Chapter 143 Let’s explain it (3 updates)
The two fronts started fighting, and both fronts won a complete victory.

For a time, the reputation of the school of physics reached an unprecedented height.

If Ren was the only one who was tyrannical, the world would at best look up and pay attention to whether Ren would turn around and throw himself into the realm of immortality after his old age and strength weakened, and become a terrible great lich.

When a faction continues to cultivate powerful disciples, its value will increase exponentially in the eyes of all forces.

However, before paying attention to the large-scale enrollment of the Physics Sect next month, the leaders and kings of various large organizations are more concerned about how Ren will deal with the small sects that cause trouble.It is not difficult to see from Rennes' next operation how big his ambition is.

Ren, he is adhering to my consistent policy.

After the second and third apprentices defeated their opponents, he sent Sanders, Juan and others as envoys to sign a memorandum of [Constructive Partnership] with the opposing faction.He didn't say that he would accept the other person as his younger brother, nor did he say that he was going to be at war with each other or anything like that.

Regardless of the fact that this so-called constructive partner was put on Yingjiang’s head by me when he was on Earth, at least this name doesn’t sound too aggressive!

Many of the faction bosses were fooled by the name Renn.

It seems, seems, probably... the physics faction is really relatively neutral!

[Neutral] It also depends on the target.

If you don't fight back when you're hit, or if you don't retaliate when you're scolded, that's not called neutrality, it's called unlimited suffering.

On the second day after the physics faction reached an agreement with the six major organizations that had just come to discuss, Towns, who had not been involved until now, appeared on the scene.

Before setting off, Ren explained repeatedly.

"We are talking about science. Although scientists have nationalities, science has no borders. There is not so much fighting and killing. So this time, Downs, please remember to adhere to the consistent policy of our school, which is - —That’s it.”

Tang Si wandered for a few seconds and nodded seriously: "Master, I understand!"

"You really understand?"

"I really understand."

"What do you understand?" Ren asked worriedly.

"Adhere to the consistent policy of our school!" Downs said with great certainty.

Ren was relieved after all. As a master and the leader of a faction, he was very busy.Even if he is a [constructive partner], he has to think hard and find a way to make a name for himself. He should not overly stimulate others and push them in a hostile direction, but also let the other party do some things to reassure the other party.

This measure must be taken by the up-and-coming Renne. No one under him can do it well, let alone a crooked guy like Downs.

What Ren didn't know was that as soon as Downs appeared in the capital of Cervantes with Sanders and four others, the mood changed.

"The entire Ice Wolf School welcomes the leader of the alliance, His Excellency Downes Quixote!" Kara Wolfe, with his eight disciples and a large number of [friendly partners], squatted on the horse in the royal capital eagerly. Waiting at the original site of Della Mage Tower.Towns was intercepted as soon as he came out.

"Huh? You also know where I'm going?"

"Of course! No one knows better than me who is the most [unfriendly being]." Kara Wolf volunteered to be the leader, and Downs was naturally happy and relaxed.

Tangs took out a piece of dragon skin paper with a list of names on it.

Kara glanced at each other, and then looked at each other with a few big guys from the small faction who had defected to the physics faction in advance, and everyone knew what was going on.It’s not that I don’t report it, noon has arrived!
Isn’t retribution coming soon?

At this moment, Carla and the others thought they had figured out Ren's temper.

This legendary mage, when he is good-tempered, you can classify him as harmless to humans and animals. Once someone crosses the line and angers him, his violent temper is guaranteed to be known to all the planes of Kaos world.

Whether it's a human being or a ghost, you can hang them all on the southeast branch.

Fortunately, Ren didn't peek at the screen at this time, otherwise he would have discovered that Kara looked like a "Taijun, please come here" leader!

Even though there were only six people when Tang Si came over, with these leading party, there were already more than a hundred people.

What's even more funny is that behind them are not only two brigades of nearly 500 city guards following them, but also a team of 200 servants, who are obviously responsible for washing the floor.

In this situation, who dares to touch Tang Si?
The group of people came to Sunset Avenue in the southwest of the royal capital. Although this place is a bit out of the way, at the end of the long street that can accommodate four carriages, there is a mansion with a plaque of "Silver Light Palace", or a small temple. .

There is also a slogan written in Common Language on the wall of the temple: "All the words that my Lord Alfonso needs to convey to you can be spoken by the blade of my sword."

Quite a domineering statement, isn't it?

If the paint on this line wasn't peeling off, it would be really domineering.

Now in the chaotic neutral camp, Alfonso, known as the Holy Messenger of Silver Light, has not responded to the prayers of believers for hundreds of years.I don't know why, but the believers who believe in this weak god are the most excited.

But just because their family can produce a master-level Divine Punisher every ten years, they can still have a place in the capital of King Cervantes.

After today, that may not be the case.

After arriving and standing 20 meters away from the gate, Tangs ordered: "Juan, go and deliver a message. We will be polite first and then fight. If they accept Master's [Reciprocal Relationship] Agreement, then this will be the end of this for this family."

Tang Si still doesn't know what "reciprocal relationship" is the diplomatic rhetoric specially used by the Great Celestial Empire to set foot pot chickens. Well, it is still lower than Yingjiang's "constructive partner".

When Juan heard this, he stepped forward, holding a shield in his left hand and knocking hard on the door with his right hand.

"Bang bang bang!"

The power of a high-level warrior is so terrifying. When he knocks hard, the sound is so loud that it may even wake up a hibernating bear.

Downs could even feel the elemental changes of the person inside the door, but the other person wouldn't open the door.

"Huh? Are you pretending to be dead? You are so jealous of our school that you don't even dare to challenge us openly. You only dare to do small tricks behind your back? Do you really think that my master's [Prophecy Spell] is just a decoration?" Tang Si's voice was like thunder, spreading in all directions.

(A certain master: Can I predict spells?)
He was obviously very domineering, perhaps because of the good reputation of the School of Physics. Instead of hiding, the surrounding residents stuck their heads out to watch the fun.

Towns' temper rose.

"What's the difference between those guys who only dare to backbite people and those devils who are plotting? Could it be that your so-called gods have already shifted to the evil camp? In that case, don't blame me for trying to reason with you. ]."

The most terrifying scene happened next:
A dazzling purple beam of light suddenly hit the opponent's solid door panel covered with brass. The next second, countless lightning balls also exploded on the door panel.

(End of this chapter)

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