I served as an admonisher in the Song Dynasty

Chapter 11 Zhou Yuan’s Impeachment Chapter Summary

Chapter 11 Zhou Yuan’s Impeachment Chapter Summary

The next day.

Zhongshu Province issued an edict and proposed three improvement measures to Tai Jian, which will be implemented immediately.

First, it is strictly forbidden to complain about nothing and make a fuss out of a molehill.

Second, the number of memorials is no longer used as a reference for promotion and dismissal of Taiwan admonishment officials.

Third, when it comes to matters involving officials’ personal ethics, remonstrance can only be made if there is solid evidence.

Followed by.

The imperial court ordered the imperial censor Zhongcheng Wang Gongchen and the Zhijianyuan Cai Xiang to set an example and promote the implementation of these three measures.

The supervisory censor Liu Yuanyu, under the instruction of Wang Gongchen, invited himself to be released and went to Dengzhou.

Su Liang was quite satisfied with this result.

The purpose of his impeachment was not to bring down Wang Gongchen and Liu Yuanyu, but to hope that Taiwan's remonstrance could operate in a more benign manner.

Only in this way can he have room to display his talents.

Only then could it be possible to pull up the national power and ideology of the Song Dynasty and avoid the subsequent shameful events.

After this incident, Su Liang was able to secure his position on the Yushitai.

The officials are also aware of his abilities and temperament. Anyone who wants to slander and frame him must first consider his own abilities.


The sixth day of October, at dusk.

The weather is getting colder.

Su Liang was sitting in the Majia Mutton Soup Restaurant on the south side of Zhouqiao, admiring the boats coming and going on the Bianhe River while drinking the warm mutton soup.

The mood is particularly comfortable.

It is indeed a Bianjing city developed with all the financial resources from all over the world.

There is a wide range of food and entertainment items, and the delicious and fun items are dizzying.

It's like being in a gentle land.

at this time.

A Bagua wooden sign suddenly dangled in front of Su Liang's eyes, and then a person sat opposite him.

no one else.

It was Liu Chang'er, the shopkeeper of Liu Ji Bookstore.

"Su Yushi, long time no see! Three consecutive performances in one day are really impressive. I admire you so much. You definitely have the attitude of a leader!"

"Shopkeeper Liu's news is very fast!" Su Liang said with a smile: "Have you eaten? I'm treating you!"

If Liu Chang'er hadn't provided the information, Su Liang might have been demoted to another place.

Therefore, he regarded the other party as a friend.

"Waiter, bring me a big bowl of mutton soup, and then...two sesame cakes!" Liu Chang'er said loudly,

He leaned slightly and a bowl of hot mutton soup was brought over.

Liu Chang'er took a sip and said: "Su Yushi, let me tell you something from my heart. Among the scholar-bureaucrats in the Song Dynasty, the one I dislike the most is the Taiwan Remonstrance Officer, but I like the Taiwan Remonstrance Officer like you. , Dare to say what you dare to do, and don’t be timid at all!”

After saying that, Liu Chang'er took out a pamphlet from his arms.

"I got this from a bookstall. I don't know the author's name, but I think it might be useful to you, so I'll give it to you!" Liu Chang'er pushed the pamphlet in front of Su Liang.

Su Liang looked at the cover and couldn't help but become interested.

The title of the book is: "Taiwan Admonishment Officials' Six Remonstrance Methods".

He opened the booklet and took a closer look and found that there were six ways of admonishment recorded in the booklet, namely: admonishment with leg hugging, admonition by blocking the chariot, admonition by resignation, admonition with blood writing, admonition by knocking on pillars, and admonition by carrying coffin.

They are all crooked tricks, but absolutely practical.

The above also briefly describes the usage scenarios, conditions, and pros and cons of different moves, as well as how to overcome these six methods of admonishment.

"It's interesting, I'll accept this book!"

By this time, Liu Chang'er had already eaten two pieces of cake and drank more than half a bowl of mutton soup.

With a smile on his face, he said: "Su Yushi, how about we cooperate in the future? It does not involve money, it only involves information. You can give me some information that can attract the attention of court officials, and I will provide you with some things you want to know. how?"

Su Liang thought about it carefully. As a Taiwan admonishment officer, he really needed a spy. This was the same as the nature of the report.

Moreover, the tidbits in the court are of no use to the court, but it is still good for the common people to relieve their boredom.

He has the right to read various memorials and reports, and it is not a big deal if he gets some irrelevant information to exchange. "Okay." Su Liang smiled and nodded.

"Okay!" Liu Chang'er drank the remaining mutton soup in one gulp, then put down a bunch of copper coins and said, "I'll treat you to this meal!"

After that, he left quickly.

Su Liang was not given a chance to settle the bill at all.

the next few days.

Due to the implementation of the three improvement measures, the officials of Yushitai gradually relaxed.

The officials below no longer presented trivial matters, and the Taiwanese admonishment officials no longer rushed to write the impeachment memorial.

Su Liang clearly felt that the steps of the Yushitai officials were not as hasty as before.

This afternoon.

Su Liang was dozing off at his desk when Supervisory Censor Li Xing and Zhou Yuan suddenly walked up to him.

Su Lianggang opened his eyes.

Zhou Yuan looked serious and bowed deeply to him.

Su Liang was so frightened that he suddenly woke up and quickly stood up.

"Brother Zixiong, what are you... doing?"

"Brother Yu appreciated the three memorials by Jing Mingxian again in the morning. His admiration was beyond words. Brother Yu was inspired and felt that as a Taiwan admonisher, he could no longer hang around and should make a difference, so he also wrote a memorial , I want Brother Jing Ming to take a look."

After that, he handed the memorial to Su Liang.

Su Liang quickly caught it with both hands and said with a smile: "Brother Zixiong, sit down first, I'll watch it now, I'll watch it now!"

Su Liang opened the memorial and read it carefully.

After a while.

Su Liang stood up with excitement.

"Brother Zixiong is a great talent. If this impeachment chapter is sent to the imperial court, once the officials nod, I'm afraid the entire Zhongshu will be uneasy!"

"I am also telling the truth. I have been holding this matter in my heart for a long time. I won't be happy if I don't express it!"

In this chapter, it is the current Prime Minister Zhang Dexiang who is impeached.

Zhou Yuan impeached him that he had been in power for a long time, had done nothing, and was old, so he should abdicate in favor of talents.

Zhang Dexiang is 66 years old.

During the Qingli New Deal, he said nothing and remained silent, staying out of party disputes for the sake of his position.

In the past two years, he has said very little and is like an invisible husband.

It is precisely because he is the prime minister that the court has become lifeless.

Su Liang looked excited and said: "Brother Zixiong, the words in this memorial are sincere and true. It has obviously been done by someone who has done their homework. It will be of great benefit to our Great Song Dynasty. Please accept my respect!"

Zhou Yuan was not without talent, but he did not have a good environment to display his talent.

Nowadays, the environment and atmosphere in Taijian have changed, which has stimulated Zhou Yuan's talents and insights.

Just when Su Liang was about to bow, Zhou Yuan quickly took Su Liang's hand and said, "No, no, no, this is embarrassing me!"

At this time.

The writer, Lao Hong, walked over with a stack of documents and happened to see Su Liang and Zhou Yuan holding hands, both with smiles on their faces.

Lao Hong couldn't help being stunned, quickly turned away and said: "I...I didn't see anything!"

Su Liang and Zhou Yuan separated immediately.

"Lao Hong, what did you see? Brother Zixiong and I were chatting!"

Lao Hong chuckled.

"I haven't seen anything. I, Lao Hong, have also read books. In the pre-Qin, Wei and Jin Dynasties, there was a trend of broken sleeves and Long Yang. It's not a problem for literati to be romantic. I won't tell others about it."

After that, Lao Hong put down the paperwork and left with a smile.

Su Liang and Zhou Yuan were very embarrassed.

Zhou Yuan murmured: "It seems that we have to treat Lao Hong tonight and explain things clearly to him. Otherwise, with his big mouth, I don't know what will be spread tomorrow!"

Su Liang smiled helplessly. There was some misunderstanding. The more he explained, the more it seemed true.

(End of this chapter)

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