Taoist Master of Fantasy World

Chapter 141 Action Begins

Chapter 141 Action Begins

After returning home through the teleportation array, Xu Zhenyun lay on the bed with his arms and legs spread out.

I felt a little excited, but also a little nervous.

The moment Mu Qingyun turned him into "Ji Zicheng", Xu Zhenyun understood the key.

It turns out that it is myself who takes on the important task of playing "Ji Zicheng"!

In fact, it is not difficult to think that the reason why Mu Qingyun and Xie Hanyu took the trouble to explain the entire plan to themselves must be because they play an important role in it; it cannot be as simple as "just being a little boy as usual".

The hidden logic is not difficult to straighten out——

From Mu Qingyun or Da Jin's point of view, their "ability" is simply the most powerful "passive detector" in the world.

Fairyu, who harbored ill intentions towards him but had a "whim" as a top shield, was solved by himself.

Zhao Hengfeng, who could not have any ill intentions towards him and just wanted to hide it carefully, was solved by himself.

Even Ji Zicheng, who possessed the secret method of "Nine Encounters" and would be subconsciously ignored by those he met, was successfully discovered by himself and reported!He even vaguely sensed a connection between him and Jiang Chengzhi.

There is no doubt that even if "Crab" and the possible "traitor" did not try to contact or rescue this time, and were equipped with such heaven-defying means as the "Twelve-hour version of the Super Yuan Hidden Qi Mortal Transformation Talisman"; But they will come.

As long as he comes and has the intention of hiding in the dark to "spy" on Xu Zhenyun, he will definitely be found out!

Xu Zhenyun is the ultimate trump card.

In fact, Xu Zhenyun was a little uneasy at the moment; because from Mu Qingyun or Da Jin's perspective, he might have slightly misunderstood his abilities.

The reason why Feiyou and Zhao Hengfeng were killed was because they were on the list of "methods of killing".

I recognized Ji Zicheng because I saw him in Jiang Chengzhi's memory.

If the "target" this time is not on the "way to kill" list on the Daoxin chessboard, in fact, I don't have that strong perception ability...

"No, I do!"

Xu Zhenyun, who was lying on the bed, suddenly brightened up.

My own "Tao Heart Chessboard" has too many abilities and is too complicated, and I almost ignored this point——

That day in Pingshuiju's room, when the situation was at its most chaotic, Su Yuhan and Wei Xinghe were "spying" on themselves intentionally or unintentionally, and were caught by themselves.

If you play the role of "Ji Zicheng", then the "crab" hiding in the dark will definitely pay attention to your every move.Even if he modified and disguised his appearance and did not directly "see" it, he could still feel it!

After feeling confident, Xu Zhenyun felt refreshed and could sleep peacefully.

On the morning of the next day, Xu Zhenyun took out the "square mirror".

Mu Qingyun's figure slowly emerged in the mirror, and she could only see a strange alien seal in her hands, muttering something in her mouth for a while, and finally said: "Yingyue body, come out!"

Xu Zhenyun suddenly felt that his body was heating up, as if it was no longer a mortal body, but made up of flowing "qi" and "light".

Then at a certain moment, a layer of his body was peeled off like a "painting", and then transformed into an identical "Xu Zhenyun".

Mu Qingyun said: "Same as seven days ago, go to the 'Food is the Sky' on Nanmen Street and work as a waiter."

"Xu Zhenyun" smiled and said: "Yes."

Immediately with a touch of the ring, Qi Ji turned into the appearance of the little boy "Yun Zhengxu"; he turned his head to Xu Zhenyun and winked playfully before heading out leisurely!

The movements, expression, and temperament are exactly the same as the "Yun Zhengxu" played by Xu Zhenyun himself.

After waiting in the room for another two hours, Mu Qingyun cast the spell again and said: "Thousands of roots and fruits are in one body."

Xu Zhenyun immediately felt that his appearance slowly changed from body shape to temperament, completely transforming into "Ji Zicheng".

Different from yesterday's "preview" in the small world, Xu Zhenyun had a very deep thought of "I am Ji Zicheng, Ji Zicheng is me"; it came very suddenly and very naturally.

After a few breaths, this "Ji Zicheng" suddenly became transparent and completely invisible.

Xu Zhenyun was startled and immediately understood that the starting point of this "Ji Zicheng" could not be the "Xu Zhenyun family" - even if the probability of being spied on here was extremely small.

After walking out of the door in the form of an invisible person, it was already two o'clock in the morning. Xu Jingyu and Tang Huaiting had already had breakfast, and they could vaguely hear the sound of two children playing in the courtyard.

After going around two streets and coming down from "Nanyang County", we found a secret place. "Ji Zicheng" revealed his figure and headed towards "Food is the Heaven".

"My lord, there won't be any problems with these two avatars, right?"

Xu Zhenyun carefully filtered the entire plan. All the methods were "passive" and completely monitored everything within a thirty-mile radius with "Food is the Sky" as the center. In addition, Mu Qingyun personally presided over it. It can be said that It's foolproof.

The only flaw is that the fake "Yun Zhengxu" and the fake "Ji Zicheng" are both acting with supernatural powers.

If the flaw is discovered, the whole plan will be ruined!
The bronze mirror in the "Jade Rabbit Cave" is shining brightly, and the sound transmission from the heart flows in Xu Zhenyun's consciousness:
"No. This incarnation of yours is exactly the same as the Golden Cicada Escape Technique used by 'Ji Zicheng' who was on an envoy to Jin Dynasty, with the addition of profit and loss changes."

"Ah? Didn't you say that this is a magical power that only the most powerful figures in the hidden world can use on themselves?" Xu Zhenyun said in surprise.

For special reasons, Dachu Zheng sent Jing Xiaoshan to successfully use this method on Ji Zicheng.

Mu Qingyun said: "This is called 'Equivalent Root Fruit Body'; I have successfully copied this method. Now, in addition to Jing Xiaoshan, I can also use this magical power on others besides myself. "Now that you, 'Ji Zicheng', are so real, you can deceive the Wushi Tianxuan Formation for a short period of time."


Xu Zhenyun didn’t know what to say; he was greatly shocked!

This is clearly one of Da Chu's trump cards obtained from the "mysterious slate". A few days ago, it was an existence that shocked the Da Jin monks including Mu Qingyun... but it was "copied" by Mu Qingyun so quickly. Out?

The problem is that Mu Qingyun is not a cultivator of the "Hidden World Dharma" lineage?
Mu Qingyun said calmly: "If you have faith and have faith, you will succeed if you find a way. This is the ability of the 'Grand Master', there is no need to be surprised."

With this guarantee, Xu Zhenyun's confidence was boosted.

Not long after, Xu Zhenyun came to "Nanmen Street".It was still a quarter of an hour before noon, so Xu Zhenyun pretended to wander around and look at the grocery stores on both sides of the street.

Not long after, a handsome young man wearing a luxurious purple robe and holding a jade flute put his hands behind his back, looked left and right, and then Shi Shiran walked into "Food is Heaven".

Ji Xiaohua.

He did not use higher-level methods to hide Qi, but only used the simplest "Yin and Yang Four Qi Rings" that could only deceive mortals, showing the temperament of a handsome young man.

Xu Zhenyun was surprised when he first heard about Ji Xiaohua's mission.

Ji Xiaohua doesn't need to do anything; she just needs to use the ordinary "Yin and Yang Four Qi Rings" to change her temperament, eat a meal in "Food is the Heaven", and then leave.

It seems like it has no positive effect other than to scare others away from the grass.

In fact, Xu Zhenyun privately thought that Ji Xiaohua was not suitable for today's task.

If the imaginary enemy is regarded as a first-class person like "Ji Zicheng", even though Ji Xiaohua is "No. 1 in Land Monument" and No. [-] in the Fourth Grade, it will be difficult for her to have a chance to intervene.

If he is a "professional talent" of a special kind of Taoism, perhaps even a low-grade one can work wonders; but although Ji Xiaohua is a first-rate master of the mysterious and mysterious "Shenshi Dharma", she is essentially a "warrior" and is of only use in such situations. Smaller.

It was Mu Qingyun who decided to use this so-called "Flying Immortal from Beyond the Sky" after deduction.

According to Mu Qingyun, this was a method of "making something out of nothing" that she came up with through profound deduction.The "crab" hiding in the dark will not only not be alerted, but will come to the conclusion that "today's connection is very safe" through inner thinking and reasoning.

Xu Zhenyun didn't know why, but he just didn't feel it.

It's noon.

Xu Zhenyun arrived at the gate of "Food is Heaven" on time, stared at the plaque for three breaths; then turned around and headed to "Huating Tower", turned in front of the door, and returned to the front of 'Food is Heaven'.

There was only a brief pause, and Xu Zhenyun immediately entered the door and found a seat by the window to sit down.

"Sir, what do you need?"

The person who quickly arrived in front of him was Yun Zhengxu, the most diligent boy in the entire "Food is the Sky", and his enthusiastic smile.

Xu Zhenyun thought for a while and then said: "Roasted squab, roasted brains, seabass with pickled vegetables, and a stir-fried pork belly. Serve a pot of 'Tomorrow's Drunk', and when I've almost finished the food and wine, I'll serve the main meal; let's have one for the main meal. Bowl of noodles.”

Yun Zhengxu nodded repeatedly and said with a smile: "Our eel noodles are one of the best in our restaurant. Why don't we have a bowl and let the guest use it as the main meal?"

Xu Zhenyun said: "Okay. Serve the wine first, don't worry about the food."

After singing a double act with himself, Xu Zhenyun shook his head inwardly, feeling a little awkward for no reason.

"Your eel noodles are good? Pack a bowl afterwards and deliver it to me at the same time in the evening so I can try it."

Mu Qingyun's voice suddenly came from his consciousness.


Xu Zhenyun was stunned and immediately answered.

After sitting firmly, Xu Zhenyun turned on the "careful observation" mode.

Although the "floaters" phenomenon is slightly uncomfortable, it is still within the tolerance range without other strange blessings.

Indoors and outside the window, the bustling diners and pedestrians coming and going gradually became part of Xu Zhenyun's perception; but after all, he was still a little excited about performing such a task.

"A little uncomfortable?" Mu Qingyun said through a voice transmission from her spiritual consciousness.

"No... I just didn't expect that a monk would do such a thing... It feels weird..."

"There's nothing surprising - in some special situations, magical powers are not as good as physics. It's just that the method of competition seems to be relatively primitive."

If he had not had the experience of contacting Su Jingrong, Xu Zhenyun would have felt that this sentence "supernatural power is not as good as physics" would be very abstract and difficult to understand; but now, he can vaguely feel it.

"Disciple, the day before yesterday..."

Xu Zhenyun suddenly shuddered and stopped communicating with Mu Qingyun in his mind.

The feeling of being spied on appeared!

Xu Zhenyun did not raise his head, but with a glance from the corner of his eye, he spotted a man with a simple appearance dressed like a farmer who had just stepped into the "Food is the Heaven" gate.

(End of this chapter)

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