Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 189 The bottomless pit of burning money

Chapter 189 The bottomless pit of burning money (2 updates)

I don’t know how many people’s heads were buzzing after seeing this sign.

Are the physics school so arrogant?

But in this world, you can doubt any other sect, but you cannot doubt whether the physics sect has dragon meat.

Dragon-slaying ceremonies were being held in various places two days ago.Obviously, the Physics Sect is using this method to continue to expand its influence and declare its strength and power to the world.

On the other hand, this sign is a seductive little fairy!

Not to mention the people who had been harmed, the lords who had been humiliated were eager to eat dragon meat to vent their anger.Moreover, this thing has another meaning - a test of magic power.

[Kendron] has already said that if ordinary people eat this stuff, it will easily cause diarrhea and may be life-threatening. On the other hand, if you can eat it without getting upset, it proves that you have magic talent, sir.Maybe not many, at least there are.

If the thin dragon skin paper is just a test of the first layer, this thing is at least on the fifth layer.

Besides, dragon meat is rare!

This is like before Ren traveled through time, he had heard that many wealthy people risked their lives to eat puffer fish.Even though the sale of puffer fish meat has since been completely standardized, in the early years many people burped after eating it.

Deliciousness comes second, the picture shows the rarity.

It seems that anyone who eats dragon meat can brag about being a dragon-slaying warrior.

As soon as the dragon meat burger sign came out, nobles and big businessmen from all over the country immediately sent people to inquire about it like crazy.


A certain master also created a hunger marketing strategy.

Only three tables are accepted per day, with a maximum of 6 guests per table.The dragon meat burger, which is a must-order main course, costs 5 gold coins per portion. Please note that the dragon meat content in a portion is only 2 ounces, which is less than 60 grams.Other side dishes are more than double the price of the most expensive restaurants in the capital.

In the end, if tip is not included, an additional 40% service fee will be charged.

Basically, for one table, the starting price will cost you two sets of standard knight equipment.

Black is really black.

Rare is really rare.

It just so happens that a certain time traveler is extremely good at marketing. Every 'warrior' who has eaten a dragon meat burger will receive a dragon scale necklace made by the school of physics.

This thing may not be the most perfect scales, there are flaws or defects, but it is definitely genuine.In addition, a certain master specially asked craftsmen to put an artistic gold border on the outside according to the shape of dragon scales, which immediately increased the value of this souvenir.

At the same time, a trend was also taking place in capitals.Anyway, it boils down to one sentence - 'How dare a guy who has never eaten dragon meat have the nerve to call himself a superior person? '.

Especially after the kings of various countries led teams to try it, the nobles and wealthy businessmen couldn't sit still.

After King Cervantes tried it the first night, he almost couldn't hold court in the council chamber the next day.Someone noticed that when the king walked up to his throne, his legs were trembling.

His Majesty the King pretended to be spirited and argued: "I...I have not died."

Soon, everyone understood.

Upon entering [Kendron] restaurant, everyone was first shocked by its high-end and luxurious style decoration.Although the store was acquired, it was obvious that the owner had put in the effort to acquire so many luxurious furniture in such a short period of time.The appetizers and soups were so delicious that even the Grand Duke and his ilk couldn't fault them.

Just before serving the main course, the waiter will remind you repeatedly.

"Eating dragon meat is a 'game for the brave'. But there are only a few people with magic qualifications, so for the sake of your health, please think twice before eating. In addition, ice dragon meat and red dragon meat are highly recommended , the two attributes are ice and fire respectively, which are relatively easy for the stomach to accept, followed by the slightly charged blue dragon meat. The most difficult ones are black dragon meat and green dragon meat, their meat is slightly corrosive. "

But, there are always people who don't believe in evil. For example, a noble dwarf from the Karak Empire ordered the most arrogant five-color dragon burger in his early years because his eldest brother was eaten by a dragon.

Half an hour later, he and his four closest buddies lined up neatly in the five separate toilets next to the restaurant.

"Uh, well, if you think about it on the bright side, well... at least humans aren't cheating. This is real dragon meat."

They really persuaded me, and the follow-up service was so considerate that I couldn't be picky.

There is a luxurious pure gold flush toilet with adjustable footrest, a small window and a small table for delivering things. The waiter will deliver whatever you want as soon as possible.

Ice water, warm water, hot towels... I also helped you take away the small basin containing vomit.

This big dwarf just felt that he had spent money to pay for his sins.

Just as he was thinking this, his son shouted 'quietly' at a volume of 80 decibels outside: "Father, not only was it okay after I ate that fire dragon meat burger, but there seemed to be a faint flame power coming up."

"Uh, this..." Alga* Ironhand realized what this meant on the spot. He was worried. After hesitating for a moment, he still spoke with his loud voice: "Son, don't make any noise. Let's discuss it later. "

Previously, he sent someone to inquire about the school of physics and wanted to ask if they were willing to sell "Ballistics".The reply I received was that the Archmage understood this, but did not have the energy to teach alone, and had no plans to communicate with others for the time being.

This made Allega temporarily put aside his thoughts.

The situation of Ke'er smashing made it difficult for Alga to handle.

Firstly, this is his crown prince, and secondly, his identity is sensitive.

The Karak Empire is a combination of multiple kingdoms. Although he is one of the dwarf kings, don't forget that there is an emperor above him.If the empire's internal positions are not well coordinated, and he rashly sends the Crown Prince to the Physics School, it may cause a series of troubles.

Alega began to wonder whether Tesla, the Archmage of the Physics School, was waiting for them here on purpose...

In fact, he thought too much.

The current situation of Tesla Magic Academy is that you earn more and spend more.

How could Renn have the time to engage in these conspiracies?

Just dealing with a bunch of dragon treasures made him exhausted.

He slayed the dragon so fast that the follow-up work could not keep up. He sent a recovery team headed by Sanders, which did not even have time to recover all the dragon's treasures.The latest news is that some unknown organization dared to stir up trouble and steal a nest of green dragon treasures. This made Ren very angry.

It's all money!
The key is that he still has to support the three disciples to deal with the Gundam Workshop.The tuition fee for self-funded students was only a fraction.

As we all know, heavy industry is a very expensive business!
Throwing 100 million gold coins into it will really make a sound.

Even with the support of Marino's mining and backward metal processing industries (actually the country's blacksmiths), it was still far from enough.

This thing can't be done by just spending money, it also requires the cooperation of a large number of workers with certain metal processing skills.Otherwise, how many years and months will it take for Barend to knock it out with a small hammer?
(End of this chapter)

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