I served as an admonisher in the Song Dynasty

Chapter 199: Recruitment!I just regret not being able to enter the court as a Jinshi

Chapter 199: Recruitment!I just regret not being able to enter the court as a Jinshi
into the night.

Su Liangfang arrived home.

Tang Wanmei cooked herself a table of meals that Su Liang liked.

Su Zimu, who was one year and eight months old, hugged Su Liang's neck and shouted excitedly: Daddy!Daddy!

Tang Ze had already prepared drinks and was ready to have a drink with Su Liang.

The comfort of home instantly eliminated Su Liang's fatigue from the past few days, allowing him to return to his most comfortable state.

This night, he slept particularly soundly.


Bao Zheng's case handling efficiency is extremely high.

In less than two days, the cause of death of three maids in Chen Zhizhong's mansion was clearly investigated.

One of the maidservants was tied up in a woodshed by Chen Zhizhong's slaves because of poor care of Chen Zhizhong's concubine Zhang, and she froze to death.

The second and third maids were both abused by Chen Zhizhong's concubine Zhang. They could not bear the humiliation and hanged themselves to death.

In the Song Dynasty, slaves and slaves were like livestock, and their status was much lower than that of tenants.

They are not even counted in population statistics.

According to the laws of the Song Dynasty, Chen Zhizhong was innocent but had bad personal ethics. His concubine Zhang murdered two innocent maids and should be punished for thirty years with a cane.

Bao Zheng wrote the case entirely in accordance with the "Song Xingtong".

He neither punished lightly because of the Prime Minister's power, nor took the opportunity to punish him severely.

After seeing Bao Zheng's closed case files, all the remonstrators from Taiwan came forward to remonstrate and once again asked for the resignation of the prime minister.

In addition to this crime, Chen Zhizhong also committed "seven deadly sins".

Chen Zhizhong took retreat as an advance and wrote a memorial to resign, but refused to admit the remaining seven crimes.

This is a common method used by court officials.

When ministers ask for resignation, officials do not accept it.

After going back and forth for a while, most of them gave up.

But this time, Chen Zhizhong was obviously wrong.

After Bao Zheng presented the case to Chui Gong Hall, within an hour, Zhao Zhen issued three edicts in succession.

First, Chen Zhizhong was dismissed from his post as Zhongshu Pingzhangshi and demoted to Zhenhai Jiedu Envoy.

Second, Wen Yanbo was promoted to Tong Zhongshu Ping Zhangshi.

Third, Song Xiang, a scholar in the Imperial Academy, was promoted to participate in political affairs.

After seeing these three edicts, the officials in Bianjing couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

This is not a demotion.

But to make Chen Zhizhong become an official.

According to the current mistakes made by Chen Zhizhong, even if he is removed from the post of prime minister, he will be given a false position equivalent to deputy prime minister, such as Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel and Zuocheng.

However, the officials directly demoted him to Zhenhai Jiedushi without any actual dispatch.

At the same time, Wen Yanbo was directly promoted, as if he wanted Chen Zhizhong to serve as an official for retirement.

To know -

Chen Zhizhong is only 59 years old, and he is still far away from the age limit of [-] to become an official!
The reason given in the edict is: political affairs have failed and it is not in line with public expectations.

The former refers to Chen Zhizhong's mistakes in handling the floods in Beijing and Hebei Province, and the latter refers to Chen Zhizhong's difficulty in convincing the public in court.

In Yushitai.

Tang Jie, Su Liang, Fan Zhen and Lu Jie gathered together, all smiling.

Taiwan's remonstrating officials gathered together to discuss remonstrances, causing the officials to dismiss the prime minister.

It's a nice talk.

Tang Jie stroked his beard and said: "It is really a blessing for the country that the officials have acted so resolutely in this matter. Even if Prime Minister Chen has the merit of following the dragon, he can't hide his mediocre talent and is really not suitable to be the prime minister."

"Once the prime minister changes, Zhongshu will definitely have a new look. I am really looking forward to next year's all-Song reform!" Fan Zhen also said with a smile.

Lu Hui murmured: "It would be great if the other one could be deposed as well!"

Hearing this, the other three couldn't help laughing.

This person refers to the Privy Councilor Xia Song.

But he was too cunning and too old, so the officials turned a blind eye to his lustful behavior, and the admonishers never found out his fault.

"This day will come soon!" Su Liang said with great certainty.

And at this moment.Xia Song and Chen Zhizhong saw these three hand edicts.

The former ran directly to the forbidden area, while the latter's legs weakened and he collapsed on the ground.

Xia Song's friendship with Chen Zhizhong was average.

But he knew very well that after the Taiwanese admonishment officials ousted Chen Zhizhong from power, he would be the next to deal with him.

Therefore, he rushed to prison to intercede for Chen Zhizhong.

But Chen Zhizhong never expected that because of the three maids, the officials would not miss the old relationship at all and wanted him to become an official.

Even if he is asked to know a state or a prefecture, there is still a chance of returning to Zhongshu.

But the officials did not assign any tasks to him.

Once an official like him falls out of favor, he will collapse immediately.

He thought about it and ran to the forbidden area.

In the vertical arch hall.

"Officials, our dynasty has never dismissed a prime minister because of a maidservant. The crime of Prime Minister Chen is just fabricated by the admonitions of many people. I hope the officials will think twice!" Xia Song looked excited.

Zhao Zhen, who was sitting on the throne, put down his imperial pen and said calmly: "Prime Minister Chen is rarely popular. In terms of his ability to handle political affairs, is he comparable to Wen Yanbo? In addition, he suffers from a hidden disease, so it is better to go home and rest as soon as possible." .”

"But... Prime Minister Chen once..." Xia Song started but was interrupted by Zhao Zhen.

"Don't mention the past, the past is the past, the present is the present, what I need now is a wise prime minister to govern the country, and I am worthy of him!" Zhao Zhen suddenly raised his voice.

The implication is: merit is merit, fault is fault, and Conglong's merit is not enough to keep Chen Zhizhong in the position of prime minister.

Xia Song is very smart.

Knowing that Zhao Zhen had made up his mind, it was useless for him to argue, so he immediately backed away without saying anything more.

After a while.

Chen Zhizhong came to Zhao Zhen in tears.

If you want to talk, tears will flow first.

He sobbed and talked about the past with Zhao Zhen, hoping to make Zhao Zhen take back his life.

Zhao Zhen listened but said nothing.

Half an hour later, Chen Zhizhong finished crying.

Zhao Zhen then said: "I know that you and I are of the same mind, but the changes in the Song Dynasty cannot be sustained by you. I don't want you to be insecure in the future."

Let's just say that.

Chen Zhizhong knew there was nothing he could do to save his life, so he immediately gave up his hand.

"I understand that I will submit the official documents after I return home. In addition, after I become an official, I will move my family to Qingzhou. I hope the official family will give me permission."

Zhao Zhen was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Chen Zhizhong is from Kaifeng Prefecture.

If he is still in Bianjing City after becoming an official, it will inevitably have some impact.

This move was still based on Zhao Zhen's perspective.

This couldn't help but move Zhao Zhen a little.

In addition, Chen Zhizhong once served as a comfort envoy on Jingdong Road and was very familiar with Qingzhou, making it suitable for him to retire there.

After a while, Chen Zhizhong left the ban.

Before getting on the carriage, he suddenly looked in the direction of Yushitai and Jianyuan, and murmured: "I only hate that I have never entered the court as a Jinshi, so I let you bully me like this!"

He was still dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do.


into the night.

Both sides of the streets in Bianjing are bustling and noisy.

A carriage was driving slowly in the middle of the road.

In the carriage, Xia Song was lying on the lap of a young maidservant with a plump figure. She closed her eyes and rested, frowning from time to time.

He had just left Chen Zhizhong's residence.

Chen Zhizhong's situation is over, and what he needs to consider next is how to protect himself.

"Taiwan's remonstrance is powerful. If it is not contained, it will become a traitor party that will harm the country." He thought for a while and said to the groom outside: "Change the route and go to Gao Ruona!"

(End of this chapter)

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