Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 148 The Grand Duke’s ultimate move

Chapter 148 The Grand Duke’s ultimate move (3 updates)
The reason why Renn brought the Terror Guard was because Sanders said, 'Your Excellency, please pay attention to your safety'?
A certain copycat legendary mage has offended many people.

It has already reached the point where you have to be careful about being slapped when you go to the toilet.

Demons, devils, dragons, cults, and the leaders of small sects, who wouldn’t want to kill him, Ren?
So much so that when Ren officially goes out now, he has to stuff a vest-shaped black dragon leather armor under his robe.Although due to the laws of the world, not wearing cloth armor seems to increase the chance of spell casting failure, in Lei's opinion, it is worth it.

As he masters regular magic, he can ignore this negative state.

In Sophia's eyes, this dark-haired young man with a height of 1.8 meters and a burly figure (wearing an extra piece of leather armor to look like he has chest muscles) is quite sunny, and he doesn't have the sickly stereotype of a traditional master at all.

It would be perfect if there weren't a few magically equipped structures next to it that exuded a strong sense of oppression.

Sophia's appearance fell into Ren's eyes. Isn't it a beautiful sight?
She has fiery red ear-length short hair, sassy and beautiful, and her standard oval face is definitely in line with the aesthetics of Orientals on earth.Wearing a pair of pure white tight-fitting breeches on her lower body, her straight and slender legs were clearly outlined without being too thin.The brown leather jacket on the upper body is not too thin, nor is it the kind of low-cut dress that shows off maliciously. All the beauty only ends at the collarbone.

This kind of hint that comes right to the point is quite subtle.

Feeling Ren's gaze, Sophia's high heart finally relaxed.

There was no pretense, she made a beautiful staggered step forward and backward, and performed a standard ladylike gesture.

The slightly lowered body further enhances the sexy look of the collarbone.

Coincidentally, a snowflake fell from the sky and landed just on her left supraclavicular cavity. It stimulated Sophia to tremble slightly, which amplified the effect intentionally or unintentionally.

The two sides looked at each other and smiled, noticing the subtle changes in each other's mentality.

"Welcome, Your Excellency, the Reverend Archmage Tesla."

"Thank you for the warm welcome, Grand Duchess."

The bland and formulaic opening seems unable to conceal the passionate undercurrent underneath.

"The morning tea is ready. Please follow me."

Instead of riding horses, the two rode together in a carriage.

The sterile pleasantries turned slightly awkward as the scenery outside the city unfolded.Ren saw a grand 'bonfire' in the distance, but it was using humanoid 'fuel'.

This is all the follow-up to the attack of the undead army.

Sophia admitted bitterly: "I'm sorry for making the Archmage laugh. Many residential houses in our country have not been purified and cannot be inhabited. It is not easy to deal with the refugee problem. In addition, there is a shortage of manpower. After barely gathering firewood for the winter, the clean-up The progress has been significantly delayed.”

"Your country is really in difficulty."

"Isn't it?" The Grand Duchess didn't want to suffer casually.The current situation of the problem is really miserable.The loss of a large number of young people can also be made up by recalling Chinese people working as mercenaries in foreign countries.There is little that can be done to improve material conditions.

After entering the city, the situation inside the city was a little better.

Winter is coming and the land is frozen.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and it was lightly snowing.

In this minus-5 degree weather, you can see that most of the shops on the roadside that supply necessary daily necessities are closed, except for the lights on.Only one room of each house in the residential area had a faint firelight reflected, and it was obvious that the family was huddled in a room with a fireplace to keep warm.

There were not many pedestrians on the road, and they all came out to buy daily necessities. When they saw the Grand Duchess's driver, they took off their hats and praised the Grand Duchess's wisdom in a warm voice.

Sophia opened the car window equally enthusiastically and waved to the people.

"You are well-loved by the people," Lane said.

Sophia sighed: "I can save their lives, but I have no idea how to lead them to a better life." "There is a saying in my hometown that 'roads lead to wealth'!"

Hope briefly ignited in Sophia's eyes, but unfortunately the flame of hope was quickly extinguished: "How can our principality have the technology, manpower and material resources to build roads?"

The Grand Duchess's reply silenced Ren.

In his memory, only his motherland had the courage to turn a natural chasm into a thoroughfare, a deep valley hundreds of meters high, and build an elevated highway if asked.In a small village with only 50 people in a ravine, tens of kilometers of high-voltage wires were pulled out to provide electricity to the village.

With the existing civilization and industrial capabilities of the Kaos continent, a small country like Marino in a poor mountain valley is destined to be unable to rise.

Seeing that Ren didn't answer the question, Sophia wisely didn't ask further.

The two of them chatted about useless topics all the way to the Grand Duke's residence.

In the living room of the Grand Duke's palace, there were no outsiders, only two personal maids waiting around.Renn also threw the Terror Guard into the lounge next door.

Drinking fine black tea and eating biscuits, the two of them officially got down to business.

Sophia did not beat around the bush: "Excuse me, can our country also ask for a [friendly cooperative partnership] agreement from your faction? Although I personally feel that we have the greatest goodwill towards your faction and do not need these false names, but my The vassals don’t see it that way, they would rather I get a formal written proof.”

"Friendly? Of course, no problem." Renn laughed dumbly.He thought it was something.

After thinking about it carefully, Ren was relieved.

The only reason to blame is that he and his three disciples have been so popular recently that they have frightened many people and forces.

"Really?" Sophia looked surprised. She didn't expect that it could be done so easily. She had prepared a lot of excuses.

"It's just that your country is satisfied now? If your country can provide better conditions, we are willing to become a [comprehensive strategic partnership] with your country." Renn threw out a bait.

According to my rabbit's gameplay, this is the fourth level from top to bottom in the diplomatic hierarchy.It's ten levels higher than [friendly cooperation].

Sophia was happy to take the bait, but she had nothing to offer: "Our country's minerals?"

"How many?"

Sophia reported a number: "One thousand tons of iron ore per year?"

Ren smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Someone who traveled from a powerful industrial country really looked down on this small annual output of [-] tons.Just assume that this is a high-grade rich ore. According to the level of steelmaking in this era, it is ridiculous to have three hundred tons of high-grade iron ingots after refining, let alone steel ingots.

What can this do?

It's so far away from his Gundam dream!

How about adding a pink envelope?
Sophia on the other side had a bitter taste in her mouth.

If someone else had been in Ren's position, she would have thrown the pink envelope over without saying a word.

Isn’t it nice to have an unmarried Grand Duchess’s first invitation?
But she will never forget that when she signed the 4-square-meter land deed for her bedroom, giving Ren the right to enter and exit her bedroom at any time, this archmage with strong willpower could not hold back for so long.

Sure enough, those who can achieve legend are those who are capable and cannot do anything!

If that's the case, don't blame me for using my ultimate move.

(End of this chapter)

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