My different world is game mode.

Chapter 49 Chasing the murderer under the moon

Chapter 49 Chasing the murderer under the moon
"Lindsay, stay safe."

Hongyue reminded Lindsay.

While her voice still echoed in the church courtyard.

Lindsay had already put down Finn's body and climbed out of the church wall again.

At this moment, Lindsay's heart was filled with raging anger, and she didn't want to delay for a moment.

——External intervention!
——Someone deliberately animated Finn’s body when he was keeping a wake for Teacher Finn!

His eyes were as downcast as the stagnant water in a cold pool, with fire about to burst lurking in them.

Lindsay walked across the town in the darkness, her footsteps making a rapid and low muffled sound on the town's road.

He arrived in front of Finn's cabin almost as fast as he could.

But this time, Lindsay didn't come into the house.

He didn't even enter the yard, but stood in front of Finn's residence, scanning the surroundings with keen eyes.

The town is usually very quiet at night.

But because of Lindsay's previous action of subduing the living corpse, there were still lights on in several houses around him.

This picture came into view. Lindsay tried to calm down and analyzed the situation:

"Ordinary townspeople cannot affect the source of matter, so it is absolutely impossible to reanimate a corpse. The only person nearby who can use the source of matter is Dan..."

"No, it can't be her!"

Lindsay immediately dismissed this unrealistic suspicion.

There was no reason for Huntress to act tonight and bring Finn's body to life.

So what led to this scene tonight.

"It can only come from the outside world."

Lindsay made several guesses in her mind and quickly walked around to the back of Finn's cabin.

Looking into the distance, the farmland was dark under the night.

Perhaps there are nocturnal animals active in the field, but under the cover of the low night, there is no clue except for the faint rustling sound.

So, Lindsay turned on the ability of [Trace Tracking].

The result was surprisingly smooth.

The next second after the skill was activated, he discovered something on the edge of the wooden house.

Close to Fenn's cabin, there are several strings of blue footprints on the edge of the wall. Looking along the direction of the prints, this string of blue penetrates into the farmland and extends to the forest in the distance.


"Got you."

Lindsay's eyes were cold and she stepped forward to take a closer look.

The marks on the ground are uniquely shaped, with each footprint having five toe prints surrounded by four smaller toe pad prints surrounding a larger central pad print, with a clear claw mark at the end of each toe print.

its overall distribution shape.

Similar to an enlarged cat paw print, but longer, wider, and flatter.

That's it.

Lindsay's [Habit Investigation] skill was also activated.

He sensed the consumption of source matter, and immediately flipped through the [Hunting Notes] and determined the identity of the beast that left the footprints - [Ice Badger].


Lindsay frowned and remained silent.

The moment he identified the culprit, many things came to his mind.

The first was the frozen living corpse that almost killed him three years ago.

Carefully recalling the details of that day, that thing actually only suddenly came to life after the ice badger appeared.

Now three years have passed.

The body of Lindsay's teacher, Finn, was also animated by this monster.


"Who would believe that there is no connection between them?"

Lindsay kept her gaze fixed and followed the footprints into the forest.

At the same time, he also took out the bow and arrow from his [carry-on bag] to ensure that he could attack at any time as long as he saw the enemy.

During this period, Lindsay continued to search for the ice badger contents in her [Hunting Notes].

He realized another problem - [Kill achievement: 4/10]

It's been three years!
In the past three years, Lindsay has followed Dan on hunting trips too many times to count.But one thing that is certain is that he has encountered many other types of magical beasts in the hidden frontier during hunting.

Such as black-horned snow deer, frozen wind sparrow, and rotten leaf rabbit.

The corresponding number of kills was at least three or five.

But only the ice badger is different.

Except for the first four that Lindsay killed, three years later, he never killed another one!
Or to be more precise.

In the past three years, Lindsay has never seen an ice badger again!
He originally thought that this phenomenon was because after Lindsay and Ju were attacked, Dan killed the ice badger leader and then cleaned up the area out of anger.

But combined with today’s experience.

The disappearance of ice badgers in the past three years may still hide some unknown secrets.

"A long conspiracy that lasted three years..."

Thinking of all this, Lindsay couldn't help but speed up.

It seems that tonight is not just a matter of reanimating his teacher's corpse.

Even the hatred of being attacked repeatedly when he first arrived at the hidden border can be dealt with today!

Lindsay's figure galloped through the dark night forest, like a cheetah chasing its prey.

This is a battle of endurance and destiny.

The number of ice badger kills has not yet reached the [Killer] level requirement.

So even though Lindsay could find fresh footprints on the ground in a completely dark night.

But as time goes by, these blue marks gradually disappear.

As he continued to keep his skills activated, Lindsay could feel that his life essence was continuously being depleted.

[Trace Tracking] This is an extremely effective active skill.

The price to be paid is the loss of life essence, and the depletion of life essence is equivalent to facing the threat of death for Lindsay.But he didn't dare stop.

At least at the last moment when the essence of the body is completely exhausted, before finding the culprit tonight.

He will never stop!
At this moment, Lindsay could only see the blue footprints extending in front of her.

He climbed over mounds, skirted trees, broke through shrubs, and traversed any difficult terrain only in the most time-saving manner.

There is only one purpose, to approach his goal as quickly as possible.

Before the source material is exhausted!


For the first quarter of an hour, Lindsay gained nothing.

It was as if the marks on the ground were just extending forward aimlessly.

But he was completely unmoved, his mind was as calm as water, and he just kept tracking at the fastest speed.

rustling --

Finally, after half an hour.

Lindsay, whose hearing is sharper than ordinary people, noticed a small sound coming from the front, which seemed to be the movement of claws rubbing on wood!

He immediately slowed down.

After tracking along the way, Lindsay's [Habit Investigation] ability also added several new contents under the ice badger entry in [Hunting Notes].

For example - [Good at walking at night, keen vision, slightly poor sense of smell].

Using the cover of the surrounding woods and darkness, Lindsay avoided the dead branches and leaves on the ground and slowly approached as silently as possible.

Before long, he saw blue footprints extending to the end.

——Ice badger.

——There were three ice badgers there!

They were gathering together, their brown-black fur rolling on the ground, biting into a few pine cones they had just gotten off the tree.


Lindsay held her breath and her right hand was already touching the tail feather of the arrow.

When he thought that this was the 'murderer' who caused the teacher's body to come to life, anger burst out in his chest.

But he held back.

Lindsay clenched his fist, and he pinched the tail feather of an arrow tightly against the arrow shaft.

Killing these three ice badgers was just a snap.

The real target he wants to find is not just the three ice badgers in front of him, but the mastermind behind controlling them!
As long as he is not discovered, he can follow him all the way.

Sooner or later...


Suddenly, the three ice badgers stopped biting the pine cones.

One of them turned around and poked his head in Lindsay's direction, as if he was checking something!
"You brought it on yourself!"

Lindsay's eyes suddenly became sharp.

He didn't hesitate at all, and the arrow was immediately on the string.

A bird in hand is worse than a hundred birds in the forest.

Now that they have been discovered, there is no way these three ice badgers can lead him to find the truth behind the scenes.In this case, there is no reason to remain silent.

Even if it’s a corpse, these ice badgers must be left behind first!

Whoosh whoosh—

In an instant, the rapid fire feature was activated by Lindsay.

The three arrows were almost connected end to end, and shot out towards the three ice badgers like lightning in a straight line.

Just listen to two beeps.

The two unresponsive ice badgers had already been hit by arrows and were struggling painfully on the ground.

Only the last one, because it was looking in the direction of Lindsay, and the arrow shot at it was the same one whose tail feather was almost crushed by Lindsay just now.

So the moment the arrow hit, it jumped to the side to avoid the fatal cold light.Then the ice badger raised its head and was about to release its ice pick to counterattack.

But Lindsay is faster!

Before the ice badger could finish casting the spell, a black shadow enveloped it.

As soon as the escaped ice badger hit the ground, Lindsay himself rushed out of the woods.

He kneed the Ice Badger to the ground at an unimaginable speed.

He didn't even wait for this monster to wail.

He took out the knife from his [carry-on bag] and stabbed the ice badger in the neck, killing it.


Lindsay breathed out, but his fists were clenched and his face remained scowl.

Forced by the reality of being discovered by the other party.

He chose to kill these three ice badgers, which also meant that he failed to find out the real culprit behind the ice badgers.

He had clearly followed the records in the [Hunting Notes] and specifically avoided the sight of the ice badger, and he did not make any sound.

This kind of monster with low intelligence.

How did he discover that... with his back turned to himself?


Suddenly, Lindsay froze.

Because after killing these three ice badgers that turned Finn into a living corpse.

He found that a new message was added to his gamer's panel.

【mission completed】

[The third module is open]

[Source material filled in successfully]

[Simulation business module login]

 [Please collect, please vote! 】

(End of this chapter)

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