Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 183 "Outline of Response to Heatstroke in Giant Creatures"

Chapter 183 "Outline of Response to Heatstroke in Giant Creatures" (3 updates)
Even ice dragon meat, which has relatively mild elemental properties, can't resist even ice dragon meat, let alone black dragon meat, which is more likely to cause stomach ache.

This kind of thing cannot be forced.

Renn had to order the apprentices who failed to resist the first time to try with at most one-tenth of the amount next time, which was just a little bit like a thumb cover.

This allowed many apprentices to start passing the test.

Of course, when a certain master kindly built the dormitory, the design of almost one double room with one toilet was regarded as premeditated.

Every Splatoon will sadly remember the goodness of this founder!
On the other side, in Marino City, Tesla's Magic Academy's every move touches the hearts of people across the country.

The people are curious about how the Master teaches his disciples and are concerned about every gossip.

Some warlock organizations have even made up their mind to imitate it if they can. Even if they don't have a magic pool transformed from an elemental vortex, it would be good to learn a little bit!

The result is good, the apprentice actually has dragon meat to eat?
The prerequisite for having dragon meat is that you can slay dragons.

There is no such thing as dragon husbandry in this world, and there are no messy books like "Postpartum Care of Female Dragons".

This move made many organizations say, "We can't learn! We can't learn!"

Grand Duchess Sophia was a little sad because three of the children sent by her vassals almost died.

People are so out of shape, let alone studying normally.

This is a typical example of giving you an opportunity and if you don’t succeed, who’s to blame?
Only three of the government-funded students had accidents, and only three of the self-funded students did not.

Sophia suddenly had a bad premonition—should Ren just teach a few barely qualified guys to do the job?

The Principality of Marino, which originally had no special products, has seen a significant improvement in its economy after acquiring the "special product" of Tesla Magic Academy.

The exam economy here is not a one-and-done affair. The expenses of the students who stay alone are a huge amount of income.

That's right.

The gap in consumption power between people is visible to the naked eye.

The 15 nobles stayed in the manor on the outskirts of Marino when they were studying and resting at their own expense. Not only did they spend a lot of money, they also maintained a large group of servants and guards.

The most exaggerated thing is the meat purchased in the college. The most classic picture is that around three o'clock in the afternoon, people in the livestock trading market stretch their necks.

Everyone will never be disappointed, because most of the time a chef from the Magic Academy will come rushing over with his assistants. When he sees a good-looking cow, he will just slap two gold coins on it and drag the cow away.

The Principality of Marino is notoriously poor. Officially, it is forbidden to kill cattle casually, and the cattle must be kept as cattle.

Only bulls with broken legs and unable to survive would be carted to markets outside the city for sale.It can be said that it is rare to find it.

What is the concept of 2 gold coins?
In most countries, a good war horse only costs 5 gold coins.Normally, the price of an ordinary war horse can support 5 to 10 cows, regardless of the good war horse.

Nowadays, the normal price of a cow in Marino is around 60 silver coins.

This shows how inhumane the Magic Academy is.

In the past, you could only see two cows a week at the livestock market. Recently, there are old farmers waiting at the market gate with their cows every day. For some reason, when the chef from the Magic Academy came, the cow's legs magically broke.

So after Sophia received the news once, she rushed over in a hurry, looked at the miserable cow with a broken head and all four legs, and asked the leading farmer: "How did the cow die?"

The old farmer shivered, and the wooden stick behind his back fell to the ground with a clang, and he gasped: "He died of... heatstroke."

Sophia looked at the cold early spring sky still covered with light snow, and was silent for a long time.

Looking back, the Grand Duchess silently ordered that there should be quotas and time limits for the "sudden death" of cattle in each town.

Fortunately, now that there is a horse-drawn tunnel and the money is in place, there are naturally merchants who 'risk' their way through the tunnel and deliver various resources.What's interesting is that the so-called 'risky businessmen' have run more, and the Marino people have become better.

You guys, walk slowly now. How can you come to us from La Mancho City in three days? The road is easy, so you don’t have the right to ask for such a high price, right?
Businessmen are shrewd, and Marinos are not stupid either.

While logistics costs have come down, the demand from the Marino people has also increased. The Cervantes people, who already have good business acumen, have transferred a large amount of materials to Marino for dumping.

As the saying goes, goods are constantly rotating. In just two months, Marino's economy has soared.

Of course, the Grand Duchess will never forget whose credit it was.

Without Renne, Marino is just a poor country in the ravine. For this reason, the Grand Duchess actively cooperates with Renne's actions.

She couldn't find Lane easily, so she could only keep an eye on Sanders, who was in charge of running errands.

"Mr. Sanders Secret Guard, is there anything Mr. Tesla needs our Marino to cooperate with recently?"

"This, it really does exist, but it's a bit troublesome."

"We, Marino, believe in the Physics Sect, and the affairs of the Physics Sect are our business!" the Grand Duchess confirmed.

So Sanders handed over an action letter with a strange expression.

The Grand Duchess was embarrassed when she saw the title.

Impressively written on it:

"Outline of Response to Massive Heatstroke in Giant Creatures"

Is the title outrageous?
Yes, outrageous!

It was obviously the recent cattle purchase that had been revealed.

But Sophia would never mistake that handwriting.The handwriting can be imitated, but the wind element between the lines cannot be imitated.It's not about the strength of the elements, but the exquisite control of the elements that seems to wrap a circle of silk thread around the ink writing.

When the wind element above is eliminated, this action report will lose its effectiveness.

This is better than any paint seal or any exclusive signature.

This legendary mage occasionally does weird things.

It's old.

For some reason, Sophia subconsciously touched her left collarbone...

Opening the action book, the Grand Duchess was horrified on the spot.

It took her a while to calm down her racing heartbeat, and she rubbed her beautiful eyebrows: "My ancestors, if the target of this action book were replaced by cattle and sheep, I would feel very normal. If the target is a dragon, I admit I was scared."

Sanders shrugged speechlessly: "But, to that adult, is there any difference between a dragon and an ox or a sheep?"

Sophia smiled bitterly: "Indeed."

"Then what do you mean, Your Majesty..."

"I agree! What else can I do?"

On this day, Sanders and four people who were following Downs, plus a large number of Marino's envoys, scattered out.Run towards the places where there are reports of dragons raging.

On this day, the giant dragons who abandoned their nest in the Fulong Mountains and 'left their homes' still didn't realize what kind of fate awaited them.

(End of this chapter)

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