Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 106: Caused by [Wine of Victory]

Chapter 106: Caused by [Wine of Victory] (10 updates)
No, wait, what did you say?
Are we clear?
Grand Duchess Sophia widened her beautiful fiery red eyes in disbelief. Not to mention her, even the knights around her looked in disbelief.

Archmage, it's outrageous that you came all the way to help us kill a big lich. Don't forget, you also saved [-] of our Marino soldiers and civilians.

You only receive such a small benefit?

Just give our Grand Duchess a slap on the collarbone and have a sip of wine and that's it?
It is obvious that no matter how artistically processed the pink envelope is, its obscene nature remains unchanged, yet you actually made it look romantic by you.

Obscenity is stealing.

Romance is stealing one's heart.

Do your parents know that you are so awesome?

But when they looked at Ren's calm face with a slight smile, they suddenly had a strange feeling - you deserve to be the legendary archmage at such a young age!

After being shocked and shaken, all that was left was heartfelt conviction.

The little entanglement in the hearts of the knights has long since disappeared with this romantic move.

They all bowed in unison, not only to pay tribute to their savior, but also to recognize the aesthetics of the great man in front of them.

Downs and Harry, these two little bastards, had their mouths wide open as if they could just stuff a big egg into them.Downs clenched his fists and put them on his chest, while Harry covered his eyes with his hands in a funny way. But he was shy and wanted to see, so he opened the gaps between his fingers and used himself as a target.

Little did they know, their master had already cursed and greeted them a million times in his heart: You two little bastards, what I want as my master is obscenity, not romance!If I automatically become a great mage at the age of 100 in this world, I will hang you two little bastards on the southeast branch first.

Tears flowed in Ren's heart.

It just so happened that he had to disguise himself as a romantic mage.

No way, little kids always like to imitate what adults do.If Ren dares to be a thief, these two guys will definitely show their "heroic appearance" when they grow up.

If you don’t want to bring up bad children, at least you have to do enough on the outside!

Ren sighed in his heart.

Damn it, staying here for one more second is torture.

However, no one knows what Ren is thinking!

Sophia, the heroine of this incident, did not recover from her absent-minded state for quite a while.

She was a little dazed and caressed her sexy and delicate collarbone with her left index finger. The caressing feeling made her keep recalling the touch of Ren's tiger lips just now.

Accidentally, his fingertips touched a bead of sweat, which might be the remaining wine. This magical liquid slipped out from the small hole on the collarbone and fell into the deep valley.

Sophia actually had the illusion that her tiger lips were still there!
After her delicate body trembled suddenly, Sophia finally came back to her senses: "Liangqing...Thank you, Archmage, for your kindness! Your selflessness and generosity have illuminated the entire Marino Plateau!"

The Grand Duchess saluted again and lowered her head. She was so afraid that others would notice her charming face and red neck.

At this moment, a certain half-dead lich was unhappy. As soon as his leaky jaw opened, Ren's eyes sternly glared.

The next second, a ray of rainbow light shot from the top of the mage tower outside the city, spanned half of the city, passed through the large windows of the mansion, and suddenly landed on Brutus.

"Ah! Ah-"

Amidst the miserable howling, the great lich who was sanctioned by [Light of Heaven] finally met his end.

His cry just interrupted the charming atmosphere of the scene.

"This..." Sophia was confused.

"Alas!" Ren sighed: "Well, you use my name to tell Barbarossa that after Brutus is resurrected, one of his targets is the empire. I dare not not deal with this guy. Don't worry. , a team of adventurers with an average level of 12 can handle the weak and resurrected Brutus." The Grand Duchess was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Renn did not deal with the ending, but lost a 'face fruit', which is equivalent to dealing with it.

Looking at all the countries in the world, I am afraid that there will be fewer and fewer countries that are unwilling to sell the face of Master Tesla.

Not to mention that this incident could be related to the Barbarossa Empire.

Renn almost helped the Principality of Marino get everything done.

"Okay, don't watch the excitement. You two have forgotten something, right?" Renn turned his head and looked at the two disciples who were still eating melon with a smile.

When the two gangsters heard this, their whole bodies stiffened and chills ran down their spines.

They almost fainted.

Oh my God!We have forgotten that there is such a thing as punishment.If we weren't talking nonsense, why would Master make a trip?

The two brothers, with ashen faces, followed Ren through the portal in dejection.

As the first batch of mages born after a hundred years of the end of the Age of Law, a master-level Downs and a high-level wizard Harry, it stands to reason that such a being would go to any country and not be treated as a guest by the king of the country?

Now it is as obedient as a kitten that was taken back by an old cat.

This picture is simply a world-famous painting.

Seeing the three masters and apprentices planning to close the portal, Grand Duchess Sophia was stunned: "Ah! You just left like this? At least after attending our victory dinner..."

"No, I'll rush back to enforce the master's laws." After Ren said that, he felt a shiver coming from the disciple holding it in his hands.

As if she was trying to hold him back, but also as if she was embarrassed, Sophia stretched out her hand and retracted it like an electric shock. Her voice lowered: "At least, at least tell me your name."

Ren smiled and did not answer. However, when the portal closed and was about to disappear, a soul voice floated into Sophia's ears.

"Ren...?" The Grand Duchess felt her heart beating wildly, unable to calm down for a long time.

Just like that, the three masters and disciples came like the wind and left like the light.

They brought new legends to the Marino people and even to the entire human world.

But for the Marino Principality, the protagonist of this incident, this huge attack is not over yet.

My father and brother were killed in battle, leaving a huge mess behind.

Sophia was busy for two weeks straight.

To provide disaster relief, arrange for residents to rebuild their homes, clean up the remains of the undead, hunt down the fleeing undead, and hold a state funeral for father and brother.

As the days passed, the citizens who had gone out to work were recalled to rebuild their homes, and the citizens who worked as mercenaries were brought back to rebuild the army. The situation in the principality was barely back on track.

She didn't realize it when she was busy, but when she finally had some free time, she collapsed and hid in her room and cried for a full three hours.

However, the handsome figure in the robe gradually became clear in her mind.

That night, she was extremely anxious. After thinking about it, she found a blank piece of dragon skin paper, and then wrote a land transfer deed of four square meters on it, and wrote a name in the column of the transfer object.

(End of this chapter)

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