Chapter 154 Thought Reform (1 update)

A real fryer!
What was this dark psychic network originally used for?

It’s about unified thinking!

How did the dark elves come here in the past thousands of years?
Isn't it just that he adheres to the terrible concepts of being cunning, murdering his boss, harming his colleagues, and doing whatever it takes to get the upper hand, etc., and survives the crazy involution?

Anyway, the drow are from the chaotic evil camp, so naturally they are outrageous.

This is why the total population of the dark elves will never increase. In its heyday, it was only a few hundred thousand people, but it was never wiped out by other races.

After all, the quality of their individual soldiers is really high.

The spider goddess is gone, and the drow are leaderless. The drow matrons of different families used the fragments of the Shadow Demon Web to create the [Psychic Spider Web] in order to brainwash the little matrons under their command.

In a large drow settlement, there are often 23456 other matrons under the big matron.In the main city of Drow, there are more than 20 matrons.This means that so many families divide the power of the main city.

The more poisonous tongues the mistresses spit out in this spiritual network, the more they can pollute the hearts of other mistresses.

I have to say, this is a very genius idea.

As long as everyone is so vicious, the 'purity' of dark elf society can be maintained.

However, all this became a mess when the Mistress of Shambhala uploaded [Ideological Politics] in a broken jar.

I still remember that day, the matrons went crazy, and their extremely sharp curses resounded throughout the entire spiritual network.

"Shambhala, are you crazy!?"

"Shambhala, what the hell are you preaching?"

"Delete it! It must be deleted immediately!"

So what if I scold you?

If swearing can stop someone from doing evil, then do we still need the police?

On the contrary, if scolding a mistress can prevent the spread of this strange lawful thought in the [Psychic Spider Web] like a plague, then these mistresses are no longer ordinary mistresses, and all of them can become gods.

They can't.

Originally, this was a parallel network composed of fragments of the Shadow Demon Network.

No one has supreme management authority, and no one has the ability to forcibly tamper with the Shadow Demon Network.The only thing the mistresses can do is to completely disconnect their spirits from the [spiritual cobweb] before [ideological and political] content pollutes (purifies) their hearts.

This is just great.

Even if most matrons are clever and run fast, there will always be some unlucky ones who accidentally look at them.

Just take a look?
Do not!
Just look at it and die!

Even if they just glance at it out of curiosity, similar mental torture will immediately appear in their hearts.

For example [Competition and cooperation: We should compete in cooperation and cooperate in competition.The principle of "win-win" should be reflected. Competitors should promote each other and improve together; they should learn to appreciate others, discover the strengths of others, learn from others humbly, and work together and cooperate with each other. 】

As soon as this kind of question came up, it was naturally met with fierce resistance by the Drow Mistress.

"Are you kidding? How can I get to the top without killing my opponent...ah——"

Often before the answer is finished, the mistress will receive a psychic shock on the spot.

It's obviously not a physical injury, but this kind of attack on the mind and soul level will definitely make the mistress curl up on the ground in pain.

[Wrong, vicious competition is not advisable! 】

[Ideological and Political] The content flooded into their hearts like a tide.If you think you can't afford it, why can't you hide it?
Do not!
I won’t even let you hide!

Every once in a while, there will be an [Ideological and Political] exam.

If you fail the test, the punishment will not be increased, but the mistresses will be asked to continue taking the test.

Compared with this simple test, the kind of positive content that keeps flooding into their hearts day after day, day and night is the greatest torture to their souls.

Finally, some matrons chose to give in.

Joining if you can't beat them is the most normal thing among drow.When one family annexes another family, the process is certainly bloody, but they rarely kill the other family. They usually kill those who resist and use the rest as slaves.

Being a slave does not necessarily lead to death.The bloody history of drow is full of examples of slaves becoming mistresses.In the drow's opinion, the failure to prevent the rebellion of her subordinates was due to the incompetence of the mistress.

But this time it's not that simple.

When some matrons chose not to resist that terrifying inner voice and began to recite and understand the key points in it, they discovered to their horror that their camp had shifted.

Not only is it gradually moving from chaos to law, but even the evil camp is beginning to lose its hold.

This is the most outrageous thing.

Is there actually a power in this world that can bring back the dark elves who are as evil as demons?
You must know that the spider goddess' kingdom is not in the outer heaven commonly used by the gods, but in the bottomless abyss mixed with many demon lords. The only difference is that they are in different layers and each has its own territory.

After your mistress camp shifted, you still want to stay in the original territory?

Fucking you to death is the greatest achievement of other mistresses.

What’s interesting is that there are not a few mistresses who choose to take the blame together when they can’t handle it themselves.In order to prevent themselves from being stabbed to death by their subordinates, they chose to spread [Ideological and Political] content in the small piece of [Psychic Spider Web] they controlled, dragging the drow under their command into the water.

As a result, without the other camp races knowing anything, an unprecedented large-scale civil war broke out in the dark underground world with the dark elves as the core.

What appeared in the Wren Alert at this time was a small drow family that was driven out of the dark underground world after being defeated.

Although there may seem to be a large number of them, in fact, more than [-]% of them are [caveman] slaves. This kind of frog-like, only half a man tall, can only use rough short spears and other weapons, and has the fighting ability of a human farmer with a dung fork. Not as good as anything.

Not to mention having low values ​​such as strength and agility, he is still timid.If it weren't for the drow who were their masters behind them, they would have screamed and fled in all directions when they encountered stronger monsters.

Cavemen are the purest form of cannon fodder.

However, what to be afraid of.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps coming from their way.This kind of sound is very thin and soft, but when it becomes intensive, it makes their scalps numb.

"Let the cavemen get on top, let's run!" the leading young matron screamed and ordered.

In the deep cave, countless cold lights flickered.

Those are the sharp eyes of the demon spiders. Each of their eyes is staring at these damn drow traitors not far away.

Clearly frightened, but subject to the methods of the drow mistress, the caveman burst into tears while holding up his pitiful short spears and clubs, and launched a desperate charge towards the demon spiders.

Nearly a thousand cavemen were unable to block the torrent of demonic spiders, and their bodies were easily bitten through by these demonic spiders whose main body was the size of a water tank.

The hard mouthparts bit off their throats, pierced their muscles, and severed their slender limbs.

Their only achievement was to arouse the spiders' desire to eat.

Many demon spiders ignored the orders and crazily devoured the flesh and blood of the cavemen.

In a sense, this is also a successful delay.

(End of this chapter)

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