Chapter 242 Master


Bang - bang - bang!

Warm underground caves were quickly dug.

Then two corpses and an unconscious prisoner were thrown down by Lindsay.


Hong, who had slept for a long time, was awakened by the sound and lazily got up in front of the campfire:

"Lindsay, what are you doing?"

The girl stood up and rubbed her hazy eyes, then bent her arms and stretched.

As consciousness returns to consciousness.

She caught the scent of the cave soon after.

It was different from myself and Lindsay, the taste of a stranger!

There are outsiders!

Hong woke up instantly and immediately grabbed the wood poison javelin in his hand and looked at the location where the sound came from.

The cave was brightly lit by torches.

Hong soon saw the three humans stacked on top of each other, as well as Lindsay, who had just landed on the ground and kept waving his arms above his head.

state! state! state!

After several clear sounds in succession, the cave was sealed again.

Lindsay also turned around and waved to Hong:

"Come on, help me transport this family's cargo."

"Bai is excited." Hong shrugged and went over to help Lindsay drag the three people back to the camp. "I thought there was an enemy invasion."

Lindsay replied:

"Actually, it's almost the same. They are almost on top of us."

Hong continued to ask:

"Where did these guys come from? The dragon beast's men?"

Lindsay shook her head:

"It's hard to say. Anyway, I don't have any good intentions."

He briefly recounted what happened on the snow, and finally stated emphatically:

"These guys are very weird."

"Except for the emotional fluctuations during battle, the emotional fluctuations at other times are extremely weak. No matter before death or when they see their companions being subdued and threatened by me, they don't have the reaction that normal humans should have."

What Hong cares about is the abilities of these three people described by Lindsay:

"Lindsay, you said their skills are exactly the same as mine?"

Lindsay pointed to one of the corpses:

"At least the intention of death and killing are exactly the same, and this guy can also use the spear in his hand to differentiate into a physical afterimage."

"What do you think they are from?"

Lindsay pointed at the guy who was knocked unconscious after being hit by an arrow:

"I didn't leave anyone alive just for questioning."

At the same time, product information is also unfolding on these three guys.

[Corpse: Resuscitator]

[After the resuscitator successfully transformed, he was killed again. 】

[Old bones with low value. 】

[The Immortal: The Resurrectionist]

[After the corpse was resuscitated, the individual was successfully deformed. He has normal intelligence and the foundation of cultivating essence skills, and likes to kill the living to enhance his own abilities. 】

[Undead slaves that are difficult to control are difficult to sell. 】



Before opening the product information, Lindsay had never expected such a result!

He even opened the hunting notebook with some disbelief.

Only when he clearly saw that the number of kills from 143 turned into 145 did he confirm his previous result.

It's not an enemy with unknown origins, nor is it some weird species that imitates humans.

Rather, they are living corpses resurrected from human corpses!

It's no wonder that they don't care about the life or death of their companions and can always maintain such a stable emotional state.

Hong on the side also heard Lindsay’s voice:


"You mean the kind of resurrected corpse?"

"Your statement." Lindsay nodded and affirmed, "If my various abilities are not wrong, that should be it."

Hong followed the train of thought and began to speculate:

"So these people are adventurers who died in Montenegro." "Their bodies were resurrected in an accident, and then wandered in the stone forest of thousands of mountains, and were eventually hit by us?"

Lindsay had the same idea as Hong, but he was more cautious:

"That's about it."

"But to be on the safe side, let's ask this guy."

"And don't forget, these guys are not of the same skill as you. I have never seen such awakened people in the hidden frontier."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lindsay pulled out the arrow stuck in the opponent's shoulder and stuffed it back into his bag.

The next step was two slaps on the face.




When the unconscious resuscitator regained consciousness, the first thing he saw was Lindsay in front of him.

"Go to hell..."

The resuscitator, who wanted to fight back immediately, started shouting and then fell silent.

Because he has no control over his body.

The hunting notes clearly stated that one of the weaknesses of the resuscitator was the essence of life and death.

Lindsay happens to be the latter.

If you fight other awakened beings, with the endurance of an undead species like the resuscitator, it will be quite troublesome to kill or control them.

But they happened to meet their nemesis, Lindsay.

Seeing that the resuscitator remained motionless as if resigned to his fate, Lindsay also showed a satisfied smile:

"Since you have successfully deformed, you should have recovered your previous memories."

"First tell me about your origins."

"Know about the aberration?" Lindsay's question attracted the attention of the resuscitator, and his attitude was predictably bad. "Then you should also understand that there is nothing to talk about between the living and the dead."

Hong on the side tried to say:

"I hope you will answer honestly. We can also prepare a good burial place for you."

I heard a female voice from the side.

The resuscitator turned his head and said sarcastically:

"How could a dead man care..."

The resuscitator's movements suddenly stopped.

He looked at the girl who was so close, his eyes filled with disbelief. His excitement and joy could hardly be disguised before, but deep in his expression, there was also a hint of fear that could not be erased:

"'s you!"

Lindsay had not yet taken off the sapphire glasses on her face at this time.

In his sight, the blue halo that symbolized a stable state of mind suddenly turned into an extremely vigorous green, but in the deepest part of this halo, the red rooted in the soul also emerged.

Blue symbolizes calmness.

Green represents excitement and joy.

Red corresponds to fear.

Previously, Lindsay could only use red and some wild animals as test subjects. Now with the resuscitator as a reference, the emotional halo detected by sapphire glasses can be regarded as truly clarifying the rules.

While confirming the harvest, looking at the other party's extremely excited look, Lindsay was inevitably a little nervous.

Same skills, same in the world of Montenegro.

Combined with the other party's reaction at the moment, the resuscitator undoubtedly knew Hong's identity.

And from the analysis of his honorific title to Hong.

There is a high probability that this resuscitator will not refuse to answer Hong's question.

The doubts that have persisted for more than half a year are about to be answered.

So... was the one he rescued from the dragon beast prison a demon king or a princess?

Just when Lindsay was feeling anxious and nervous.

As expected, the excited resuscitator continued to speak to Hong.

He could not suppress his emotions and shouted with great excitement:

"Master, please rush to Montenegro immediately and take back the power that belongs to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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