My different world is game mode.

Chapter 304 Don’t come over!

Chapter 304 Don’t come over!

In the evening, warm sunlight penetrates into the house through the gaps in the wooden shutters.

Here are the homes provided by the River Beach Chamber of Commerce.

Merchants from the Platinum City have their own affiliated chambers of commerce, and there are also independent individual traders like Elini. The latter can move relatively freely, but naturally lacks all the help from the Chamber of Commerce.

On top of the various merchant groups, there is also the organization that controls the mint bank of the Platinum City - the Merchants United Guild.

This organization is jointly controlled by the top businessmen and is the well-deserved top of the pyramid in the business world.

The branch of the merchant guild is located in Yueyue City in the Forest Garden.

It's actually controlled by the Riverbank Chamber of Commerce.

As for Jiuwan City and Lookout Point City, they are also run by the Hetan Chamber of Commerce, but their influence is naturally not as great as that of Yueyue City.

The room that Eileen was living in at the moment was provided free of charge by the River Beach Chamber of Commerce to the merchant group, and she also enjoyed some conveniences in life.

Just as a price, businessmen enjoy this kind of treatment.

Some basic conditions put forward by the Chamber of Commerce need to be respected.

For example, when conducting commercial activities, priority should be given to areas controlled by the Chamber of Commerce.

At this moment, Elini was sitting generously in the wooden house.

The environment inside the room is clean and quiet, and Elini is sitting at the table, tall and straight. She stared intently at the account book in her hand, occasionally biting the pen holder to sort out her next plan, and then quickly wrote down some key points on the paper.

The merchant girl's movements occasionally revealed a confident smile, as if she was full of expectations and confidence in her plan.

Beside the table, there was a map and two cloth bags.

The map details the divisions of each store in the commercial district, and there are also small labels with specific information written on it.

The two cloth bags contain spices and medicinal materials respectively.

They tend to be more expensive and are easy to carry around, making them a fairly easy buy.

Elini had already exchanged other goods for money on the way.

This is the last remaining hard currency, and it can also be regarded as her trump card in business activities. After losing all her wealth, she can quickly realize it.

"When I came here last time, I remembered that there were many girls in the Awakener families and nobles in the North District who were particularly interested in fabrics." Elini put down her account book and drew circles in two places on the map, "This time I came You can make special preparations and maybe find new customers. As for the local fabric's a bit dark."

"I can only find out the news at the party."

Businessmen occasionally meet at night.

During this period, it is natural to invite the awakened people and nobles among ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Elini walked to the mirror in the cabin. She adjusted her clothes to ensure that her image was both professional and appropriate.

Months of trekking through the forest had left her in a state of panic.

Not to mention that he worked as a coolie for Lindsay in the last month.

After yesterday's rest, Elini finally regained some of the dignity that a businessman should have.

bang bang bang --

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Ms. Elini, this is your dinner today!"

Bauer, an apprentice from the Chamber of Commerce, walked into the house with a piece of food, respectfully placed it on the table for Elini, and then politely said goodbye and left.

Bauer's attitude was very respectful, and his eyes even looked longingly when he looked at Elini.

Once these apprentices become awakened, they will be immediately absorbed by the Chamber of Commerce.

It is also possible to cultivate relationships with the merchants who live there, so as to join the vast team of merchants.

After sending the apprentice away, Elini inspects the food.

In addition to a good accommodation environment, the food provided by the riverbank merchants to the merchants is only the most basic bread and vegetable soup. If you want to eat better food, you have to pay an additional meal fee.


Elini looked at the food in front of her and hesitated.

As a businessman traveling alone, Elini is already familiar with various difficult environments. It’s not uncommon for me to lie down in the swamp and eat my dinner while being hunted.

but now……

"How can I eat this?"

As the saying goes - it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

In the more than three months that she and Lindsay have been together, the other party has always been responsible for the food issue. There is no doubt that Elini enjoys this aspect.

But now, faced with this ordinary food that is featureless and even a little difficult to swallow.

An idea that a businessman should have came to Elini's mind:

"If I invite Lindsay to be a chef and open a restaurant, will the business be so good that it explodes?"

When Elini thought of this, she shook her head.

Although she didn't inquire deeply, she could feel that Lindsay had some important secrets hidden in her body. Coupled with the other party's unwavering desire to go to the world of the Capital of Law.

It's probably not realistic to keep this guy and open a store together to make money.

"What if I open my own restaurant?"

Elini did some calculations.

It is not difficult for the Awakened One to obtain a property in the city of Forest Garden. But if you open a store, the land and construction costs are another calculation. At the same time, the Awakened Chef is not easy to find.

Coupled with other miscellaneous expenses, the money she had on hand was probably barely enough.

"As a businessman, you will continue to suffer, but you can enjoy freedom."

"If I open a store, it will be more stable, but I'm afraid I will be trapped here in a short time, and there is a high probability that I will even join the Chamber of Commerce."


Elini was a little moved, and then fell into silence.

The trading activities of merchants are not only about money exchanges, but also the improvement of their skills.

A stable operating environment represents methodical and slow improvement.

The upper limit of this life is probably at the fourth stage.

At the same time, it is tantamount to giving up wandering in the infinite world, looking for the opportunity called hope whose probability is as far away as the horizon.


Elini chuckled:

"It's still impossible for me to stay in one place forever."

At this time, the girl happened to hear the sound of running coming from the corridor outside.

Her room was the last room on the second floor facing south. Listening to the hurried sound, she knew that the other party was coming for her.

Elini opened the door.

As expected, Bao Bao, an apprentice from the Hetan Chamber of Commerce, ran over panting:

"Ms. Elini, someone is looking for you!"

After explaining the reason to Na, Bauer carefully continued to describe:

"He also held two bouquets of flowers. They should be Youmeng purple roses. The purchase price should be four or five silver coins!"


"ok, I get it."

Elini originally wanted to go down to the Chamber of Commerce Hall to meet the other party.

However, she thought that the other party was holding flowers, and with the idea of ​​saving face, she stopped her apprentice Baoer and ordered:

"Bauer, go and call him up. I'll be waiting in the room."

"Okay, Ms. Elini!" The apprentice looked disappointed, nodded and left.

A few minutes later.

The man who brought the flowers went upstairs.

Elini is very confident in her appearance and knows she is a beauty.

Before the meeting, she thought it was someone she had traded with in Jiuwan City last time, or a businessman who came to express his kindness to her.

But never expected.

At this moment, it turned out to be Lindsay, holding a bouquet of flowers in front of him!

"Huh? Why is it you!"

Elini's expression was subtle. She quickly pulled Lindsay into the house and locked the door:

"Lindsay, what do you mean?"

The man in front of her was a money hole, so Elini was extremely cautious.

Lindsay smiled this time:

"This flower is for you, it's free of charge."

"Besides, we are also friends traveling together. Isn't it normal for us to come to visit and bring some gifts?"

Elini's eyes were still full of suspicion.

The businessman's shrewdness told her that the man in front of her must have an ulterior motive!

Lindsay saw the girl's appearance in her eyes.

He smiled bitterly, took out a vase, arranged the flowers and placed them on the table, and then said his intention seriously:

"Okay, let's be direct."

"I have a profitable business, and I want to do it with you."

Elini breathed a sigh of relief.

When she heard 'making money' and 'trading', she quickly pulled Lindsay to sit down in the room:

"That's just right, we both thought of going together!"

Lindsay interpreted Elini's behavior as something that the businessman's skills had noticed.

He and the girl in front of him looked at each other and smiled, feeling that the tacit understanding they had during the trip was back. So Lindsay took the stockings out of her bag and said to the girl in front of her:

"Now that we can think of going together, it will be much easier."

"Elini, please take off your pants first."

Elini's expression was stunned.

Then she jumped back in fright, almost leaning against the second-floor window, as if she was ready to turn over and escape at any moment.

The business girl's attitude was completely different from when she once seduced Lindsay. She shouted loudly:

"Lindsay, what are you doing?!"

"Don't come over here, or I will take action!"

(End of this chapter)

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