Chapter 3 What a Lotus Building

Li Lianhua suddenly became impatient when she saw that the fake monk who called himself Monk Kong Kong was silent for a long time.

"This...Master Kongkong? I still have important things to attend to. If you find that I have nothing to do, then why don't I just leave right now?"

"and many more."

Li Lianpeng quickly stopped him and said, "I have something to ask of you, young monk."

Li Lianhua tilted her head slightly and said, "What's the matter? Let's agree in advance. I really don't have any money."

Li Lianpeng smiled bitterly in his heart, this Li Lianhua is really a weird guy who likes to worry about small things, but is willing to give up his life to help others when it comes to big things.

Putting back his chaotic thoughts, Li Lianpeng said: "The young monk has come from afar, is not familiar with the place, and has no acquaintances to seek refuge with. I saw the young master today with a kind face, and it is fate that we meet each other. Can the young monk stay at the young master's home for a while? "

Before Li Lianhua could refuse, Li Lianpeng added:

"Don't worry, Young Master Li, the young monk will definitely stay here in vain. The young monk comes from a distant food country and is proficient in cooking. As long as Young Master Li is willing to provide ingredients, I guarantee to provide him with different food every day."

"Food Country?" Li Lianhua looked him up and down suspiciously, "Why have I never heard of it?"

Li Lianpeng showed a mysterious smile,
"The Food Country is at the end of the East China Sea, about [-] miles away from here. In the hometown of the young monk, everyone is a chef, and everyone has deep attainments in cooking."

"Although the young monk followed his master to practice Buddhism in the mountains when he was young, he has never lost his cooking skills. Keeping Mr. Li in his care will give him a good meal."

Although he can't remember what occupation he was engaged in in his previous life, in short, Li Lianpeng has a natural passion for cooking. Over the years in Hanshan Temple, he can make flowers out of the ordinary vegetarian ingredients that the old monk brought up the mountain. Come.

In my memory, in this drama, Li Xiangyi, who was poisoned by Bitcha and transformed into Li Lianhua, in addition to inquiring about the whereabouts of his senior brother's body and recovering from illness, his favorite thing on weekdays was cooking.

After ten years of training, Cai Lianhua is still a trainee chef.

"...I'm sorry, I'm just like you, Master. I've always had no fixed place to live. I either sleep on the street or spend the night at a friend's house every night. There really is no place for you, Master."

Li Lianpeng knew that with Li Lianhua's cunning, cautious and suspicious character, he would definitely refuse, and said:
"The young monk is also proficient in the art of divination."

"Huh?" Li Lianhua was confused, "Divination?"

Li Lianpeng nodded, "divination."

"I wonder if I could ask Master Kongkong to do a hexagram for me first?"

Li Lianhua asked with interest.

"Why not?"

After Li Lianpeng finished speaking, he pretended to close his eyes and concentrate.

Seeing him closing his eyes, Li Lianhua turned around and sneaked away.

Li Lianpeng spoke in time,

"Master Li has been looking for someone, someone who has turned into bones."

Li Lianhua, who was about to apply oil on her soles, suddenly turned her head and stared at the fake monk in civilian clothes.


In the mountains and forests, the trees are lush, the flowers and plants are golden, and the butterflies are flying and the bees are dancing.

The wind blows the leaves and leaves fall, and the branches are covered with fruits.

"Master Kongkong, how can you figure out that I am looking for a dead person?"

"This is a heavenly secret, and the heavenly secret must not be leaked, otherwise, man-made disaster may occur."

"God babbling..."

"What did Mr. Li say?"

"It's nothing, we're almost there. No, that's where it is, Lotus Building, my residence."

"What a Lotus Tower, Mr. Li should be considered an elegant man!"


"Vixen, I'm back, why don't you come out to greet me soon."

Li Lianhua, who was dressed in plain clothes, took the lead to walk towards the Lotus Building. Li Lianpeng, who was dressed in civilian clothes, glanced at the walking building from a distance, couldn't help but admired in his heart, and followed closely behind.

After getting closer, a yellow dog emerged from under the beautifully designed wooden building powered by four horses.This is the vixen, the local dog who has been with the lonely Li Lianhua for ten years and can help people solve crimes.

"Vixen? Why did Mr. Li give it such a name?"

Li Lianpeng caressed the back of his head and asked curiously.

Li Lianhua opened the door of the wooden building and said casually without looking back:

"It's a mess."

"I see, Mr. Li is so elegant."


At night, Li Lianpeng showed off his talents and cooked a table of dishes.

The two sat opposite each other. Li Lianhua, who was quite stingy, made an exception and took out a jar of wine to entertain Li Lianpeng.

While pouring the wine, he seemed to suddenly remember that monk Bajie and Li Lianhua asked with a smile:

"Can Master Kongkong drink?"

The answer from the monk opposite made him disappointed.

"Young Master Li is overly worried. The young monk is a countryman who eats food, so he doesn't care about his appetite."

What a joke, he, Li Lianpeng, has been eating vegetarian food in the mountains for more than ten years. Now he has finally come down from the mountain. If he doesn't drink alcohol and eat meat, will he be able to survive?
"Then, you and I will have a good drink today with the help of wine and food."

Li Lianhua said rather heartbrokenly.

If he were alone, he would be able to drink this wine for at least several days.

Judging from the loud tone of this fake monk's words, he might be a drunkard.

Alas, that's all, let's trade wine for that possibility tonight.

The origin of this fake monk is unknown, and his appearance is almost as handsome as before he changed his appearance. In addition, he breathes long when walking and falls silently, so he must be a person with good internal strength.

And he can tell the secret of finding the whereabouts of his senior brother's body with just one mouth. He must not be an ordinary person in the world.

Comfort him first and then talk.

Li Lianhua thought to herself, then picked up the wine glass, "In the words of the Master, meeting is fate. I would like to propose a toast to the Master."

"It's easy to say." Li Lianpeng also picked up the wine glass and clinked it with the wine glass in Li Lianhua's hand. "Thank you Mr. Li for your kindness. They are all in the wine."

After all, he raised his head and drank it.

Li Lianhua narrowed her eyes and drank the wine in the glass.

"Master Li tried the young monk's craftsmanship. After traveling here, the young monk has not made meals for a long time, and I don't know if his craftsmanship has declined."

Li Lianhua picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of braised pork, and put it into her mouth.

Immediately, he opened his eyes slightly and gave a thumbs up to Li Lilianpeng,
"The Master is really good at cooking!"

After a sincere praise and two casual bites, Li Lianhua put down her chopsticks.

He was so poisoned by Bicha that his five internal organs were damaged. He couldn't eat much food on weekdays, so he relied on medicinal wine and internal force to suppress it. Occasionally, he had to go to Hanshui Temple to see Monk Wu for acupuncture treatment.

What's more, tonight's meal is not for eating, but to test the whereabouts of the person in front of you.

Li Lianpeng didn't care at all. Seeing Li Lianhua put down his chopsticks, he kept moving and moved as fast as flying. He ate a few bites of food and drank a sip of wine. In less than a moment, the whole table of food was already eaten.

After eating, he burped incomprehensibly and murmured to himself:
"This is life~"

Li Lianhua put her hand on her forehead and stared at him blankly.

As if Li Lianpeng had never seen the shock in his eyes, she yawned long and stretched.

"It's been a long time since I've had a good night's sleep, little monk. Thank you Mr. Li for your hospitality tonight. I'll go to bed now."

After that, he nodded to Li Lianhua, walked towards the building, and lay down on Li Lianhua's wooden bed.

Soon the sound of snoring began.

(End of this chapter)

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