I served as an admonisher in the Song Dynasty

Chapter 326 The Liao Kingdom’s reform failed! New ideas of the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dy

Chapter 326 The Liao Kingdom’s reform failed! New ideas of the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty

May 20th.

Chui Gong Hall.

Zhao Zhen and all the ministers gathered in the main hall.

Zhao Zhen said with an angry look on his face: "I believe that the Yecheng gold mine turmoil is definitely not an isolated case. There must be similar situations in other state capitals."

"Next, we will strictly investigate the cases of officials protecting each other and collusion between officials and businessmen. Once the charges are proven, we will immediately deal with them severely and we will never tolerate them!"

"I obey!" Wen Yanbo and other ministers handed over their hands one after another.

Followed by.

Zhao Zhen looked at the pile of memorials on the imperial case.

"These officials are all accusing Su Liang of being too harsh, saying that the more than 2,000 casualties among soldiers in Yecheng were caused by Su Liang's desire to expand his political achievements. How do you think we should handle this?"

All the ministers were stunned.

The cicadas on the old locust tree kept chirping.

No false pretense to stay, just approved directly.

In the streets and alleys, the cries of various drink stalls can be heard, and there is an endless stream of buyers.

Zhao Zhen was out of character.

The third day of June, afternoon.

Su Liang arrived in Beijing and reported the details of Laizhou to Zhao Zhen in Chui Gong Hall.

Su Liang held a cattail leaf fan in his hand, fanning himself while reading the recent newspapers.

On May 22, the incident in Laizhou gradually subsided.

This time, the officials are going to take it seriously.



In the past, Zhao Zhen had always ignored such memorials.

Officials whose ideas run counter to the court's reform direction are more harmful to the court than idle officials who do nothing.

at this time.


Fan Zhongyan, the political advisor, thought for a while and said: "For officials, I suggest that these officials should first be reprimanded by Zhongshu. If they are still stubborn, they will be transferred to idle positions. Those who are older should be advised to become officials."

The intention is to let everyone understand: Those who help the entire Song Dynasty's reforms will be favored, and those who undermine the entire Song Dynasty's reforms will be shown no mercy.

These words made all the ministers couldn't help but straighten up.

Su Liang led Long Yujun on his way home.

Eight officials were transferred and five officials submitted their official appointment documents.

The ground was so hot that few people walked in the courtyard.

Zhao Zhen thought for a while and said: "The words come from the heart. If these officials can say this, they must be thinking like this in their hearts. Such conservative ideas are not suitable for holding important positions. I can no longer tolerate these people. Officials who hold the court back even though their salary is so high!"

Wen Yanbo immediately said: "The official, Su Liang is not at fault for what he did. The soldiers have rebelled. Even if Su Liang kills them all, he should not be guilty of anything!"

"I also believe that there is nothing wrong with Su Liang's actions. If he uses wind, fire and thunder, I am afraid that the damage will be even greater. Such riots should be severely punished. If treated with mercy, the government-run mining policy may not be thorough. Execute!" Fu Bi also added.

The weather is getting hotter.

"I know that Su Liang is not guilty. What do I mean, how to deal with these officials?"

May 29th.

Many yamen in Bianjing City have installed ice basins, and some outdoor workers have also avoided working outdoors during the scorching heat.

Lu Hui, the supervisory censor, quickly came to Su Liang's house.


Zhao Zhen was overjoyed and rewarded Su Liang heavily, and then planned to record the case in state newspapers and inform the entire Song Dynasty.

"Jingming, something happened in Liao Kingdom!"

All the ministers nodded.

After all, there is no guilt in what you say.

This move was naturally made for all the officials in the court to see.

Zhao Zhen shook his head.

Next, a new state official will naturally arrive to handle the follow-up matters.

Zhao Zhen nodded and added: You must be clear that in the face of the great cause of reform, there is no need to reserve mercy for someone.

Inside the Yushitai.

Two days later.

"What's the matter?" Su Liang was a little confused.

"I'm afraid the Liao Kingdom's reform is coming to an end! I just saw the news from Daming Palace Pang Xianggong. Yelu Hongji, the eldest son of the Liao Emperor who presided over the Liao Kingdom's reform, was placed under house arrest. Xiao Ding, the deputy privy envoy, was sent by Xiao Jiuyi, a great businessman of the Liao Kingdom. People cut off their heads!”

Su Liang was surprised first and then happy.

"I thought the Liao Kingdom's reform could last for two or three years before being defeated. I didn't expect it to end so quickly. The nobles and giant businessmen of the Liao Kingdom are indeed barbaric. They even dared to chop off the heads of the deputy privy envoys!"

"Although Xiao Jiuyi is not an official, he is also a nobleman and a big businessman of the Liao Kingdom. In terms of seniority, Xiao Ding would call him uncle!" Lu Jie explained.

The nobles and wealthy merchants of the Liao Kingdom were much more powerful than the nobles and wealthy merchants of the Song Dynasty.

Because they have their own armed team.

When the imperial court was exploiting them, they dared to go against the imperial court, and even spent money to drive the Jurchens in the great north to rebel.

Some families in the Liao Kingdom were very powerful and could sometimes even force the imperial power to compromise.

Lu Jie continued: "In addition, because Yelu Hongji and Xiao Ding learned from you the reform strategies they preached everywhere, many nobles and wealthy businessmen in the Liao Kingdom now hate you. There is news that some big businessmen in the Liao Kingdom have taken I offered three thousand taels of gold to buy your head. Now, not only people from Liao, but also people from Xixia and Korea have come to our Song Dynasty, and I am afraid they will be detrimental to you!"

Su Liang curled his lips.

"My head is worth three thousand taels of gold? This price is not high! It is really not high!"

Lu Hui was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Jing Ming, how long have you been here and you are still joking? You must not run around in the near future!"

Su Liang nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Let's go to Zhongshu to inquire about the specific situation."

Immediately, the two of them ran towards Zhongshu Zhengshi Hall.


Half an hour later.

After Su Liang read the border documents sent by Pang Ji of Zhidaming Prefecture, he immediately had a more detailed understanding of the Liao Kingdom's reforms.

The Liao State Reform started at the beginning of last year.

It was initially led by Xiao Ding and was in the trial stage. Some strategies were only implemented in a certain state capital and received mediocre response.

At the beginning of this year, after Yelu Hongji became involved, the intensity of the Liao Kingdom's reforms suddenly expanded.

The reform measures of the Liao Kingdom were all learned from the Song Dynasty.

They are even more eager for success. They can even issue three policies in a month and require enforcement from below. Anyone who fails to implement them will be severely punished.

these new legal measures.

All of a sudden, the interests of many big landowners and nobles were violated.

This caused some Khitan nobles and big businessmen to rise up directly, and many rebel forces responded, leading to constant turmoil.

And the people of Liao didn't appreciate it either.

They feel that the new law is entirely for the court to make profits, and they will not get any benefits.

Within Liao, opposition voices grew louder and louder.

Although Xiao Jiuyi, a great businessman of the Liao Kingdom, killed Xiao Ding, the deputy privy minister, he was not punished in any way.

Because many big landowners and officials in the Liao Kingdom were on his side.

Yelvzong is really helpless.

After Xiao Ding's death, he was charged with the crime of harming the country. As for Yelu Hongji, he was placed under house arrest to protect him. Finally, Yelu Zongzhen announced that all new legal measures would be abolished.

In order to appease the nobles and big businessmen of the Liao Kingdom, Yelu Zongzhen claimed that both Yelu Hongji and Xiao Ding had been deceived by Su Liang, the admonisher of the Southern Dynasties.

Ever since.

The aristocratic businessmen of the Liao Kingdom transferred their hatred to Su Liang and wanted to pay a lot of money to buy Su Liang's life.

at this time.

The chamberlain passed an oral order from Zhao Zhen, ordering the Xianggong of the two prefectures and the three divisions, as well as the chief officer of Taijiao, to go to the Chui Gong Hall to discuss matters.


After a while.

Tang Jie, Ouyang Xiu, and Su Liang came to Chui Gong Hall together.


The princes of the two governments and three departments also came to the hall.

Zhao Zhen walked to the throne. Before the ministers could salute, he said with a cold face: "That's unreasonable! What does the failure of the Liao Dynasty's reform have to do with us? Why should we blame the Song Dynasty? There are still Khitan people who dare to Pay for Su Qing’s life!”

"Su Qing is a scholar-official of our court and represents the face of our Song Dynasty. How can I be wronged like this! Bullying Su Qing is bullying me and our Song Dynasty!"

"From now on, the Long Yu Army will be responsible for the safety of Su Qing and Su Qing's family. In addition, all thieves who enter the Song Dynasty and want to assassinate Su Qing will be caught one by one, and no mercy will be spared!"

Su Liang's heart felt warm after hearing this.

Recently, Zhao Zhen's performance has become increasingly tough. This was a great blessing for Song Dynasty.

Only when the monarch is tough can the Song Dynasty become tough.

At this time, Ouyang Xiu stood up.

"Guan Jia, our dynasty's reform strategy has not been concealed from the Liao people, and it has the merit of teaching it. They failed to implement it, but repaid kindness with hatred. This is really the behavior of villains. I would like to write the "Letter to the Emperor of Liao Kingdom" on behalf of Guan Jia. , denounced the actions of the Liao Kingdom!"

"It's possible!" Zhao Zhen said simply and decisively.

This time, the Liao Kingdom was disrespectful and ruined the peace between the two countries. The Song Dynasty could have severely condemned the other party.

At this time, Su Liang slowly stood up.

"Guan family, I think this is a good time to cancel the annual gift."

Hearing this, Zhao Zhen and all the ministers looked at Su Liang.

Zhao Zhen had always dreamed of canceling the annual gift, and had discussed feasible methods for this matter many times.

In the end, the result of everyone's discussion was: abolition of annual gifts but not abolition of market transactions.

At present, the forging field on the border between Song and Liao can bring huge wealth to the Song Dynasty. If the forging field is not abolished, it also means that Song and Liao are still in a state of peace.

Su Liang also knew about this.

Therefore, when he said this, he obviously also meant: abolition of annual gifts but not abolition of market transactions.

Su Liang continued: "At present, the reform of the Liao Kingdom has failed. Farming, commerce, and political affairs have all been damaged to a certain extent, and they will not be able to recover for at least two years. This is a great opportunity for us to abolish the annual currency. "

"I suggest that we first send Ouyang's "Letter to the Emperor of Liao" written by Ouyang to the Liao Emperor, scolding the Liao State for repaying kindness and destroying bridges, destroying the friendship between Song and Liao brothers, and then asking Yelu Zong to truly apologize to me!"

"According to Yelv Zong's really arrogant temper, it is absolutely impossible to apologize to me. At this time, we can use this matter to once again accuse the Liao Kingdom of violating the Chanyuan Alliance, and then we can propose to abolish the annual gift! If the Liao Dynasty does not allow it, Then we will close the market or send heavy troops to the north to prepare for war!"

"I guess that the Liao Kingdom will not dare to fight! It will definitely negotiate peace with us. By then, it will be us who take the initiative..."

After hearing this, Song Xiang frowned slightly and said, "Jingming, although there is civil strife in the Liao Kingdom, the entire army has not been seriously damaged. Yelu Zongzhen has always been fond of martial arts. What if he chooses to fight us?"

Su Liang hasn't spoken yet.

Wang Yaochen, the third commander on the side, puffed up his chest and said: "Then we will fight them. Now, we have a good chance of winning, and we can afford it!"

The other courtiers couldn't help but laugh.

The current Song Dynasty does have some arrogant capital.

Although he is unwilling to fight, he is never afraid of fighting.

Now is a rare opportunity to cancel the annual coins, and everyone wants to give it a try.

Even Xia Song, who had always had his eyelids drooped, showed excitement when he heard Su Liang said that he wanted to cancel the annual gift.

Although the annual gift is not much, it is really embarrassing.

From Zhao Zhen down to the Song Dynasty, the people of Li could not hold their heads high because of the annual gifts.

Su Liang continued: "There is a high probability that they will not dare to fight! The current Liao Kingdom needs peace and competition more than we do. And Yelu Zongzhen, who lost to Xixia, no longer has the arrogance of the past!"

"If Liao wants to fight, it is not only us who have to consider, but also Xixia and the Jurchens in the north who will attack them! Even if Yelvzong really wants to fight, Liao officials will dissuade them..."

Zhao Zhen nodded.

"This is feasible. We can abolish the annual currency today. I don't want to wait any longer, and the people of the Song Dynasty don't want to wait any longer. If there is a war, we can afford it!"

The annual gift is to be abolished.

The remaining terms of the Chanyuan Alliance were only beneficial to the Song Dynasty, not harmful.

At this moment, the monarchs and ministers became excited.


The next day, early morning.

Ouyang Xiu wrote the "Letter to the Emperor of Liao".

Two thousand words.

Like a knife, like a spear, like wind, fire and thunder.

There was not a single curse word, but the scolding made the Emperor of Liao unable to hold his head up.

This article, in the tone of a victim, tells how the Song Dynasty regarded Liao as a country of brothers and made no secret of the reform matters. However, the Liao Kingdom retaliated with kindness and burned bridges across rivers, which broke the heart of the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Zhen demanded that Emperor Yelu Zongzhen of the Liao Kingdom must personally write a letter of apology to Su Liang and clear his name.

Xixia is a weakling, as long as it benefits, not to mention apologizing, even kneeling and kowtow is not a problem.

But the Liao Kingdom has always been tough.

Especially for an emperor like Yelu Zongzhen, he felt it was a great shame and humiliation not only to ask him to apologize to Su Liang, but also to ask him to apologize to Zhao Zhen.

Totally impossible.

On that day, this "Letter to the Emperor of Liao" was sent to the north by the post soldiers.

at the same time.

The imperial court has also ordered Di Qing to order 50,000 northwest forbidden troops to quietly move towards the Song and Liao border.

Once a war breaks out, the only ones who can really fight are the Northwest Forbidden Army.


a few days later.

The capital of Liao Kingdom, inside the imperial palace.

After Yelu Zongzhen read this "Letter to the Emperor of Liao", he couldn't help but became furious.

"Asking me to apologize to a Taiwanese remonstrator in the Southern Dynasty is simply wishful thinking. I haven't blamed Song Yue and Xiao Ding for reforming! These southerners must be itching again!"

After Yelu Zongzhen finished speaking these bold words, he sat on the dragon chair.

He couldn't help but frown.

Because he found that the Liao Kingdom at this moment had no ability to launch a war against the Song Dynasty.

The reform resulted in the current Liao Kingdom being riddled with holes. Chaos had to be quelled every day, and the Jurchens in the north were causing trouble all day long.

In addition, the Xixia people stood aside with eager eyes. If Song and Liao went to war, the Xixia people would definitely attack the Liao Kingdom.

There are internal and external troubles, and the national treasury is empty.

Once it falls into passivity, it will be in danger of overthrowing the country.

Yelu Zongzhen sat at the table, thought for a while, and picked up the pen.

He was planning to write a reply, scolding Song for being shameless, and taking advantage of such circumstances was not what a gentleman would do.

But when he thought of the Qingli coin increase a few years ago, he couldn't help but put down his pen.

It was the Liao Kingdom that was unjust in the past, but now Song is just copying a cat and imitating a tiger. There is really no way to accuse Song of being shameless.

(End of this chapter)

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