My different world is game mode.

Chapter 89 perfect material

Chapter 89 perfect material

A spider-shaped monster?
The farmland south of the town was attacked!
Upon hearing this, Lindsay's expression immediately changed.

He never expected that the group of spiders would climb up the Babel Vine to hunt down himself and An Rui.

He actually came all the way to a border town and even launched an attack on the town!

He asked a few simple questions, and without bothering to continue talking with Ju, he immediately rushed to the south of the town.

Lindsay's first target is, of course, Finn's cabin.

The farmland immediately south of the town is likely to be damaged in the event of an attack.

Especially those glass greenhouses!
If it is really damaged, given the current material situation at the hidden border, Lindsay can't find any way to repair it.

It didn't take long for Lindsay to arrive at the south side of town.

Finn's plant hut still sits intact on the edge of town, having not been damaged in the last attack.

"It's okay..."

Lindsay immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he turned his gaze to the farmland in the distance, this joy immediately disappeared without a trace.

It's been some time since the Corrupted Spider's attack.

After several days of hard work by farmers, the remains of broken crops on the farmland, the cobwebs left behind, and the debris of the battle have all been collected, and they have not yet been burned uniformly.

And on this piece of farmland that has been initially sorted out.

You can still see the pitted mud, the almost shapeless and completely shapeless soil ridges, and the broken grains that fell randomly on the ground.

It simply looked like a ransacked landscape.

On the contrary, someone's free-range rooster ran out and paced back and forth on the rotten ground, looking for something to peck at.

And this scene can be regarded as the only living scene left on the farmland.


"Lindsay, you are finally back!"

Lindsay fell silent as she watched the scene before her.

At this moment, a call came from behind him. Lindsay turned around and found that it was Joel who opened the back door of the glass greenhouse and came to her side:
"I've been away for more than ten days this time. Is there anything wrong with you?"

"I don't have any problem." Lindsay shook her head and turned her complex eyes back to the farmland in front of her, "But everyone in the town doesn't look so good this time."

Joel nodded in approval:
"This winter is bound to be a difficult time."

"But everyone has also harvested some food before, and with the supplies they have stored, it is not likely to be a problem to survive this winter. When next spring starts, everything will be fine."

He expressed his opinion and asked about Lindsay's status.

Joel then began to satisfy his curiosity and asked Lindsay about her experience in Montenegro these days:

"Lindsay, this time you are taken down by Master Anrui. You must have truly arrived in the Black Mountain world, right?"

"What did you encounter in Montenegro? Did you make any surprising discoveries?"

"The situation is very bad." Lindsay shook her head, as if it was a sign of bad news next, "The dragon beasts in the Black Mountain world are trying to advance. Even the spiders that attack the farmland are inseparable from that thing. "


Joel said nothing and clenched his fists.

He didn't discuss the dilapidated farm in front of him in detail just now, mainly because he didn't want Lindsay, who had just returned, to be in a bad mood.

But how could someone who had actually been attacked have any affection for those monsters?
Now I know that the mastermind behind all this is the dragon beast on the black mountain.

Joel's suppressed emotions immediately brewed...

Lindsay saw this too.

He wanted to cheer up his friend with some good news.

So he quickly changed the topic, pulled the young craftsman and walked towards the glass greenhouse:

"Come on, Joel, let me show you something!"

"This trip to Montenegro, I collected a lot of interesting materials, and I would like to ask for your help."

Reference is made to material from Montenegro.Joel's craftsman's heart was inspired by Lindsay, and he immediately followed Lindsay back into the house.

They walked all the way through the greenhouse and back to the front hall.

Lindsay immediately began to show what he had collected along the way.

Bat teeth, rhinoceros antlers, firefox skin, dryad vines, ice badger claws, ice badger teeth, ice badger skin...

Faced with this display, Joel was stunned.

All he saw was that Lindsay reached out to touch the back of her butt, then raised her hand and put it down, and a new material was placed in front of her.

When all these things were dazzling in front of Joel.

The young craftsman picked up the one on the left and looked at it. Before he had time to put it down, he picked up the one on the right. He was almost dazzled by the sight and couldn't help himself.

"Lindsay, where did you get all these things?"

"They...their condition is too good!"

Joel's sentiments came from the heart.

Materials in reality often suffer some damage during the collection process.

But these materials were all collected by Lindsay using his skills, and their status far exceeded those collected by ordinary people. This is like the gap between three-star materials and one-star materials in the game.

Continue to watch carefully.

Joel also discovered that whether it was leather or claws, it was as if they had grown out of thin air, without even the wear and tear of the previous owner's normal life!
"It has to do with my craft."

Lindsay smiled.

He originally wanted to take out his crudely made antimony spear as well.

But thinking about the three antimony arrows that were in perfect condition when Joel gave them to him, now only one spear was left.

This is really too much to do.

"Joel, I want to entrust you to use these materials to help me make some equipment, such as better luggage, or bows, arrows, daggers, weapons, anything I can use."

"As for the reward, all the remaining materials will be given to you."

"You guy!" Upon hearing the word "reward", Joel immediately rolled his eyes at Lindsay.

But he really likes these materials from Warcraft.

Moreover, the talent of the craftsmen can also sense the essence contained in the materials.

Joel really couldn't refuse, so he nodded and accepted Lindsay's proposal:
"Okay, I will definitely come up with an answer that satisfies you. Just wait for my good news!"

These are excellent quality, hard-to-obtain materials before your eyes.

Joel is also a little impatient

As soon as he finished speaking, he used the firefox skin as a package, wrapped the materials and walked outside.

When I was almost at the door, I remembered to ask Lindsay:
"By the way, when do you want the goods this time?"

"There's no rush this time, just make it at the pace you like."

After seeing Joel off, Lindsay returned to the house.

He found a novel that had been pulled out in the glass greenhouse, which Joel had apparently been reading.

Arrange it back on the shelf.

Lindsay turned back again, ready to inspect the plants in the glass greenhouse.

At this moment, he saw the figure of the female hunter appearing outside the back door of the glass greenhouse.

Qiang Qiang——

The woman knocked lightly on the back door of the glass greenhouse.

Lindsay opened the door and prepared to welcome him in, but Dan just stood at the door and invited him:
"Lindsay, the hunters in this town are going to go on a long hunt in the next few days. Do you want to come with us?"

 [I will go to work tomorrow. I wish everyone a happy holiday. 】

(End of this chapter)

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