My different world is game mode.

Chapter 251 Frozen City

Chapter 251 Frozen City

[Alchemy Material: Frozen Water]

[An alchemical catalyst that condenses cold essence at extremely low temperatures; a necessary item for making certain high-level potions. 】

[Special alchemical catalyst, moderate value. 】

Lindsay took out the alchemy table and made a [frozen water].

It's just that the subsequent synthesis of this thing is a potion such as [Ice Dragon's Breath Potion] or [Lich Transformation Mixture]. The materials needed are materials that have never been heard of before, such as [Glacier Cold Spring] and [Spirit of Vengeance].

"There is definitely no hope now."

Lindsay quickly put away these things and then came to Hong's side:

"Is there something frozen down there?"

Lindsay bent down and lowered the torch as low as possible, and indeed saw what Hong said.

Refraction in the ice makes the light hazy, but there is indeed something dark.


Lindsay looked up at the cave above her head.

When the broken ice fell just now, it caused a lot of noise. Now we can use the pickaxe to open the way.


The light of the meteorite pickaxe flickers in the glacier.

With a few bangs, it cracked open the ice below, revealing some black stones with obvious artificial traces.

Analyze only from the top, like the top of a building.

"Is there a building down there?"

Lindsay glanced at [Frozen City] on the taskbar, and immediately called to the girl next to her:

"Hong, come here and let's dig down together."

"But keep your voice as low as possible."

Lindsay and Red started to do it.

They dug downwards along the black spire, and the top of the building gradually came into view.

Below is a tall black tower.

The dark black stone is solemn and solemn, and the sharp shape also reveals a unique dynamic beauty.

In the past, the spiers here may have pointed toward the stars.

But now it can only sleep here with the long history deep in the glacier buried underground.

Dig down along the top of the tower.

The heights of the Black Tower have been completely frozen, and the internal space is also filled with ice.

However, after continuing down for forty or fifty meters, the color of the glacier that sealed it began to fade.

"This color……"

Lindsay stopped the pickaxe and easily released his cold resistance. The air-conditioning immediately made him shiver:

"Sure enough, the temperature here is lower than above."

Hong asked curiously:

"So further down, the temperature will rise and there won't even be glaciers?"

Lindsay raised the meteorite pickaxe again:

"We won't find out about this until we go down."

The two continued to dig downward. This time, it was only a little over 10 meters away. An open observatory was revealed in the black ancient tower, and the internal structure was clearly displayed.

"You can go in here!"

It is impossible to see clearly inside the completely frozen tower due to the filling of ice cubes.

From here on, the ice inside the tower has been lifted!

Lindsay took out the radar to detect it, then took the lead and jumped in:

"Red, put away the pickaxe, let's go from inside."

The two carefully entered the tower from the observatory.

Although there are not a large number of glaciers filling the indoor space, the temperature here is still very low. Some glass products are covered with frost and even cracked by the frost.

This tower was obviously not a place to live.

It is made of dark black stone both inside and outside. From the top to where Lindsay and the others are, the height of the tower is between 3 and 5 meters, and the higher it goes down, the higher it gets.

What can be seen inside the building.

They are also various weird instruments that have nothing to do with daily life.

After walking down two more floors of the cold stairs, Lindsay and Hong were stopped by a frozen door on the first floor.

There are some strange runes carved on this door.

There may have been a flow of essence on it originally, but under the tempering of endless years, its former functions have long since disappeared.

Lindsay opened the door easily and saw the floor below. There is almost nothing here, just an empty hall, with a solitary high platform in the center with a half-moon-shaped groove on it.


Seeing this scene, Lindsay thought of the lighthouse where the core of the ancestral spirit was placed in the hidden border.

The construction here is somewhat similar.

It's a pity that the groove is empty. The core here has obviously been taken away long ago.

Going further down, something eye-catching finally appeared in the tower.

This is a floor that functions as a library. There are many scrolls on the bookshelf. Lindsay walked over and randomly picked one up and opened it.

Due to the special environment, these scrolls were not damaged.

But the text above…

"Well, I still don't understand!"

There are things written in unfamiliar characters, and there are also patterns like constellations drawn on them.

Lindsay isn't sure if any of these items will come in handy in the future.

But as a part-time archaeological job, he stuffed these scrolls into his luggage and obtained a total of 127 volumes of [Unknown Ancient Text].


"Lindsay, it looks like there's no ice left outside!"

At this moment, Hong's voice came from below.

While Lindsay was collecting ancient documents, the girl couldn't bear the loneliness and went down to the floor below first.

Hearing the sound, Lindsay quickly walked downstairs.

Hong stood on the edge of a stone window.

Almost half of her body was stretched out, and one leg was still half-raised, shaking constantly.

Even if this guy falls down in the next second, it won't surprise anyone.


This posture is very seductive.

Lindsay had the guts to lift Hong's other leg up as well.

Then he had the urge to throw this guy out like taking out the trash, but he resisted.

"What's going on outside?"

Lindsay walked over and took a look. Just as Hong said, the glacier had disappeared at this depth.

Instead, there is a hemispherical space buckled by glaciers.

Lindsay looked down first.

The black tower was still dozens of meters high, and they were almost in the middle.

Turning your sight to the distance, the glacier sealing this place is like a translucent dome.

Some glowing green spheres hang from the top of the glacier, providing a ghostly illumination to the city.


At this time, Lindsay's attribute panel changed again.

He opened it and took a look.

Not only the mission of [Ice City] has been completed.

Even the map skill seems to have unlocked the overlooking point, bringing the entire city into the scope of exploration.

However, these news are what Lindsay values ​​​​now.

Because right in this ancient frozen city, hundreds of dangerous red dots are active here!

"There...there can't be any strange creatures here, right?"

Lindsay took out his binoculars and looked at a street with red dots in the distance.

Sure enough, a guy with a human appearance but weird sarcomas on his body was walking around slowly.


Lindsay immediately recognized the other person's identity.

He dragged Hong back to the inside of the black tower.

The movement was so violent that the inertia even made the two of them sit on the cold floor.

Lindsay turned to look at the inexplicably red face, and said in a tone of surprise and helplessness:

"Red, now we have good news."

"We seem to have accidentally stumbled into the base of those resuscitators!"

(End of this chapter)

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