Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 211 [In the Name of Lady]

Chapter 211 [In the Name of Lady]

"Well, hiss, ah..."

Is it too much to take a sip of a small drink while holding a D-level wine glass?
Doesn’t anyone think it’s too much?
Looking at the huge demon lord's head that was repeatedly illuminated by the [Light of Heaven], Grand Duchess Sophia's eyes were blurred: "Ren, was this demon lord's head given to me?"

"If you like, you can hang it on the city wall."

To be honest, the door of Tesla Magic Academy is so full of dragon heads that it’s hard to put them down.Ren thought the bull's head was ugly, and he really didn't care about it.

When Sophia heard this, her body became completely limp.

do you know?
Before today, the highest praise for a woman in the world of Kaos was not to give her any roses or rare jewelry, but for a knight to win the knight competition and publicly declare, 'My victory is dedicated to the beautiful so and so' .

Just like how males in the animal kingdom win the favor of females through fighting, a top strong man names his victory in the name of a lady after a bloody battle. This practice has a very beautiful term called "in the name of a lady" !
In the world of Kaos, a noble lady who has never enjoyed being called a lady would never dare to claim to be a peerless beauty.

Let's put it this way, even if the Queen of the Empire encounters this problem in a knight competition at the highest level in the Empire, even if she doesn't go out personally afterwards, she will at least ask her mother's family to send a noble girl of sufficient weight to deliver a pink envelope.

Regardless of the fact that Sophia had sharpened her will in times of crisis and led her people to fight against the undead army, she gained a high reputation among the people.In the circle of aristocratic ladies, her reputation is very bad.

"Is a woman who wields swords and guns still a real lady?" This is a common comment among noble ladies.

God knows how much pressure she has been under over the past few days.

Who would have thought that Ren En would bring her such a big surprise without any intention! ?

She doesn't even need to promote it, the guards staying near the ski resort will naturally publicize this famous scene of "warming wine and killing the lord".

It is conceivable that no lady in the world can beat her.

The winner of the knight competition is considered a der!
What?The demon lord's head is looked down upon?

If you have the ability, would you let a man kill an evil god in your name?
So, the wine glass was very happy, and the wine glass made a beautiful sound.

Renn never expected how huge a ripple he would cause by physically killing the demon lord Griffith.

A spring outing that the Grand Duchess will never forget is over, no, this is just the beginning.

Before the sunset had completely set over the undulating mountain lines, the whole city of Marino was excited.

"My God! What did I see?"

"What a big bull's head!"

"Wait, this isn't an ordinary magic cow, is it?"

The giant melon, which is rare in a century, immediately created a spectacle that was crowded with people!
After receiving the news, countless Marino people poured into the streets and looked at the huge bull head on King's Avenue with extremely surprised eyes that could only be pulled by a large flatbed truck.

In addition to the city guards who maintained order using their spears to stop the crowd, there were constantly messengers running back and forth on the avenue, shouting: "In order to celebrate the beauty of the Grand Duchess Sophia, the legendary archmage Ren Tesla hereby offers the demon lord Griffith’s head!”

When everyone heard this, they all started yelling excitedly.

"Oh my god! It's [in the name of a lady]!"

"Haha! I wonder why our Grand Duchess is so beautiful and no one has given her a gift. It turns out that the guy before was not qualified!"

"That's it!"

The crowd subconsciously ignored the fact that Marino was too poor to even hold a knight competition.

By the way, the archmage offered the head of the demon lord as a gift, so what kind of knight competition is needed?
What is the Knights Tournament?Not familiar!Marino, the country of mages, looks down upon this thing!

Unconsciously, a magical sense of co-prosperity made everyone cheer wildly.

"Long live Marino!"

"Long live His Excellency Tesla!" "Long live Grand Duchess Sophia!"

Countless petals were scattered by the Marino girls from the second-floor terrace onto the King's Avenue.Of course, these are not valuable flowers. They are all wild flowers picked from the wild in early spring before the snow melts.At this time it was all spread out.

"Praise for your beauty! Ms. Sophia——"

"Praise you——"

Sophia and Renn sat side by side in the open carriage, receiving the blessings of the people.Even though Sophia was wearing a tight-fitting hunting suit that was incompatible with the ladylike style, anyone who saw her at this moment saw that she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

Sophia almost passed out with happiness.

With a charming red cloud on her face, she still felt that her body and soul were still floating until she stepped into the gate of the Grand Duke's mansion.

Just look at the envious eyes of the maids and female guards.

In the past, in their eyes, she was just an object of pure loyalty and a majestic master without gender or emotion.

Until today, she felt like a real lady.

"Okay, it's getting late today, and I have to rush back to give advice to my stupid apprentices." Raven bowed slightly to say goodbye.

The Grand Duchess was stunned for a moment. She was still thinking of asking Ren to stay for dinner.

After a brief moment of daze, Sophia tiptoed over and said, "You are a true gentleman!"


I've got it all started!

Ren was confused.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the answer Sophia whispered in his ear made Renn feel like he was struck by lightning.

"I have transferred the land deed in my room to you a long time ago. You have never come once. Do you have to completely seduce my heart and let me humbly invite you again before you are willing to come?" The heroic Grand Duchess is rare. He used a coquettish tone.

no!Grass (a plant)!It turns out that this girl’s affection for me has been full for a long time!

Ren's eyes widened and his breathing stopped.

Teleport!Must send tonight!
well!I don’t know why, but a bunch of prompts that popped up from the system suddenly didn’t sound good.

But Renn agreed to Downs and the others, but had no choice but to say goodbye temporarily.

Let's not talk about Marino. Poor Brother Niu was only a little taller. After being paraded around the city, he was hung at the north gate and used as a town house (city).

The college has long been in trouble.

"What? Master can't handle the demon lord, but Master goes out and handles it easily?"

"Really! How could I lie to you? The head of Demon Lord Griffith is already hanging at the gate of Marino City."

"Oh my God! I really want to see it."

Someone shouted, "Master and Master are back!", and then a group of public-funded students, Marino's self-funded students, and a large number of assistants, led by Barend, hurried to the entrance of the college.

"Welcome Master and Master!" Dozens of voices shouted in unison.

Every voice is filled with excitement and every face is filled with glory!

This is the power of the school of physics!

(End of this chapter)

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