment, but now there is no need to think about it at all.

Lindsay opened [Hunting Notes] again.

The Black Eagle King died directly under the influence of the dragon beast, and the corresponding leader kill reward naturally slipped away from Lindsay's hands.

However, due to the cleanup of ordinary Black Hawks, the number of basic achievements is sufficient.

Lindsay immediately claimed her reward.

[Rare Item: Hunting Mark 3/3]

[Consume the number of times to mark the enemy. Before it dies, you can ignore obstacles and confirm the target's location. It lasts for one day.Remaining number of uses: 3]

[Achievement items have the magical function of marking targets. 】

What appeared in Lindsay's hand was a round mark made of something similar to brass, only the size of a button.

Just by holding it in her hand, Lindsay knew how to use it.

Make physical contact with the target, or stick it directly on the other person's clothes. [Hunting Mark] can complete the mark in an instant, allowing the other person to appear in Lindsay's field of vision at all times.

If you want to carry out tasks such as tracking and investigation, the usefulness of [Hunting Mark] is self-evident.

Lindsay shrugged and put the [Hunting Mark] in her bag:
"It's a pity that it can only be used three times."

(End of this chapter)

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