I served as an admonisher in the Song Dynasty

Chapter 5: The ministers argue and the officials are furious

Chapter 5: The ministers argue and the officials are furious

Zhao Zhen looked through the thirteen confessions with a serious look on his face.

Su Shunqin said that all the previous chief officials of Jinzouyuan sold waste paper to pay for banquets. This behavior can be regarded as a bad habit, but it cannot be called theft by the supervisor.

Wang Yirou admitted that writing poems had insulted the saints, but she defended herself as a drunken gaffe and frivolity, and she felt very regretful.

Wang Zhu admitted to sitting with the singers, but he claimed that he did not take the initiative.

Other young officials also admitted that it was wrong to use public funds to hold private dinners, but they all claimed ignorance and begged for forgiveness.

All twelve officials spoke in defense.

These words were all expected by Zhao Zhen.

Finally, Zhao Zhen turned to the "Book of Self-Crime" written by Su Liang and couldn't help but feel stagnant.

His expression gradually became serious.


His face was gloomy and his expression became more and more solemn.

All the ministers of His Highness noticed this and couldn't help but become more curious about Su Liang's confession.


After reading it, Zhao Zhen let out a long sigh.

"You all should take a look at Su Liang's "Book of Confession"!"

Immediately, the ministers began to circulate it.

After half an hour.

All the ministers read it with different expressions.

Bao Zheng and Han Qi shook their heads helplessly.

Xia Song frowned.

Prime Minister Zhang Dexiang was expressionless, and Vice Minister Jia Changchao looked at Zhao Zhen from time to time.

Censor Zhongcheng Wang Gongchen raised his neck as if he had something to say.

Su Liang's "Book of Confession" is not long.

About [-] words, all in classical Chinese, translated roughly as follows:

Su Liang, my minister, first came to Bianjing. He didn't know that the situation in the court was treacherous. After this misfortune, his reputation was ruined and he was speechless in self-defense.

After thinking about it, I have committed four major crimes and can be sentenced to death. I hope the official will approve it.

The first crime: I received divine grace, was promoted to Jinshi, and entered the court as an official. I was supposed to help the country and benefit the people, but my official career was suddenly interrupted. I received the emperor's favor but could not share the emperor's worries. This is disloyal.

The second crime: I am a beggar, but I am fortunate to receive help from my teacher. I should have made my teacher proud of me, but now I am making him feel cold. This is unfilial.

The third crime: I am an admonishing officer in Taiwan, and I have the responsibility of organizing prisons and deciding punishments, but I can't get rid of the suspicion of being a prostitute. This is useless.

The fourth crime: I have a good wife and regard me as my light, but my reputation is stained and I am ashamed of my wife. I really have no face to see her. This is heartless.

The great road is like the blue sky, I alone cannot reach it.

The guilty minister Su Liang is unfaithful, unfilial, useless and ruthless. He is despairing and wants to die!

This "Book of Self-Crime" is Su Liang's way of saving himself.

He knew very well that if he tried to defend himself, there was no evidence, and as long as he was stigmatized as a prostitute, according to the current official atmosphere, he would lose his title as a Beijing official, and he might never be able to enter Beijing again in his life.

This is absolutely unacceptable to him.

Therefore, he did the opposite.

There is not a single word of defense in this article, but every word is about the dangers of "sulliing one's reputation" in the court.

Just a "prostitute" name.

Even if it is difficult to secure a position, it will destroy an official's career, reputation, and even his family.

The harm is great.

At present, tarnishing a person's reputation has become a tool of party struggle in the court, and it has been tried repeatedly.

Teng Zongliang was accused of embezzling public funds and was demoted to Yuezhou. It was later found out that he had been wrongly accused.

Fan Zhongyan was tainted by the New Deal and became a private party, so he had no choice but to go out to patrol the border and announce the border.

Fu Bi and Shi Jie were even labeled as rebels. After finding out that there was no solid evidence, they were demoted from Beijing.

These things happened this year.

Su Liang is gambling.

Based on his understanding of Zhao Zhen in his previous life, the emperor was kind-hearted and soft-hearted.

He bet that Emperor Zhao Zhen would feel pity for him.

I bet Zhao Zhen was tired of this despicable behavior in the court that tarnished a person's reputation due to party strife.Bet that Zhao Zhen will not let the old party officials in the court continue to gain power.

I bet that after Zhao Zhen saw his "Book of Confession", he would realize the huge damage to the court by "sulliing a person's reputation" and treat the case leniently.


Zhao Zhen looked down.

"A name of "prostitute" that has not yet been verified actually drove a young official to the point where he was despairing and wanted to die. What I saw between the lines was his disappointment in the court and his helplessness that he could not defend himself. Do you think this is my fault or yours?"

Wang Gongchen took a step forward.

"Officials, Su Liang did this because he could not prove his innocence, so he threatened the officials with death. It is really disrespectful. This move is very poisonous and should be severely punished!"

Zhao Zhen stood up slowly.

"Self-proven innocence? How can you ask him, a low-level official who has only been in Bianjing for half a month, to prove his innocence? He is a low-ranking official. Does he have anyone to back him up? Does he have the money to collect evidence? In addition to expressing despair, he can do nothing can not do this!"

Although Zhao Zhen lives in a deep palace, he relies on the Imperial City Secretary and is very well-informed.

When people heard that Su Liangnai was framed by Concubine Ji, who was instigated by Xia Song, he already believed half of it.

Because of the article "Lazy Officials", when he read it for the first time, he thought it was scolding Xia Song, not to mention the common people's comments.

At this time, Xia Song stood up.

"Officials, the case is clear. The remaining 12 people can be convicted. As for whether Su Liang was a prostitute, the Kaifeng Mansion will definitely find out the truth. However, Su Liang also participated in a banquet for private use of public funds and should be punished according to the law. , this influence is quite bad, he is no longer suitable to stay in Yushitai!"

It would be better if Xia Song didn't say this.

After talking about it, Zhao Zhen felt more and more that Su Liang had been framed.

Xia Song's purpose was to drive Su Liang out of the Yushitai.

He looked at Xia Song and said, "Xia Shuxiang means that whether Su Liang is a prostitute or not, it is no longer suitable to stay in Yushitai?"

Xia Song was stunned.

"Official, I... I am speaking according to the rules of the court, and... I am not targeting Su Liang. I don't know him at all!" Xia Song could tell that Zhao Zhen was a little unhappy, so he hurriedly explained.

At this time, Wang Gongchen jumped out again.

"I believe that what Prime Minister Xia said is reasonable. Except for Su Liang's suspicion of having sex with prostitutes, the other people in this case have solid evidence and can be handled in accordance with the law!"

Zhao Zhen looked at Wang Gongchen and slowly walked down from above.

"According to the law? According to the law, the supervisor Su Shunqin committed suicide and should be sentenced to death. Wang Yirou's insulting the saints is an even greater crime. Does Wang Zhongcheng want to expel all the officials in the court?" Zhao Zhen walked up to Wang Gongchen and said sternly.

"I...I...I don't dare!" Wang Gongchen quickly bowed his head and held his hands, not daring to say anything more.

In the vertical arch hall.

The temperature dropped to freezing point.

Although Zhao Zhen is known for his kindness, he is still quite scary when he loses his temper.

At this time, Han Qi stood up.

"Officials, in the past two years, things that have tainted people's reputation in the imperial court have happened from time to time, and most of them are unfounded. In order to avoid suspicion, officials have to ask for release. This move is extremely detrimental to the political affairs of the court. I think that Su Shunqin and others are not good enough. He was young and frivolous, which led him to make mistakes. His character is not bad. I sincerely ask the officials to treat him leniently!"

"I second the proposal!" Bao Zheng stood up and said.

"I also second the proposal!" Wu Yu said next to him.

Immediately, Prime Minister Zhang Dexiang, who had been silent for a long time, spoke slowly.

"Officials, this matter involves too many young officials. A single mistake should not be magnified. I also sincerely request a lighter sentence. As for Su Liang, he may not have known that the banquet was a use of public funds. This was an unintentional mistake and cannot be considered guilty. As for Su Liang, If there is no prostitute, the Kaifeng Mansion needs to find out the results as soon as possible!"

Zhang Dexiang just finished speaking.

Deputy Prime Minister Jia Changchao followed up and said: "I agree with Prime Minister Zhang. If Su Liang has never had sex with prostitutes, he is not guilty. His sharp writing makes him a good candidate for admonishment in Taiwan. He must not be blamed for such a vain crime. Then expel him from the Yushitai!"

Jia Changchao had already seen that Emperor Zhao Zhen was disgusted with the current slanderous remarks that "slandered people's reputation", and had some affection for Su Liang because of the "Book of Self-Crime".

Therefore, he followed Zhao Zhen's wishes.

After hearing the speeches of Zhang Dexiang and Jia Changchao, Zhao Zhen couldn't help but feel much better.

He looked at Wu Yu.

"Scholar Wu, I order you to find out within three days whether it is true that Su Liang is a prostitute. As for everyone else, please deal with it lightly!"

"I obey!" Wu Yu handed over his hand.

Immediately, Zhao Zhen stood up and left.

Bao Zheng had a dark face and was a little helpless.

The monarch and his ministers discussed for a long time and put aside all his impeachment of Privy Councilor Xia Song for keeping a concubine and deliberately suppressing young officials.

Bao Zheng knew very well that the officials had not forgotten, but were preserving dignity for Xia Song.

(End of this chapter)

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