I served as an admonisher in the Song Dynasty

Chapter 312 Su Liang: Give me a ball, and I can leverage the future of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 312 Su Liang: Give me a ball, and I can leverage the future of the Song Dynasty


The method of tea introduction spread to the ears of teakeepers in Ganchang mountain farms all over the country.

The conditions for receiving the severance pay of twenty cents per person per day are quite harsh.

This made many tea officials dissatisfied.

But apart from muttering a few words, no one dared to gather in a crowd to cause trouble.

This is due to the fact that the imperial court has always followed a policy from top to bottom: scrupulous investigation and strict correction of officials who make trouble.

Most of the money earned by tea clerks is unclean.

It simply doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

If all prefectural government offices in various places dealt with the situation strictly and carefully in accordance with the "Song Xingtong", most of the tea clerks might have to go to jail.

In addition, the 100-day examination for officials has been launched again.

Local officials also need performance appraisals, and most of them are strict in management and governance, so that there is no trouble at all below.

As for the tea merchants.

Most tea merchants who abide by the rules and do business are happy and happy.

Because the tea business will be more transparent in the future, honesty and trustworthiness will be more important than secret bribery.

Those businessmen who once made money through secret methods have either changed their profession or improved their methods of doing business.

They all know that fighting with the imperial court is definitely a dead end.


Zhao Zhen received feedback from many local states and counties, all of which were good news.

This also reflects from the side that since the Reform of the Song Dynasty, the imperial court has become more and more able to control local prefectures and ordinary people.


On the fifth day of February, south of Bianjing City.

Su Liang and Cao Yan came to the newly built Cuju field.

The design sketch of this Cuju venue started in March last year, and construction began in May. It took nearly a year to complete.

The Cuju venue is surrounded by high square walls, and there are parking spaces for carriages under the high walls.

The red door facing the south is five meters high, and the door is engraved with patterns related to Cuju, which is very distinctive.

The plaque above reads four solemn and dignified characters: Jucheng, Southern Suburbs.

These four characters were inscribed by Cai Xiang and Cai Junmo, the current Fujian Road transfer envoy.

Su Liang wrote two letters before the other party agreed.

In terms of essay writing, Ouyang Xiu is undoubtedly the best; in terms of calligraphy, Cai Xiang is more than one step ahead of Ouyang Xiu.

On both sides of the gate, there are two side rooms, both of which are used for selling tickets.

People in the Song Dynasty had the habit of buying tickets to see things. Some botanical gardens and zoos are accessible by buying tickets.

Su Liang and Cao Yan strode into the door.

On both sides of the main road inside the gate, there is a long corridor about 800 meters long, one named Aoshi and the other named Baiwu.

The food gallery mainly sells various snacks, desserts, dried fruits, drinks and the like.

The Hundred Objects Gallery mainly sells various small items, such as purses with Cuju elements, paper fans, ornaments, etc.

These two corridors are both self-operated by Jucheng in the southern suburbs.

For example, if Cao Yi falls in love with a drink stall, he will buy it directly to provide monthly income to the stall owner, and all the revenue will belong to Jucheng in the southern suburbs.

The advantage of this is that supervision is in place.

To prevent someone from using inferior quality products to ruin the reputation of Jucheng in the southern suburbs.

The two of them walked forward along the main road.

What comes into view is a circular, open-air Cuju venue that can accommodate more than 7,000 people and has 100 teahouses (a semi-enclosed small room located in the middle of the stands).

In fact, it can be built even larger.

However, no matter how many people there are, the viewing effect will be greatly reduced, so the current scale was set.

at the same time.

Businessmen from all walks of life responsible for the construction of Cuju farms have also started construction. The smallest Cuju farm will have no less than 3,000 people.

The ticket gradient for Jucheng in the southern suburbs has also been set up.

The field of view is divided into five levels according to the location.

The prices are: 199 Wen, 399 Wen, 699 Wen, and 999 Wen. The starting price of the teahouse is guan. The price is based on the grade of tea, dried fruits, and it is difficult for ordinary people to buy it.

This price positioning is still relatively high for ordinary people.

However, for Bianjing City, which has a population of two million and a large number of dignitaries and dignitaries, there is no need to worry about selling.

After a while.

Su Liang and Cao Yan appeared under Feng Liuyan's eyes at the Cuju venue.

There are already large areas of grass on the site turning green. It is expected that another spring rain will turn the ground green.

Such a Cuju venue with lush grass and leaves.

Not only can it make Cuju players feel comfortable, but it can also make people watching football feel comfortable.

After Su Liang completed a tour, he was very satisfied with Jucheng in the southern suburbs.

Cao Ji said with a smile: "I plan to start selling tickets in the second half of the month, and then start the game in early March. I have communicated properly with Yuanshe. What can be guaranteed now is that one game will be played every five days, which can last until May. The Cuju courts are expected to start operations in the second half of the year, and then the All-Song League will be launched!"

Su Liang nodded.

Spring and autumn are the peak seasons for this kind of open-air Cuju competition, and the most suitable time to start is March.

"How are the players training?" Su Liang asked.

"Not bad. I follow what you said. Every internal game has a ball color, and the players work very hard. They have completely lost the playful style of the past."

Players will take it seriously if there is a lottery, and in the main game, the lottery will be even more generous.

Su Liang wants to see the Cuju competition.

It is a competitive sport that can show the blood of men and combine strength and wisdom.

Rather than a sideshow for leisure and entertainment.

He has always emphasized to Cao Yi that he must play bloody and hard.

"At the end of the month, I will take some time to take them to the Long Yu Army camp to kick them around and exercise them!"

"Okay." Cao Yi nodded.

Su Liang thought for a while and then asked: "How do you plan to promote it next?"

"Propaganda? Nowadays, most of the dignitaries in Bianjing City know that our southern suburb of Jucheng is not worried about selling out. Even if those people come to praise me, Cao Yi, the venue can still be full!" Cao Yi said with a proud look on his face. .

Su Liang's face suddenly dropped.

"Cao Jingxiu, you are so proud!"

Cao Yi was stunned.

When Su Liang called him "Cao Jingxiu", it meant that he was dissatisfied with him and even wanted to scold him.

In the past two years, Cao Yi had been scolded by Su Liang a lot, and the latter had no regard for the identity of his uncle.

Cao Yi didn't dare to show off in front of Su Liang.

Su Liang was kind to the Cao family.

If he dared to scold Su Liang back, Queen Cao alone could scold him to death.

Furthermore, what Su Liang said every time was basically correct.

"Jing Ming, don't make fun of me. What did I do wrong?"

Su Liang said calmly: "What we want to do is a Cuju movement throughout the Song Dynasty, to integrate Cuju into the daily lives of people throughout the Song Dynasty." "It's not just about selling out, but also about letting more people know about Cuju and fall in love with Cuju. . If you don’t promote it, how will you hold an all-Song event after this heat has passed?”

"What I hope is not that the March event will be hard to get a ticket, but that it will always be hard to get a ticket in Jucheng, the southern suburbs, and that all other Cuju venues will also be able to always have a hard time getting a ticket. This time, everyone in Bianjing City must be able to get a ticket. Everyone knows about this competition!”

"Tomorrow, you will find Shopkeeper Liu and ask all the folk tabloids in Bianjing City to start publicizing this matter, and then publicize it in every bulletin board. Recently, isn't there a new oiran in Bianjing City called Bai Mudan? Invite her to the Cuju venue , during the halftime, sing Mr. Three Changes’ new lyrics..."

It was hard to get a vote, which was expected by Su Liang.

What Su Liang hopes is that everyone will know about the Cuju League and be eager to play it.

Only in this way can we ensure the longevity of this competition.

"Okay, I will let everyone in Bianjing know." Cao Yan said very confidently.

After Su Liang thought for a moment, he added: "On the opening day, you reserve fifty seats, plus a tea seat. I would like to invite the Imperial Academy Supervisor Ding Xueshi and fifty Imperial Academy students to come to the game. In addition, I plan to invite Xueshi Ding. Kick-off, what do you think?”


"Jing Ming, you...you...are you kidding?"

"You invite Bachelor Ding and those students to watch the game. I think it is unlikely that they will come. But you also invite Bachelor Ding to kick off the game. Is this possible?"

After Cao Yan released the news about preparing for the All-Song Cuju League, it was this group of Imperial College students who scolded them the most.

They believed that Cao Yi, a general of the Cao family, had gotten into the eyes of money and specialized in such sideshows.

These people have misunderstandings about Cuju.

In their eyes, watching Cuju is the same as watching a female sumo wrestler perform or listening to a kabuki performer.

They are all the obscene acts of scholars.

The words and deeds of Ding Du, the supervisor of the Imperial Academy, are regarded as the standard of conduct by students all over the world.

Let him kick off the Cuju game.

It's like asking Sima Guang, who has always advocated the abandonment of female sumo wrestling performances, to go watch female sumo wrestling in Goulan.

According to the other party’s character and official position, how could he possibly agree!

Su Liang smiled slightly and said, "Let me give it a try!"

The reason why Su Liang had this idea.

On the one hand, the Cuju movement would not be considered a national movement without the participation and promotion of scholars all over the world.

On the other hand, Su Liang believes that Cuju plays an important role in addition to strengthening the body.

That is to make viewers understand the importance of teamwork.

For the Song Dynasty, unity and cooperation were too important.

The scholar-officials of the Song Dynasty have always been one of them like a dragon and three of them are like a worm.

Exclusion and infighting are serious.

If there had been no internal strife, the Qingli New Deal would not have lasted more than a year before failing.

And the current new law.

A large part of the setbacks and difficulties also come from infighting among officials.

Some yamen.

Five officials can be divided into eight factions, plotting against each other and pulling against each other.

If this smart energy were used in reform, Su Liang and others would not be so tired.

Su Liang wanted to plant the seeds of unity and cooperation in the minds of these young people. Otherwise, even if the current reform was successful, it would be destroyed by the next wave of internal fighting among courtiers.


In the afternoon of the next day, Imperial College.

Su Liang came to the Imperial Academy Supervisor Ding Du.

Ding Du smiled and said to the clerk on the side: "Quickly bring me the dragon buds that I have collected!"

"Jingming, even if Prime Minister Wen and Prime Minister Fan come, you may not be able to drink my dragon bud tea. You are an exception!"

"Thank you so much, Master Ding, for your kindness, I will be blessed!" Su Liang said with a smile.

Ever since Su Liang made his remarks in the Imperial College that becoming an official would lead to death, Ding Du treated Su Liang as a guest.

He hoped to hold such a lecture every year in the Imperial College to encourage students.

After a while.

The aroma of tea is refreshing.

After the two exchanged pleasantries for a few words, Su Liang revealed the purpose of coming here.

Ding Du was invited to bring fifty Imperial College students to Jucheng in the southern suburbs to watch the game, and hoped that Ding Du could kick off the game.

After Ding Du listened, he looked at Su Liang.

"Jing Ming, these words came from you. If it had been anyone else, I might have kicked him out!"

"What I represent now is the words and deeds of the scholars in the world. If I go to tee off, wouldn't I be scolded to death! It doesn't matter if I'm scolded to death. A student of the Imperial Academy goes to watch the Cuju competition without any cover-up. How can I lose my ambition by playing with things like this?"

After that, Ding Du took a sip of tea and continued: "You must have thought about how to persuade me. I would like to hear where do you get your confidence from?"

Su Liang said slowly: "One is to help the court make profits."

"Scholar Ding should know that Jucheng in the southern suburbs is half of the imperial court's business, and the Third Division also invested some costs. I want to create a Song Cuju League. Only scholars can participate and write poems and articles to discuss this project. Only by becoming a national sport can the event be successful and the court be able to make more profits."

Ding Du shook his head slightly.

This first reason hardly moved him.

The Imperial College was mainly responsible for teaching and educating people, engraving and printing books and periodicals, and was not responsible for making profits.

Su Liang continued: "Second, change the mentality of the world's scholars."

"Taizu and Taizong also loved Cuju and regarded it as a martial art to strengthen the body. Cuju is not a sideshow as everyone thinks, a toy to lose one's morale. The scholars of the Song Dynasty have a big flaw: inner The fight is serious!"

"One person is like a tiger, two people are like worms. There is a lack of unity and cooperation, and many things are aborted because of this."

"The most important thing about this sport is the ability to collaborate. I hope that after watching the game, the scholars all over the world can have some impact on their mentality. When they enter the court, they will understand the value of unity and cooperation better, and it can also improve the intellectual ability of scholars. Bloody..."

"Third, it is the future of the Song Dynasty."

"Just imagine, Academician Ding, fifty years from now, if our country, the Song Dynasty, had benefited from the reform and had no war, no disasters, no invincibility, how could we develop commerce? How could we stabilize the people? How could we show the prosperity of the prosperous age?"

According to the current trend, most young people will only go to Goulan to look for flowers and flowers, and get drunk in the gentle countryside. Isn't it better to watch Cuju than these? "


After Su Liang finished speaking, Ding Du couldn't help but sigh: "Jing Ming, you are so eloquent! A small ball can actually make you say such a great truth, and talk about the future from the present. But unfortunately, I Still can't relate to it.

After Ding Du hesitated for a moment, he added: "Unless...unless, you take me to see a show first."

Hear this.

Su Liang knew that there was a solution to this matter.

He thought for a moment and said, "How about you bring some students to Jucheng in the southern suburbs in three days?"

"Okay." Ding Du nodded.

Su Liang added: "When Bachelor Ding agrees, I will report the matter to the official family, and I guarantee that the official family will also agree."

Su Liang thought very carefully.

If the officials are not informed in advance and the reasons are explained, another official will probably file an impeachment petition.


After a while.

Su Liang left the Imperial Academy and went to find Cao Yi.

He decided to send the two best Cuju teams to the Long Yu Army camp today to carry out special training for these people.

Let Dingdu see that Cuju is not just Cuju, but also contains the spirit of unity, cooperation and fighting energy.

 Sorry, there are some trivial matters at home recently, so the update is not very stable. Double updates will be resumed on February 2rd.



(End of this chapter)

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