Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 180 Magical version of 1-punch superman training method

Chapter 180 Magical version of One Punch Man training method (5 updates)
The homework assigned by Renn to Matt is to insist on doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and running 10 kilometers every day.

Yes, this is the legendary [One Punch Man Training Method]!
Of course Ren knew that this was something the author was doing to make up for the trouble.

This kind of intense exercise can only build eight-pack abs for Fatty. It has no effect on a natural strength monster like Matt who has [Legendary Power].

The countermeasure given by Renn is to increase the weight!
"Matt, please note that you must exercise under weight-bearing conditions and in an environment with twice the magic power. I am not asking you to increase your muscle strength, but to get used to the infiltration of magic power in every corner of your body. Exercise intensity is not The key point is the inhalation of magic power and the recovery of the body."

"Ah! Then, how much weight do you need to bear?"

Ren snapped his fingers, and the side door opened immediately, and a group of Kuhaha magic assistants came in carrying several large boxes.Just by the way they worked so hard that their veins popped out, you knew the thing inside must be very heavy.

"These are wrist braces, knee braces, ankle braces, and vests made of pig iron. You put them on and try them one by one until you feel a little heavy and don't want to walk."

"it is good!"

While others were stunned, Matt increased the weight all the way to 300 kilograms.

"Master, this set is a bit heavy."

Ren: "..."

Damn it, this kid is like an animal.

Ordinary people would feel like dying if they marched 35 kilometers with a load of 5kg.

Generally, the standard for our rabbits to march with a heavy load is 45kg, which means they can walk 40 kilometers a day.

As expected, with animal-level strength, you can do whatever you want.

Renn was still very cautious: "You first reduce your weight to 200 kilograms, then go out and run 10 laps on the playground to show me."


Fortunately, Ren doesn't wear glasses, otherwise he would be really surprised.

Running can also be divided into jogging and running at full speed.

The so-called playground outside is a standard 400-meter circle.Renn thought Matt was jogging, but it turned out that this guy looked like he was going to break the Olympic 1000-meter running record. He was almost in a semi-sprint state and ran ten laps in a hurry.

Darling, the air outside is not ordinary.

If ordinary people do nothing for a few minutes, they will be poisoned by this area with high concentration of arcane energy.

This guy...well, he was sweating all over.

"Master! I'm really a little tired. Can I eat something?" Matt took the towel handed over by the assistant and consciously wiped off the sweat.

"Exercise should also be scientific. After intense exercise, you can drink a small amount of water, but you cannot drink it heavily. You have to let your body return to a calm state, and you can only eat after an hour."

"Ah! Why is this?" Matt's face collapsed.

"Scientific exercise! Scientific diet! Scientific rest! This is the only shortcut to your path to become a battle mage. Otherwise, if you don't practice, you will have to train yourself to death."

"Yes..." Matt doesn't understand what science is, but Master Tesla has taught so many outstanding disciples, so he should be right to listen to his master.

After Ren taught Matt a lesson, he turned to his assistants and said: "Let him decide how much he can eat at most, and then give him 70% of the amount. This will be the case for the past three days, neither too much nor too little. I You need to carefully assess his level of exercise and find the balance between energy consumption and food intake."

Renn took out a strict schedule that he had prepared and gave it to his assistants, asking them to supervise Matt's practice.

After finishing all this, he noticed Flora's dull expression.

"What's wrong? Flora, are you scared?" "Uh, no, it's just that Master, your teaching is very different from what I imagined."

"This is what is called teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. And you are a little different from your senior brothers."

Against Flora, Ren was another pain in the ass.

Oh my God, Flora is specialized in [Enchanting].

This enchantment is different from those that add special effects to equipment, enhance attacks, or give new special effects.

The [Enchanting System] in the world of Kaos focuses on control.

Just give a few examples of enchantment magic: [Binding Technique], [Law Command Shock], [Group Suggestion (Fudge) Technique]!After reading the system prompts, combined with Flora's identity, the answer is ready to come out.

To be on the safe side, Ren asked Flora to sit opposite her in the study.

A beautiful female apprentice is comfortable.

Even if she doesn't do anything, just put it there as a vase and just look at it, that would be cool!
Of course, Ren didn't dare to do anything like an animal.

This is the [Teaching Tirelessly] system, not the godfather system.

Ren was afraid that he had some bad intentions and would directly kill him by the system.

Renn had no idea about the underage female apprentice in front of him who was under 18 years old.

Glancing at the other person's slightly bitten nails, Renn smiled: "Flora, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry yet. There is an old saying in my hometown - haste makes waste!"

"Ah!" Flora immediately lowered her head in shame: "Sorry."

As expected, Master saw through everything.

Although she pretended not to be in a hurry and quietly acted like a good baby, waiting for her master's arrangements, the anxiety caused by her family's kidnapping tortured her all the time.

"You don't have to be sorry! If Weishi were in that situation, it would be easy for Weishi to lose his mind. But, having said that, Weishi is busy expanding the academy and reaching more cooperation with Kaos World Will. Weishi is not big Maybe you left the academy to help your family. Your three senior brothers are in a similar situation. After all, before I accepted you as my disciple, I made an agreement with the kings of various countries."

"I, I understand." A feeling of grievance filled her entire chest, and Flora finally couldn't control her emotions, and tears fell from her delicate doll face.

Ren showed a calm and almost cold expression: "You don't have to be too disappointed. Just because your three senior brothers and I can't take action doesn't mean that we can't solve your family's problems."

"Ah!?" Flora raised her head suddenly and stared at Ren's face in surprise.

"It's also an old saying in my hometown - it's better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish! In this state, I let you study with peace of mind, but you probably won't be able to calm down. In this way, I can change the magic supply of the elemental pool, Let you absorb the pure magic power to the maximum extent you can accept. While teaching, I will let you master the power of magic as quickly as possible within three months."

"Master, is this really possible?" There was a clear tremor in Flora's voice.

"Downs and Harry will be promoted to master level within three months. As for how far you can reach, it all depends on your talent."

Flora couldn't calm down at all.

If it happens once in a while, it's a miracle.

Over and over again?
That means his master has really mastered a quick path to become a mage.

She adjusted her breathing vigorously and calmed her heart: "Master, I never doubt your ability. But... what price do I need to pay?"

(End of this chapter)

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