Lotus Tower is the second best in the world

Chapter 76 Mr. Zhang, don’t leave in a hurry

Chapter 76 Mr. Zhang, don’t leave in a hurry

Naturally, it is not interesting to see a group of uneducated charlatans confessing their crimes.

Li Lianpeng seemed to regard Fenghuo Hall as his own piece of land and invited the three of them to have tea in the hall.

Feng Bujue was locked in the dungeon set up in the backyard of Fenghuo Hall.

Before imprisoning him, Li Lianpeng spent some internal energy to ensure that his life was safe.Feng Bujue had committed too many crimes and we couldn't let him die like this.

As for the thirty dead soldiers trained by Feng Bujue, they were slapped by Li Lianpeng and lost their ability to move. Two doctors invited to bandage their wounds in the backyard.

They are accomplices and should be duly punished.

"This Feng Bujue has no family members. The money and land deeds that he has robbed through his men in the past two years have been locked in a treasure house at the back. When the officials come later, they will take them away."

Li Lianpeng took advantage of Huang Haitao's time to call people and walked around the entire Fenghuo Hall early in the morning.

The strange thing is that not only does this guy have no family members, he doesn't even have a maid.

In the entire Fenghuo Hall backyard, where the hall master lived, there were only two old servants with mediocre martial arts skills.

After asking the two servants, I found out that Feng Bujue was not a womanizer. Instead, he kept two beautiful prostitutes in a house next door for his pleasure all year round.

After Li Lianpeng heard this, he felt a chill.

I feel more and more that this letter deserves death.

Su Xiaoyong cast a strange look at Li Lianpeng, while Ji Baige gave a thumbs up and praised:
"Brother Li is righteous!"

Li Lianpeng nodded helpfully, "They are all ill-gotten gains and should be confiscated."

He has hidden the truly valuable items in advance, such as banknotes. Property like gold and silver are too bulky and inconvenient to carry.

Time flies, it's dusk.

Eight officials came from the government.

Seeing the thick pile of charges handed over by Huang Haitao, as well as the dozen or so familiar leaders of Fenghuo Hall in the courtyard, the expression of the leading official changed slightly.

"Deacon Liu, why are you..."

The man known as Deacon Liu smiled bitterly and shook his head, indicating that he didn't need to say more, and then extended his arms towards the official.

It wasn't that he didn't want to resist, it was because when they came, they witnessed the miserable appearance of the hall master Feng Bujue and the thirty elite disciples of Fenghuo Hall.

That scene was so shocking that the prestige Feng Bujue had established in their hearts suddenly collapsed, and all the gang leaders lost their will to resist.

Another reason was that in front of everyone, the young man crushed a long knife made of fine iron into an iron lump with his bare hands.

What can they do to resist such a peerless master?
The hall master and the thirty elite disciples who were originally invincible were a lesson learned from their mistakes.

Those who know the current affairs are distinguished, they just do whatever they are told, and if they plead guilty, they will plead guilty. Anyway, there are people in their yamen, and it won't take long for them to come out.

The official glanced at the four people chatting and laughing in the hall not far away, thought for a moment, and then asked the official behind him to take out ropes and chains, tie up the sixteen big bosses of Fenghuo Hall, and prepare to take them away. Return to the Yamen for routine inquiries.

The news they received was that there was an internal fight in the Fenghuo Hall, and people were about to be beaten to death - the hall master Feng Bujue personally sent someone to deliver the message.

Someone brought Feng Bujue's token to the local government office.

Their local government and local Jianghu forces have mutual agreements not to interfere with each other unless necessary.

Fenghuo Tang is the most powerful Jianghu gang in Guangling District of Yangzhou City. As long as they don't attack ordinary people and no one comes to the Yamen to beat drums and complain, the Guangling District Yamen will turn a blind eye.

After accepting the filial piety, it will be treated as if nothing happened.

Let them close the door and beat out their brains. Life or death is none of their business.

How can a person who lives in the world not die?

This is a kind of bad nature inherent in the trivial figures in the world.

Fighting, fighting for territory, and fighting are commonplace, and the local government has no control over them, and they don't want to.Besides, Jianghu people and Jianghu affairs are all under the jurisdiction of Jianghu Xingtang Baichuan Court. This is what the superiors have said.

"and many more."

When the officer was escorting the leaders of Fenghuo Hall, who had always been friends with each other, and was thinking that it would be more appropriate to come back to the Yamen and give them various reasons before releasing them, he suddenly heard someone shouting from behind him.

The officer turned around and looked at the speaker with a frown.

I saw that the man was tall, with a dignified appearance, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and a majestic air. He was dressed in brocade clothes and had two particularly conspicuous footprints on his chest.

"Who is your Excellency?"

The official asked with a frown. He originally wanted to pretend not to see it.

He has seen a lot of people in the world who are chivalrous and righteous, but he has never seen this kind of ferocious method of going straight to the gang's lair, so he seems to be polite.

Li Lianpeng held his hands in the distance and said with a smile: "Li Lianpeng, how should I call you?"

"My surname is Zhang, and my given name only has the character Yao."

"It turned out to be Master Zhang."

Li Lianpeng quickly approached, came to Zhang Yao, and warned:

"Master Zhang, don't leave in a hurry. Many people in Fenghuo Hall have committed serious crimes and deserve to be severely sentenced. With the crimes they confessed personally, it should be easier for your officials to convict them when they come."

He pointed to the right,

"There is a treasure house there, which is the property accumulated by the hall master Feng Bujue. There are countless gold, silver and jewels in it. Since Mr. Zhang is here today, please take it back to the Yamen along the way."

Zhang Yao's expression changed again, Feng Bujue's treasure house?
How dare he, the leader of the police, do this? !

After hesitating for a long time, Zhang Yao raised his hands and asked, "I wonder where the hall master is?"

Li Lianpeng raised his eyebrows, "Why, Master Zhang is still planning to escort Na Feng back to the Yamen?"

Forget about the little bosses in the yard and leave it to the government.

But heinous figures like Feng Bujue are usually left to the Jianghu torture hall of Baichuan Court to deal with them.

The local government has nothing to do.

Seeing that the other party's tone was not kind, Zhang Yao cupped his hand again.

"Young Master Li has misunderstood. The head of our shop is just performing his duties and asking for the reasons for what happened here. Otherwise, if I go back to the Yamen and the superior officer asks about it, I won't be able to deliver."

"Oh." Li Lianpeng suddenly said, "That's it."

He took a step forward, stared at Zhang Yao, narrowed his eyes and smiled:
"Feng Bujue committed murder, and I just happened to catch him. In order not to reveal his whereabouts, he wanted to kill and silence me, so he kidnapped me and brought me to the headquarters of Fenghuo Hall. I have a problem, that is, I have a righteous heart and do not want to see others doing evil. , I love punishing rape and eradicating evil most in my life. I was kidnapped by him, and when he was rampant, he suddenly subdued him and all the gang members, and forced him to interrogate them about the crimes they had committed."

When Zhang Yao was stunned, Li Lianpeng patted him on the shoulder and turned to leave. At the same time, something came:

"Just follow my words and report the truth to your superior. Maybe you can get rich because of it."

Zhang Yao's expression changed for a while, and then he winked at the two officials and told them to go in the direction pointed by Li Lianpeng to find Feng Bujue's treasure house.

After a while, two young officials trotted back and said, "Sir, there are too many treasures in that treasure house. Two or three people may not be able to move them away!"

Zhang Yao glanced at the four people in the hall in the distance and said in a solemn voice:
"I'm watching from here. You two should go back to the Yamen and call for help and inform Shangguan of what's going on here!"


The two officers took the order and left.

At this time, the sky was gradually getting dark.

 Chapter 2 is here~
(End of this chapter)

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