My different world is game mode.

Chapter 297 Still fishing

Chapter 297 Still fishing

The development in reality is always more troublesome than in games or novels, and it also comes more suddenly.

A week after Lindsay's successful fishing trip.

Eleni's horse falls ill.

It's not some evil plan, nor is it some persecution with evil intentions.

Simply because of the fright of encountering the forest, coupled with the gloomy weather in the past two days, it rained heavily again.

The horses responsible for pulling the carriages became ill.

Lindsay used her commodity skills to conduct an appraisal and confirmed that the poor little animal had pneumonia.

As a businessman traveling alone, Elini also prepared medicine.

But the environment in the forest is dark and humid, so the effect of medicine is not very good.

In addition to relieving the pain of his beloved horse, there is no immediate cure for his disease.

So, right on the edge of the forest.

The horses lay half-crouched by the roadside, panting on the ground dying, and the hoarse sound of "ha ha ha ha" made people feel uncomfortable.

And next to the lying horses.

Lindsay and Ellyni, who had jumped out of the car, looked at each other.

"Elini, how did you deal with situations like this before?"

The business girl spread her hands helplessly:

"How else can we deal with it? Let's wait."

"Either wait until the horse recovers or dies; or wait until you meet other people and talk about how to help."

"That's how it's handled anyway."

With that said, Elini looked at the green hell-like forest around her and couldn't help but start to complain:

"To be honest, if the benefits are not high enough, few people would be willing to come to this developing world."

"Even on the official road, it's as desolate as if you were deep in the mountains and forests!"

The effort of a few sentences.

Elini's ideas began to hit Lindsay:

"I remember... the next town is only about two days away."

"Lindsay, aren't you quite strong?"

Lindsay became alert:

"What do you mean?"

"Look, Xiaofang has been having sex with you for almost three months~~"

Xiaofang is the name Elini gave the horse.

At this moment, the business girl smiled maliciously at Lindsay:

"After all, it's three months of companionship. Isn't it time for you to repay me?"

Lindsay had a bad feeling in her heart and asked tentatively:

"You're not going to let me hang up the reins and pull the cart for you and Xiaofang, are you?"

As if she was afraid that the person in front of her would run away, Elini rushed over and hugged Lindsay:

"It doesn't have to be so exaggerated!"

"As for the carriage, I can pack up the goods and stuff them into my trading space and take them away. But this kind of thing is very physically taxing. Just help me carry the horse!"

Lindsay confirmed in a subtle tone:

"So there are two of us, one carrying the carriage and the other carrying the horse."

Elini had a premonition that Lindsay was about to break away from her arms, and shouted unladylikely:

"Wait a minute, I can give you money!"


Lindsay certainly wouldn't be swayed by such a reason.

But it was precisely because of Elini's embarrassment that he had another idea in his mind.

During this week's journey, they kept following the river.

Because Jiuwan City is a city where rivers meet.

The river in the forest not far away undoubtedly leads to the city in the center of the world.

Now that we can't rely on horses to move forward on the road, let's change our mind.

"Alini, what do you think about us taking the water route?"

The business girl looked stunned, but she quickly understood what Lindsay was thinking:

"Waterway, but we don't have a boat?"

Lindsay simply replied:

"If there is no boat, we will build one now!"

"..." "You can't be like those craftsmen who can make props with magical functions, right?"

Elini was undoubtedly right.

But Lindsay had no intention of telling all her secrets, so she just smiled softly:

"You think too much."

"I just know how to build an ordinary boat, and the two of us can just slide on it."

Lindsay's plan is undoubtedly a solution.

Elini then let go of her hands, went back to comfort Xiaofang, and replied to Lindsay:

"That's no problem."

"But in this case, Lindsay, you have done me a favor again. Do you want to charge me this time?"

Lindsay didn’t say it all:

"If you don't want to pay, I'll have no problem here."

Elini raised her head. She expressed doubts about this man who had made a lot of money from her:

"What's going on? Are you showing mercy today?"

Lindsay had already taken out her axe.

He chopped down a green sandalwood tree with a few bangs, cut out a simple paddle, and threw it to Elini next to the horse.

The merchant girl took the oar with a blank look on her face.

Looking up again, Lindsay had continued working and explained at the same time:

"If you're taking a boat, someone has to hold the oars, right?"

Elini pointed at herself with the paddle in her hand:

"So...I'll row the boat?"

"That's right." Lindsay nodded affirmatively, "I have already made the boat, and of course I will take the boat next."

Elini is obviously still thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

Lindsay began to bewitch her mentally:

"Elini, you save money and I save energy. In this way, aren't everyone happy?"

When Elini heard the word save money, she forced herself to think.

After watching Lindsay's men clang a few more times, the prototype of the wooden boat was already in place. She also had to admit that this was a reasonable suggestion.


Half an hour later, a small boat gliding forward appeared in the river.

The woods on both sides of the river moved backward like a curtain of rain.

In the small boat, Elini sat in the stern, shaking the oars hard.

A horse was lying sideways in the middle of the boat, panting uncomfortably.

As for Lindsay.

He didn't really leave the rowing job to Elini completely.

When building the ship, Lindsay temporarily made a sail and stood it in the center. After it was recycled, it would be effective even in the forest, saving Elini some effort.

In this case.

Lindsay sat alone on the bow of the boat. He swung out his fishing rod and engaged in unstable boat fishing.

If you catch a wooden box, it's easy to handle.

Lindsay pulled hard in the air, opened the box and took out the contents.

But if what you catch is a fish...

During the harvesting process, the fish tails inevitably fluttered in the air, splashing water on Elini's face.

Afterwards, complaints can often be heard on the ship:

"Lindsay, I've never seen anyone like you!"

"But aren't I helping you save money?"

"Then you should also pay attention to your own fish and don't keep throwing water in my face!"

"I can't control the fish's tail, but... how about I wipe it for you?"

"Be careful, don't step on my horse!"

In this way.

This improvised team continued sailing along the river in the direction of Jiuwan City.

 [I don’t want to code, I want to play the Phantom Beast Palu! 】




(End of this chapter)

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