My different world is game mode.

Chapter 321 Set off immediately

Chapter 321 Set off immediately

"The knights of the law escort the prisoners, the city managed by the organizers, the autumn where the harvest day is..."

Lindsay thought about the time.

Today is August 8st, and Harvest Day is in September every year.

"Although the time difference is only one month, these factors are too coincidental."

Leave the embassy.

He returned to his shop, and on the way he couldn't help but think of the information he had just received.

Think about this.

Worries about my hometown came to mind.

Although the memory of the past life has been awakened, and the personality is based on it.

But Lindsay's childhood memories in this world also play a large role. A large part of the reason why he is obsessed with returning to the Capital of Law comes from this.

"It may be a little dangerous, but if you want to pursue efficiency, you have to go there."

There is a small warrior guild in Yaoyue City with the teleportation array, and there is no problem in handing over the two bodies to them.

Open the store door.

Although no one witnessed it, Lindsay made a promise.

"Father, mother, Anvil Village, Arvette..."

Just now at the embassy, ​​Lindsay bought this information for only one silver coin.

But the main activities of the warriors from Narkobondek are not here. To fulfill this promise, we must at least cross two more worlds in front of the Forest Garden.

Or there is another way.

"A warrior's guild."


A hundred years ago, the expedition team traveled through and recorded many worlds, including the Garden in the Forest, the Black Mountain World, and the Hidden Frontier.

In addition to all kinds of supplies and equipment, there were also two corpses.

It was also what he had to do to send these two people to be buried together.

"Teleportation array, Yueyue City..."

and back behind the counter.

Several years of travel have already tempered his firm will, and he quickly regained his composure, and there was no longer anything strange on his face.

Lindsay still has things to do, so of course she chooses the latter.


Lindsay murmured under her breath.

It was underground in the world of Black Mesa, where the bodies of defender Ethan and his beloved Nanya were found.

While Lindsay was thinking about the plan, her eyes were also on her luggage.

At this time, the bell at Lindsay's door was rang.

He looked up and saw another young girl wearing a flower hat, saying hello to him with a smile:

"Mr. Lindsay, do you still have the lavender you sold me last time?"

Lindsay immediately put on a warm smile to welcome guests:

"Of course, please come in!"


That night, Lindsay packed her belongings and prepared to leave.

past experiences.

Let him truly understand a truth.

——When facing an unexpected situation, it is especially important to take quick action!

In two more days.

The law knight Han Sike, the businessman Kuite, and the life scholar will all come to Jiuwan City.

If he continues to stay here, he will inevitably cause more trouble.

Under the darkness, Lindsay walked out of the shop and turned to look at her house.

[Level: 2 (21/500)]

By the end of today, the number of people entertained reached 21, and some people on the street started to become regular customers.

"It's a pity that we can't continue to set up a stall here."

Lindsay shook his head slightly. With a wave of one hand, he put the store away, turned around and hurried towards the business district.

It was night, but the city did not fall into a deep sleep.

This is especially true in business districts.

For those who are ready to answer the call of the city lord and go on adventures in the forest.

At this moment, the heavy rain has ended, and the time to take action has come to seize the opportunity. Businessmen seized the opportunity to resell goods at this critical moment, and heartfelt smiles rarely appeared on the faces of these people.

Alini has moved out of the accommodation provided by the River Beach Chamber of Commerce.

Lindsay looked for her according to the impression in her memory, and sure enough, the business girl was not at home.

This guy was also handling his own business overnight.

Fortunately, the news that Lindsay is Elini's lover has already spread.

The guard who kept watch at night did not stop Lindsay. He sat down at Elini's house and quietly waited for the girl's return.


Until late night comes.

Lindsay heard a carriage pull up downstairs.

He walked to the window and looked out.

As expected, a purple figure jumped out of the car lightly, and at the same time handed the carriage over to the guard.

Elini and the caretaker had a quiet conversation.

Her expression immediately changed, and she rushed into the building at a trot.


Elinie and Lindsay meet on the stairs inside the house.

But the girl's face did not show the slightest joy when she saw her friend, but she was already aware of the solemn atmosphere of this meeting:

"With your temperament, you would never come to me so late. There must be something urgent, right?"

Lindsay nodded and whispered the truth:

"I received the news. In about two days, Han Sike will escort Kuite to Jiuwan City. You know what they think of me. I shouldn't stay here any longer in this situation."


Elini's lips and teeth were slightly open, but she didn't speak.

She didn't expect such a thing to happen, and she even felt a little guilty.

If he were in his previous business status, he would definitely collect information from time to time, and there would be no way he would let such news go.

But in recent days, she is only one step away from the fifth stage.

The busy business situation made Elini start to neglect the caution in related aspects.

Elini sighed and stretched out her hand to make gestures in the merchant space:

"So, you're leaving?"

Lindsay nodded:

"That's right. You are my only friend in this city. You always come here to say goodbye before leaving."

Elini took out a bag full of gold coins from the merchant space and threw it directly to Lindsay:

"I'll give you the money for next week in advance."

Lindsay did not act pretentious about this kind of thing, but took the bag and solemnly nodded her thanks:

"Alini. Thank you very much."

Elini spread her hands with a wry smile:

"It's a pity that if you leave, my stockings business will not be able to continue."

Lindsay then suggested:

"Tomorrow morning or tonight, you can go buy materials. I will use the last time to help you prepare as much goods as possible."

Aelini asked:

"So you plan to leave tomorrow afternoon?"

Lindsay nodded:

"Yes, so you have to hurry up."

Lindsay's idea is simple.

Elini had helped him a lot, and he didn't want to just take the money and leave.

The girl stepped forward and hugged Lindsay gently.

The soft body was hugged into his arms, but the light fragrance from the girl left her at the touch.

Elini was not nostalgic for the businessman's character. She became more aware of the urgency in reality, turned around and walked out of the house.

I jumped back on the carriage and went to the market to collect materials.

Lindsay looked at the carriage leaving quickly in the dark night and couldn't help but sigh.


When entering Jiuwan City, the two of them had already separated.

But due to various fates, this acquaintance lasted for a long time, but after tonight:

"This is my farewell, I don't know when we will see each other again."

(End of this chapter)

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