Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 121: Senior Brother’s Displeasure

Chapter 121: Senior Brother’s Displeasure (3 updates)
"Let me ask you in my name what the rules are for borrowing money there. If it were me, would there be any discounts?"

"Okay, Your Excellency. But I still strongly don't recommend that you find a banker in Swetland. Many of my friends have to be slaves to bankers because they borrowed money. It will be better if you slay more dragons." actual."

In fact, when the words came to this point, Ren was already desperate: "Let me ask."

Half a day later, the reply that Sanders brought back really made Renn feel extremely pained.

Those vampire bankers were indeed very attentive to Ren's loan inquiry. They easily gave him a loan limit of 100 million gold coins and said that the limit was negotiable.

First, they asked Ren to use the Madeira Mage Tower as collateral, yes!It is a mage tower that can be guaranteed to be teleported to various places and has [complete functions].

Then came the outrageous operation - borrowing 100 million with a handling fee of 50, which means you only get 50.Then the daily interest rate is 5.00%.Repayments are made weekly.Once the repayment is late, a daily late payment fee of [-]% will be charged immediately.

By the way, just by glancing at the so-called contract, Renn discovered a lot of tricks: for example, he could only go to a designated bank to queue up to pay back the money, and he had to queue up to get a number. If he couldn't queue up today, he would have to wait until tomorrow.Bank working hours are only five hours a day.If you specify to repay today, if you wait until tomorrow, it will be considered overdue.Each late payment will be subject to a penalty interest equal to 10% of the total amount owed...

Seeing this, Ren was too lazy to read any more.

Before traveling through time, Ren felt that China's routine loans were outrageous enough.

It turns out that the financial industry without strong government regulation can go as far as it should.

If you really follow the playstyle of these scumbag bankers and obediently borrow money and repay it, the annual interest rate on this loan can easily exceed 5000%.

Please!The literacy rate of humans in Kaos world is less than 2%.This kind of high-IQ crime is simply a dimensionality-reducing blow to ordinary people who are generally illiterate.

Even though Renn was well-informed, he was still frightened by these bastards.

"No one killed these vampires?" Ren asked.

"The new Goddess of Wealth is in alliance with the God of Mercenaries. However, they usually only lend money to people in the lawful camp. Or they may target businessmen. People with too strong backgrounds will not lend money to him."

For example, those devilish tough men in the bottomless abyss who have no intention of paying back the money...

Ren immediately understood that these bitches were willing to lend money to a so-called lawful camp strongman like him because they were betting that he would not allow his camp to shift casually.

Ren sighed: "Forget it, let's discuss the dragon."

Sanders' eyes flashed with pity.

Ren: "What?"

"No! I have imagined that if you really have a conflict with these vampires, will you ask them to restrain themselves?"

"I have too many things to do, and I don't have time to pay attention to them." Renn waved his hand and began to ask Sanders about the distribution of the dragons.

It was okay if Ren didn't ask, but he regretted it once he asked.

Now his reputation is too exaggerated, frightening the weaker dragons to run away, and even the Fulong Mountain Range has begun to not live up to its name.

It was difficult for humans to track the flying dragons, so that the location of the dragon's nest was completely confused.

"Alas! After thinking about it for a long time, it turned out to be my own fault." Renn was speechless.

"Sir, may I ask why you suddenly need such a large sum of money?"

"No, I suddenly wanted to build a constructor workshop. Forget it, don't worry about this kind of thing, I'd better go with the dragon's idea." Renn waved his hand and asked Sanders to leave.

Not long after, a mission with a reward of 500 gold coins was announced at the Adventurer's Guild in the Capital of Cervantes. [Grand Master Tesla has publicly offered a reward - to find information on the colorful dragon's nest, you need to know the type, number, approximate age of the dragon, and the exact location of the dragon's nest.Each accurate information can be rewarded up to 500 gold coins.No remuneration will be paid repeatedly for the same Dragon Lair information, first come first served! 】

As soon as the news came out, the adventurers were extremely excited.

The bankers in Sweetland were all beating their chests and bemoaning the loss of a big fat sheep. They all tried their best to contact Sanders, the spokesman of the Archmage, to propose more 'better' loan contracts.

Renn paid no attention.

However, Rennes didn't know that the news reached Towns through Sanders this time.

Tang Si was immediately furious: "What? Master is in such trouble for us!?"

Sanders immediately regretted telling Towns about this. The problem was that he was a follower of Towns and he had sworn not to hide anything from Towns.

"The Archmage wants to set up a laboratory to improve your magic level and break through the bottleneck as soon as possible." Sanders' truth made Harry and Barend unable to sit still.

Harry: "Then is there anything we can do?"

Barend nodded.

Sanders noticed something was wrong and quickly interrupted: "No, you should focus on studying now. Your Excellency the Archmage is already ready to slay the dragon and recover the dragon's treasure. This is still very easy for Your Excellency the Archmage. "

Downs frowned: "No wonder I went to La Mancho yesterday and a few bastards asked me if I wanted to borrow money..."

Sanders said quickly: "My lord, you must not borrow it. This will destroy you!"

Harry agreed: "Yes! My father borrowed money from a branch in Swetland, and then mortgaged the fields. Then there was a drought. Because the family went bankrupt, the family fled to Lausanne."

Barend blinked. He didn't quite understand the operations of the human world.

Suddenly Downs slapped the table: "No! I can't stand this tone. I have to beat those Sweatland bitches hard."

Harry was startled: "Wait a minute, senior brother, the master is from the lawful camp. Your messing up will make it difficult for the master. Didn't the master say that "a gentleman loves money and gets it in a wise way", let us Don’t you want to use magic to do evil?”

Tang Si suddenly came up with an idea: "Those bitches want to deliberately lend money to the master, defraud the master of money, and force the master to work in vain for them for the rest of his life! Isn't this considered an offense?"

These words made the other three people stunned.

Sanders touched his chin: "His Excellency Tesla is lawful and neutral. He abides by the rules and strictly observes neutrality most of the time. If the other party does this, it is indeed suspected of murdering you. In terms of the laws of the world, it makes sense. .”

"What's the difference between this vicious contract that bullies ordinary people and doesn't know how to calculate interest, and the soul contract that the devil deceives people into signing? The devil wants to harm people, why can't we kill the devil?" Downs slapped his chest: "This is actually We are just fighting back, I’m right!”

When Sanders heard this, miraculously, he found himself agreeing with Downs' statement: "That's also true. The Church of Wealth has always been infiltrated by the devil from ancient times to the present..."

Harry waved his fist vigorously: "Sir, count me in."

It was difficult for Barend to comment at first, but when it came to the construct laboratory, he certainly knew that the main reason why the master did this was for him.He didn’t hesitate: “Count me in too.”

"What to do?" Sanders asked Downes curiously.

Downs' eyes changed: "Then it depends on how strong Barend's [charm] is..."

(End of this chapter)

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