My different world is game mode.

Chapter 64 Climbing the Babel Vine

Chapter 64 Climbing the Babel Vine

The end of this trip is in sight.

Lindsay's pace quickened, but she didn't dare to relax.

He pulled out a long dagger in his left hand and held it in front of him as a cover, while holding a spear in his right hand in an attacking posture to deal with any danger that might arise at any time.

Lindsay had already crossed the last 1 meters through thick snow in less than a minute.

He came to the edge of the world at the hidden edge and looked down.

The terrain here is similar to that behind the Bell Tower Lighthouse. At the foot is a steep cliff covered with thick blue frost.

But if you look closely.

You will find that what is covered under the frost is not the soil and rocks of the ordinary cliff, but a plant vine full of vitality.

"……what is this?"

Lindsay was a little curious. He immediately activated his ability and used the product template to examine the huge plants that formed the cliff.

[Ladder: Climbing the Babel Vine]

[The bridge connecting the world appears in the form of vines. 】

[Realistic representations of natural phenomena cannot be sold. 】


“It looks like a plant, but it’s essentially the embodiment of the connection between the world.”

Lindsay understood the meaning of the sight before her.

What he was thinking about at the same time was the other side of the Black Mountain world. According to the records of the expedition team, the world on the other side was connected by a huge waterfall. This may be the characteristic of the connection between worlds in this universe.

Lindsay put away her weapon, carefully lay on the edge of the world, and looked down as hard as she could.

However, he couldn't see anything in his sight.

The climbing vine that climbs vertically downwards, after a certain distance, seems to be rooted in the void, growing downward in a void of space. Unless you are in it, you can't see anything else with your naked eyes.

"Only when you are in this mountain can you see the scenery clearly..."

Lindsay guessed in a low voice.

In his exploration plan, he still has at least one day free.

And according to the records of the expedition team, although crossing the world itself is difficult, there is no strict limit. The difficulty lies only in the process of crossing the world itself.

"Now that we're all here, we can't just go back, right?"

In Lindsay's heart, the desire for adventure and the desire for knowledge burst out together.

He made an immediate decision, took off the sled boards on his feet, climbed to the edge of the cliff and began to descend.The long dagger used as a weapon was now held behind his back. Although it was not as good as a professional ice axe, its excellent quality could also help him descend safely.

click - click -

Lindsay's dagger struck the frozen ice, making a crisp and rhythmic sound.

The descent process is not simple, but it is not as difficult as imagined.

The growth trajectory of the climbing vines twists and intertwines with each other as it spreads. The cliff formed by this naturally also has slopes and gaps.

If it wasn't covered in ice, Lindsay could even go up and down with her bare hands.

On the contrary, the frost that froze the vines was the biggest obstacle in this descent.

Trying to keep her body stable, Lindsay descended from the vine cliff for a quarter of an hour.

From time to time he looked down.

But the distance between the two worlds cannot be bridged in just a few minutes.What he saw in his eyes at this moment was still the darkness in the infinite void.

During this period, Lindsay also tried to open the map.

Within his perception range, everything was normal near the vines, but beyond about ten meters, information from other directions could not be captured by the skill.

"How long is this...huh? What the hell!"

Just as Lindsay maintained her rhythm and prepared to continue her descent.

An accident happened.

On the skill map, the sign that was originally only Lindsay moved downwards.

But now, a red dot symbolizing the enemy appeared on the edge of the map and quickly approached upwards.There is no doubt that this is something from the world of Montenegro!

Something is approaching?
Lindsay pursed her lips together and controlled her breathing.

He is not afraid of fighting strong enemies, but in this place where he will die if he loses his footing and falls straight up and down, he has no intention of despising his own life.

The red mark below is still approaching.

Lindsay ducked out of the opponent's path and hid behind a bunch of protruding vines nearby.The climbing vine that connects the world is one or two meters thick and can completely cover Lindsay's figure.


Lindsay didn't make any sound, quietly waiting for the 'guest' who came up from below.

Soon, he saw the other party's appearance.

It turned out to be another dryad!
But this guy is different from the one killed by Lindsay and the others a few days ago.Those fierce yellow pupils were filled with the panic and joy of escaping at this moment, and the rapid and panicked movements as he climbed up also reflected his nervousness at this moment.

-This thing is running away.

Lindsay immediately remembered the product description on the tree spirit's corpse.

The body of a refugee who was forced to flee his homeland due to fear and torture.

How similar to the tree spirit in front of me!

It's a pity that such a background cannot cover up the red icon of the dryad symbolizing hostility on the map.There is no way Lindsay can let it go up safely and then threaten the safety of the hidden border town again!
Lindsay instantly had a plan in mind.

He waited quietly behind the vine for the other party to climb.

Just when the tree spirit's position was beyond Lindsay's height, and his eyes were always looking upward, not paying attention to the feet beside him.

Lindsay suddenly appeared from the side, and the antimony spear in his backpack instantly appeared, stabbing the tree spirit above.


A spear struck from behind and pierced directly into the dryad's waist.

This is a weak point in the dryad's body structure.

The spearhead of Lindsay's weapon is an antimony arrowhead that can restrain the essence in the opponent's body.

For an instant.

The tree spirit's weakness that was still climbing was frustrated, and its body instantly lost control.

Even though it didn't die immediately, it still fell from the vine immediately because it couldn't use its strength.

A few seconds later, the fallen tree spirit disappeared from Lindsay's sight.

But he did not relax because of this. Instead, he switched the module and opened [Hunting Notes].

After waiting for more than a minute.

Only then did he see that the achievement kill after the tree spirit entry had changed from 1/3 to 2/3.


Lindsay breathed out.

The kill achievement will not lie. He now confirmed that he successfully killed the opponent, but the problem is——

"How could it be such a coincidence?"

Lindsay was puzzled by this.

Three years ago, a dryad climbed up from the world of Black Mountain below and began his plan for the Hidden Frontier.

As it turns out, that's when Lindsay was about to go investigate.

Another tree spirit collided with him!
Isn't this a bit too coincidental?
Lindsay thought so and prepared to continue downwards to find out.

In order to ensure that the opponent could not recover, his antimony spear was still inserted into the body of the tree spirit, and at the same time he had to collect materials.

"It took more than a minute to die."

"If it is a free fall, it will be at least more than 2 meters away, but including air resistance, it should be several thousand meters..."

Lindsay was mentally estimating the length of the cliff below.

But at this moment, his body froze as he continued to prepare to descend.

Because there are more than a dozen red marks on the map, approaching from below!
(End of this chapter)

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